Interested In Adult Fursuit/Kemono Content?

Sat Sep 14, 2013 6:01 pm
by KaTsuO_O
If you are interested in straight adult fursuit, or in this case kemono suit content, please support . You can find most of the information there, so no point in me explaining it further. Also, check out their forum . Let's make this an actual thing.
Re: Interested In Adult Fursuit/Kemono Content?

Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:52 pm
by talin
Could be promising but most I can do is a little signal boosting.
Re: Interested In Adult Fursuit/Kemono Content?

Mon Sep 23, 2013 2:52 pm
by Gorbaz
I would, but it's offbeatr. Last time I went on there, I got a bad virus thing that screwed over internet explorer