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CoC transformations

PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 10:52 pm
by bladebot14
hey guys I've been looking around the forums at the different changes people have had in CoC and wanted to see if anybody has some pretty cool/ sexual characters to show and if possible tell us what you used to get that.

p.s. I have looked all around but nobody else has the change I have it seems look at my char desc.

You began your journey as a human, but gave that up as you explored the dangers of this realm. You are a 7 foot 6 inch tall kitsune, with a solid, thick frame and a decent amount of muscles. You are currently wearing your goo armor and using your succubi whip as a weapon. Your face is human in shape and structure, with light skin. It has an androgynous set of features that would look normal on a male or female. The flowing locks of black hair atop your head is parted by a pair of large, adept fox ears that always seem to be listening.

You have a humanoid shape with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. You have wide thighs that would be much more noticeable if you weren't so wide-bodied, and your powerful, squeezable butt fills out your clothing nicely. Nine swishing, colorful fox's tails extend from your big-but-tight butt, curling around your body - the soft fur feels lovely. Two normal human legs grow down from your waist, ending in normal human feet.

You have two supple tits, each supporting one 0.5-inch cherry-like nub. You could easily fill a D-cup bra.

Your forearm-length, penile flora is 15 inches long and 2.3 inches wide. The entirety of its green surface is covered in perspiring beads of slick moisture. It frequently shifts and moves of its own volition, the slightly oversized and mushroom-like head shifting in coloration to purplish-red whenever you become aroused. It's covered by a black latex cock-sock with two attached metal rings, keeping your cock just a little harder and duo of hideously swollen and oversized balls aching for release.
A scrotum with two hideously swollen and oversized balls swings heavily beneath your slithering vine-prick. You estimate each of them to be about 32 inches across.

You have one ass, placed between your large, brawny ass-cheeks where it belongs.

Though not visible, you can plainly feel your lethite tongue-stud secured in your tongue.
Your pierced nipples are pierced with furrite nipple-studs.
Looking positively perverse, a fertite cock-stud adorns your pierced, slithering vine-prick.

Re: CoC transformations

PostPosted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 9:52 am
by Duplicity
I try my best to stay human. For me I like the idea of a sole human in a realm of demons and hybrids.
This is why I don't like the flexible games. One interaction with one monster will change you drastically.
I think I am average build, no boobs, brown hair, grey eyes, white and almost 100 corruption.....
Well that is one playthrough.

Re: CoC transformations

PostPosted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:51 pm
by BlueLight
Duplicity Wrote:I try my best to stay human. For me I like the idea of a sole human in a realm of demons and hybrids.
This is why I don't like the flexible games. One interaction with one monster will change you drastically.
I think I am average build, no boobs, brown hair, grey eyes, white and almost 100 corruption.....
Well that is one playthrough.

i some times try to do a pure build where my character is not only purely human, but also a virgin which means failing once and you have to reload.

Re: CoC transformations

PostPosted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 9:57 am
by Duplicity
So depressing when you lose against an imp or goblin.
I actually rarely attack physically. I do poses. *strikes pose*
Sometimes they just don't care, or those damn Satyrs, arghgh. Stun block be cheating.
But yes I use an offline version and save to file. I am probably five or so versions out of date by now....
You know because I am stupid and often forget every item is a transformative item.

Re: CoC transformations

PostPosted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 1:04 pm
by BlueLight
Duplicity Wrote:So depressing when you lose against an imp or goblin.
I actually rarely attack physically. I do poses. *strikes pose*
Sometimes they just don't care, or those damn Satyrs, arghgh. Stun block be cheating.
But yes I use an offline version and save to file. I am probably five or so versions out of date by now....
You know because I am stupid and often forget every item is a transformative item.

