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The Rant Page

PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 5:47 pm
by dndman997
i declare this thread a dedicated rant page. Seems LoK doesnt have one, but this is a simple thread. We all have things in life that drive us crazy, some good some bad, sometimes its best to share those things with others. Thats what this thread is for :P im also making it cuz i need to rant like crazy at the moment.

Ok were to start, how about a few months ago. My mom and i have been staying with someone she works with for about 6 months now, though it seems alot longer than that. the first month or two were okayish little squabbles about living and such. Then about 4 months ago, i wanna say 5 but im still unsure how long ive been in this hell, the fighting starts to escalate. This room mate of mine and my moms starts taking her work problems out on my mom with me in the next room. able to see and hear everything and trying to sleep. They both work second shift so their work times are 3:30pm to 12:30am and im usually in bed before they get home. This roommate was being nit picky, as in pointing out everything that she didnt like or didnt like the way it was, or there was no room to put things in the freezer. Childish things like that. Couple months after that it happened again with her saying "i dont live like this" when in reality she does. She wants to say that my and i live a disgusting lifestyle, yeah right. sure i make messes but i clean them up cuz thats how i was raised. oh and cant forget that she knows everything about everything.

on that note let me get something out there about myself, im high-functioning autistic, which if youre confused its the highest possible form of it. well thats one subject she claims to know ALL about when she knows oh so little. Well back onto the main rant. throughout the months there was still fighting, mainly her taking her work stress out on my mom. In my opinion you should shut up and do your work, no questions about it. These fights happen during the night of course when im trying to sleep, and my mom knew it kept me up and stressed me out as well, and bless her heart she does everything she can to keep the situation calm, seeing as i get anxiety really bad due to past family issues but thats a longer story. One night the fight even got physical, this actually takes place a bit more recent, about a month or so ago 3 days after i start my job and i start resting more often in the night since i work days and all. the night were she attacked my mother i was so scared and wasnt sure what to do. in my gut i felt like i shoulda got up from the couch ive been sleeping on and ran out the door and called the police after all she did lay a hand on my mom first and left marks as well.

ok now onto the most recent big event, which happened yesterday/last night. this one started off with a cat coming to the back door and meowing like crazy. which i was at work so i didnt know and my mom out running around before she had to pick me up. Well when my mom dropped me off at home [if thats what i can call it now] this roommate was just leaving and told there was a white cat that she let in that she claims is her sons that had ran off a year ago and magically came back. Yeah my thoughts were likely story, cuz what are the odds of it actually coming back after a year. well anyway before i went in she also told me that her son was coming by that night to pick up the cat. Well i sat there alone with this constantly meowing cat, and i managed to put up with it for a couple hours cuz thursday night is 40k night at the gaming club so my friend picked me up and i went. Had a blast there and didnt get home till 11:10 at night. when i come home, stupid cat is still there. so im stuck alone with this cat, at night, tired and with a headache. took my midnight pill that helps me fall asleep, still cant sleep. My mother calls me saying that she is on her way home, cuz my mom always lets me know what she is up to even when i dont answer cuz im sleeping. well i answer and tell her im still up and she was able to hear this cat. Well my mom usually comes home gets ready for bed and goes to sleep. This cat prevented that and my mom was calling our roommate trying to get ahold of her. after awhile she texts her instead. she claims "she never got it" and so when she got home my mom told her what was going on and that seemed to have set her off..........again..........for no reason. i mean c'mon be courteous and use common sense this cat obviously didnt want to be here cuz it kept trying to get out. well so both my mom and i can sleep my mom picks up the cat and puts in our roommate's room and closes the door. Well that made things worse i guess cuz we are supposibly "keeping her locked up in her room" which we dont -rolls eyes- were ever she came up with that idea is beyond me.

She again goes off on my mom as ive mentioned above and she has the tendacy to use me against my mom, or at least try to and fail miserably, and with me having my autistic curse/blessing i get to scared to confront her myself :/ now shes pretty much kicked us out so now we are here and i and my mom are trying to figure out what the hell to do and and were to go, with little to no money. So this is the end of my rant though i do feel a bit better now :P hope you enjoyed reading it cuz im sure this is my longest actually typed post ever on LoK. Feel free to comment or make rants of your own.