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3D Custom Girl startup troubleshooting

PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 4:43 am
by James3167
Hello there again,

I have finally downloaded 3DCG, but it will not start; I already switched the non-unicode language to Japanese and installed the latest DirectX, but my screen shows this:

startup error.png

Anyone know Japanese, or tell me what's wrong?

Thank you!

Re: 3D Custom Girl startup troubleshooting

PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 6:17 am
by Thaedael
Did you pay for it?

Re: 3D Custom Girl startup troubleshooting

PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:16 pm
by BlueLight
James3167 Wrote:Hello there again,

I have finally downloaded 3DCG, but it will not start; I already switched the non-unicode language to Japanese and installed the latest DirectX, but my screen shows this:

startup error.png

Anyone know Japanese, or tell me what's wrong?

Thank you!

This might sound strange but i can't see the picture real well. it's pixelated for me when i zoom in which i need to to read the characters. This is my best guess for what it says: ka a u ma se nn

Ka could be Ga, can't tell.
A is so pixelated that i can't tell if it's hiragana like the rest of it.
U doesn't look like a normal U so i don't know.
Anyways i have no clue what it says and it's to hard to hear to be sure if what i said is true. Again Ka could be Ga, i can't tell either way.

Re: 3D Custom Girl startup troubleshooting

PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 3:00 pm
by James3167
No I did not pay for it; in fact, I can't remember where I downloaded the program (ironic, I know), but it was free and a torrent file.

startup error.png

Re: 3D Custom Girl startup troubleshooting

PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 3:15 pm
by nemoudeis
I think the base.tah file isn't in the right place or maybe the .exe file isn't in the same version than the .tah files.

Re: 3D Custom Girl startup troubleshooting

PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 3:22 pm
by BlueLight
It seems GaauMasen means "I will never meet " but the direct translation would likely be something more like "Meet, no!" (that would just be silly!)
Ga-a-u is "to meet" and Ma-se-n is [verb ending, negative form} if that makes sense.

You've got to love the japanese when they troll you! Anyways i'm shocked that i could read that. 3 months ago if you had told me i would read that small bit of text with some help with google translater, i would have laughed.

Oh ya, um i have no clue what the problem is!

Orginal post
Ga-a-u-Ma-se-nn(u, i'm still questioning but that's because Computer and hand written Japanese is written differently. it's the nearest looking character i can think of.)

Ga-a-u is a verb because Ma-se-nn is a verb ending which didn't happen.
Don't be shocked if it says something stupid like Gaau means Start so literal translation being "Start NOT"!

Okay, i'll go learn what the word means now.

Re: 3D Custom Girl startup troubleshooting

PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 7:29 pm
by BlueLight
Never mind. That makes no sense. It ends in U which it should end I for a verb