Which is why i never use any item unless it's not a transformative or a fox jewel.... HMMMM!!! Fox jewels

Re: CoC transformations

PostPosted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 2:23 am
by bladebot14
this is me now

You began your journey as a human, but gave that up as you explored the dangers of this realm. You are a 10 foot 0 inch tall demon-morph, with a somewhat narrow body and a decent amount of visible muscle. You are currently wearing your goo armor and using your succubi whip as a weapon. Your face is human in shape and structure, with light skin. It has a well-defined jawline and a fairly masculine profile. The very long, golden blonde hair atop your head is parted by a pair of large, adept fox ears that always seem to be listening. A large number of thick demonic horns sprout through your skin, each pair sprouting behind the ones before. The front jut forwards nearly ten inches while the rest curve back over your head, some of the points ending just below your ears. You estimate you have a total of 12 horns.

You have a humanoid shape with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. A pair of large bat-like demon-wings fold behind your shoulders. With a muscle-twitch, you can extend them, and use them to soar gracefully through the air. You have wide hips that add a little feminine swing to your gait, and your jiggling ass wobbles enticingly with every step. Nine swishing, colorful fox's tails extend from your jiggling rump, curling around your body - the soft fur feels lovely. Your perfect lissom legs end in mostly human feet, apart from the horn protruding straight down from the heel that forces you to walk with a sexy, swaying gait. Of course, your legs are partially transparent due to their ghostly nature.

A pair of feathery gills are growing out just below your neck, spreading out horizontally and draping down your chest. They allow you to stay in the water for quite a long time. You have two perky breasts, each supporting one 0.5-inch slightly lactating nipple. You could easily fill a A-cup bra.

Where a penis would normally be located, you have instead grown a wriggling group of hard, mismatched dicks!
-One of your towering, vine-shaped cocks is 34.7 inches long and 5.5 inches thick. The entirety of its green surface is covered in perspiring beads of slick moisture. It frequently shifts and moves of its own volition, the slightly oversized and mushroom-like head shifting in coloration to purplish-red whenever you become aroused. It's covered by a black latex cock-sock with two attached metal rings, keeping your cock just a little harder and quartette of hideously swollen and oversized nuts aching for release.
-Another of your coerl cocks is 31.9 inches long and 5.3 inches thick. It's covered by a lacey purple cock-sock that fits your coeurl cock perfectly. Just wearing it makes you feel stronger and more powerful.
-Your next smooth shaft is 32.5 inches long and 5.3 inches in diameter. The entirety of its green surface is covered in perspiring beads of slick moisture. It frequently shifts and moves of its own volition, the slightly oversized and mushroom-like head shifting in coloration to purplish-red whenever you become aroused. It's covered by a wooly white cock-sock, keeping it snug and warm despite how cold it might get.
-Your next writhing tentacle-pecker is 32 inches long and 5.3 inches wide. The entirety of its green surface is covered in perspiring beads of slick moisture. It frequently shifts and moves of its own volition, the slightly oversized and mushroom-like head shifting in coloration to purplish-red whenever you become aroused. It's covered by a white, lacey cock-sock, snugly wrapping around it like a bridal dress around a bride.
-One of your smooth shafts is 33.1 inches long and 5.5 inches thick. The entirety of its green surface is covered in perspiring beads of slick moisture. It frequently shifts and moves of its own volition, the slightly oversized and mushroom-like head shifting in coloration to purplish-red whenever you become aroused. It's covered by a lacey red cock-sock that clings tightly to your member. Just wearing it makes your cock throb, as if it yearns to be larger...
-Another of your garment-wrapped, squirming cock-tendrils is 32.9 inches long and 5.4 inches thick. The entirety of its green surface is covered in perspiring beads of slick moisture. It frequently shifts and moves of its own volition, the slightly oversized and mushroom-like head shifting in coloration to purplish-red whenever you become aroused. It's covered by a lacey blue cock-sock that clings tightly to your member... really tightly. It's so tight it's almost uncomfortable, and you wonder if any growth might be inhibited.
-Your next monstrously thick, twisting tentacle-prick is 32 inches long and 5.3 inches in diameter. The entirety of its green surface is covered in perspiring beads of slick moisture. It frequently shifts and moves of its own volition, the slightly oversized and mushroom-like head shifting in coloration to purplish-red whenever you become aroused.
-Your next smooth shaft is 32.1 inches long and 5.3 inches wide. The entirety of its green surface is covered in perspiring beads of slick moisture. It frequently shifts and moves of its own volition, the slightly oversized and mushroom-like head shifting in coloration to purplish-red whenever you become aroused. It's covered by a metallic gold cock-sock that clings tightly to you, its surface covered in glittering gems. Despite the warmth of your body, the cock-sock remains cool.
-One of your smooth shafts is 32.7 inches long and 5.4 inches thick. The entirety of its green surface is covered in perspiring beads of slick moisture. It frequently shifts and moves of its own volition, the slightly oversized and mushroom-like head shifting in coloration to purplish-red whenever you become aroused.
-Another of your freakish, smooth shafts is 32 inches long and 5.4 inches thick. The entirety of its green surface is covered in perspiring beads of slick moisture. It frequently shifts and moves of its own volition, the slightly oversized and mushroom-like head shifting in coloration to purplish-red whenever you become aroused.
A scrotum with four hideously swollen and oversized balls swings heavily beneath your obscene group of inhumanly distended, mixed cocks. You estimate each of them to be about 67 inches across.

