Because I know Sakyubasu no Tatakai can be a motherfuckingbitchswearwordcockingpieceofbolloxandtheresnothingyoucandoaboutit, I've made a standard quality video of the sex scenes, so that other weary adventures may bypass the crap, and just enjoy the scenes
Those wishing to see teh (yeah, "teh") video must note:
-There was a leather outfit, and a tentacle outfit that I *could* have equipped, and subsequently re-recorded, but that's another 176 MB (roughly).
-There were two other characters that you could use as the protagonist, but that would be yet another 176 MB (again, rough estimate)
--So that would bring the total estimate of possible prons to .44 Gigs...
---Lastly, I would likely have done it, had I not closed out of the damn window
Here ya go:
I don't "have access" to anything here, so I shall ask permission from Gorepete whilst simultaneously assuming a resounding "Go ahead Kirby, those bosses can get on my nerves too!"
And then we'd laugh, and have some tea, or something, and all would be K.
Also, because fuck the police, I'm going to say it again..."Damn fucking glitches. You are few and far between, but you certainly make me want to go slap a cinder-block with a cooked face."