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Upcoming Forum Downtime (12th September)

PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 7:47 am
by Renara
Just a note that my web-host is updating its operating system on the 5th of September (tomorrow) at 6pm-8pm PST (1am-3am on the 6th for GMT) so the forums may be inaccessible between those times.
I would have posted sooner but only found out today! So anyway the usual advice about avoiding RPs and uploads around these times applies!

Re: Upcoming Forum Downtime

PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 8:26 pm
by s1cc
Thanks for the reminder

Re: Upcoming Forum Downtime

PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 10:58 am
by Renara
Bah, the update's now been pushed back to the 12th, same times though (6pm to 8pm PST, 1am to 3am GMT on the 13th).

Re: Upcoming Forum Downtime (12th September)

PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 3:27 pm
by Dark Avenger
What is the update about ? Are we talking about advertising ?

Re: Upcoming Forum Downtime (12th September)

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 6:35 am
by FMPraxis
Dark Avenger Wrote:What is the update about ? Are we talking about advertising ?

As I understand it, it's not a site update, but a server update. If I'm right, that means that Renara has no control over it and the only effect it will (read: should) have on the site is that it won't be accessible while the server is being updated.

Re: Upcoming Forum Downtime (12th September)

PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 4:46 pm
by Renara
Dark Avenger Wrote:What is the update about ? Are we talking about advertising ?

FMPraxis is right; my web-hosting provider was just upgrading the operating system used by their servers, so the site was unavailable while that was being done. Unfortunately I haven't had a lot of time to do forum specific upgrades lately despite having a big list of stuff I need to get done on them, hopefully sometime soon!

Regarding advertising; I have an affiliate link for Dreamhost (my hosting provider) and I basically get 10% of all sales made through that link as a discount to my hosting. I've been using that to cover my hosting for some time (before the LoK forums were setup) but it was never more than a couple of dollars a month, but apparently some big spender signed up using my link a couple of years ago and the share I get from whatever (vast) hosting plan they're paying for more than covers all of my hosting needs, and thus the LoK site. So yeah, my thinking we might need advertising was a total false alarm, as I hadn't even noticed I hadn't been paying for hosting for the last two years! :D

Anyway, this update seems to have gone without a hitch, hopefully I can get some of the other stuff that needs doing done soon!