You have one loose pucker, placed between your jiggling rump-cheeks where it belongs.

Your ears are pierced with green gem-stone ear-studs.
A furrite nose-ring dangles from your nose.
Shining on your lip, a emerald lip-stud is plainly visible.
Though not visible, you can plainly feel your lethite tongue-stud secured in your tongue.
Your cherry-like nubs are pierced with furrite nipple-studs.
Looking positively perverse, a fertite cock-stud adorns your sinuous tentacle-cock.
A magical, ruby-studded bar pierces your belly button, allowing you to summon Ceraph on a whim.

You have 4784 shining gems, collected in your travels.

Re: CoC transformations

PostPosted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:26 am
by Duplicity
Whoah! I mean damn that is some size you have.
67 inches across for each testicle. How can you walk?
I think the wildest I have ever gone was going to the sand witches a few too many times and taken a few incubi draughts or whatever they are called.

Re: CoC transformations

PostPosted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 8:09 pm
by Chameleon
cock socks?!

Re: CoC transformations

PostPosted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 1:21 am
by starfox55
Yeah you can buy cock socks from one of the clothes tailors. Each one grants you special buffs and stuff. One even gives you gems when you cum!

Re: CoC transformations

PostPosted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 9:54 am
by Duplicity
Yeah from the bazaar there is a succubus selling them I think.

I had sex with the bunnygirl on the plains and got bunny ears and tail (and now am called a bunny-boy) in one hit despite it not being Easter. I knew they threw that yearly event in, but somehow I got turned. Why!

Re: CoC transformations

PostPosted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 5:57 pm
by bladebot14
if you do 69 (i think) with the bunny girl you instantly become a bunny boy had it happen to me before was extremely annoying glad i had saved just before that tho :)

Re: CoC transformations

PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:45 am
by Duplicity
I read somewhere(the wiki I think) it was supposed to happen on Easter and no other time. If you had sex with her enough you would get bunny features bit by bit I think. But this was the characters first time with her and it was no where near easter.

Anyway at the moment I am a female succubus pumping out the monster children. Just for once I would like to be able to beat a damn satyr, I nearly did once, because he basically lust attacked himself. Then when he was almost down for the count, bamm stun locked to rape.

Re: CoC transformations

PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 2:48 pm
by BlueLight
Duplicity Wrote:I read somewhere(the wiki I think) it was supposed to happen on Easter and no other time. If you had sex with her enough you would get bunny features bit by bit I think. But this was the characters first time with her and it was no where near easter.

Anyway at the moment I am a female succubus pumping out the monster children. Just for once I would like to be able to beat a damn satyr, I nearly did once, because he basically lust attacked himself. Then when he was almost down for the count, bamm stun locked to rape.

there is a way to stop the stun attacks.

Re: CoC transformations

PostPosted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 10:08 am
by Duplicity
What have enough speed to avoid them?
Being a succubus you get more speed and I know I have avoided some through this way. But most of the time I get hit. I think I am around 40-50 speed.
Or should I wait like you do against that mountain succubus, the one always trying to pierce and enslave you?

Re: CoC transformations

PostPosted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:18 pm
by Mr D
You can get a perk that makes you immune to stun.

Re: CoC transformations

PostPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 2:08 am
by zeldafreak1
Duplicity Wrote:What have enough speed to avoid them?
Being a succubus you get more speed and I know I have avoided some through this way. But most of the time I get hit. I think I am around 40-50 speed.
Or should I wait like you do against that mountain succubus, the one always trying to pierce and enslave you?

If you have a dick, and deafeat Ceraph enough times in a row without losing (5 I believe) while having more than 33 lust (enough to make the rape/sex vitory scenes proc) you can enslave her. You have to assrape her each time though and if you lose even once the counter resets.

I'm not sure whats causing the bunnyboy/easter event thing you guys mentioned though.

If you get your toughness to 75 or higher you can get the Resolute perk that grants immunity to some stuns and statuses. You have to keep it higher than 75 for it to keep working though. I know a high toughness stat increases your max hp and the regen perks really help you stay alive.

Re: CoC transformations

PostPosted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:19 am
by CrimsonNutcase37
If I remember correctly from my playthroughs, you only need to beat Ceraph 4 times to make her your bitch

ou began your journey as a human, but gave that up as you explored the dangers of this realm. You are a 6 foot 3 inch tall kitsune, with a fit, somewhat thin body and rippling muscles all over. You are currently wearing comfortable clothes and using your hooked gauntlets as a weapon. Your face is human in shape and structure, with milky, ashen skin. It has a square chin and chiseled jawline. The short, blonde transparent hair atop your head is parted by a pair of large, adept fox ears that always seem to be listening.

You have a humanoid shape with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. Magnificent wings sprout from your shoulders. When unfurled they stretch further than your arm span, and a single beat of them is all you need to set out toward the sky. They look a bit like bat's wings, but the membranes are covered in fine, delicate scales and a wicked talon juts from the end of each bone. You have flared hips that add a little feminine swing to your gait, and your thick ass stretches your gear, flexing it with each step. Nine swishing, colorful fox's tails extend from your thick, muscular ass, curling around your body - the soft fur feels lovely. Two normal human legs grow down from your waist, ending in normal human feet. Of course, your legs are partially transparent due to their ghostly nature.

A pair of feathery gills are growing out just below your neck, spreading out horizontally and draping down your chest. They allow you to stay in the water for quite a long time. You have two flat breasts, each supporting one 0.2-inch nipple.

Where a penis would normally be located, you have instead grown three distended, mutated dicks!
-Your first vulpine shaft is 15 inches long and three inches in diameter. It is shiny, pointed, and covered in veins, just like a large dog's cock. The obscenely swollen lump of flesh near the base of your vulpine shaft looks almost comically mismatched for your distended, fox-shaped dong. The knot is 12 inches thick when at full size.
-Your next knotted fox-cock is 10 inches long and two inches wide. It is shiny, pointed, and covered in veins, just like a large dog's cock. The obscenely swollen lump of flesh near the base of your lengthy, vulpine member looks almost comically mismatched for your pointed shaft. The knot is 6 inches thick when at full size.
-One of your wide peckers is 11.5 inches long and two inches thick.
A scrotum with two basketball-sized testicles swings heavily beneath your group of wide, mismatched dicks. You estimate each of them to be about 12 inches across.

You have one virgin asshole, placed between your toned, cloth-straining rump-cheeks where it belongs.