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[ASK] can't open game in forums

Thu Jan 24, 2013 8:48 am
by lumine99
well just as the title suggested.. I can't view any swf in the forum.. whether I download it or open it in the thread. In the end, it always says "movie not loaded".
well I make this account just to ask this question.. (oh the only working one is dirty's castle)
oh, my flash player is up to date.
more detail: at first it seems to work fine(right clicked it and it shows the whole pop-up menu<<? not sure if it's the right word for it>>), then after some seconds passed I right clicked it again and it shows the movie not loaded......
Re: [ASK] can't open game in forums

Thu Jan 24, 2013 2:15 pm
by Zeus Kabob
The only thing I can really think of is that your internet isn't loading them fully, or the server isn't sending them properly.
Is your internet good (<100 ms ping), and you're waiting long enough for it to load?
Re: [ASK] can't open game in forums

Thu Jan 24, 2013 4:38 pm
by AwesomeDragonDude
My thoughts too, but it could also be a browser-related issue. If I can recall right, Firefox and IE tend to have issues with swf sometimes. I've never figured out what was causing them though, I just started using Chrome and all my problems faded away. *slowly floats away on a shiny cloud of happiness*
Re: [ASK] can't open game in forums

Fri Jan 25, 2013 8:02 pm
by lumine99
umm.. are the games( like corta's spaltformer and mario is missing PUT) protected?? if not then I'd love to download them and play them offline..
well... my internet connection ranges between 20-50 kbps.. and I'm using firefox... guess I'll try chrome for now.. thx for the advice...
Re: [ASK] can't open game in forums

Fri Jan 25, 2013 10:55 pm
by AwesomeDragonDude
No problem man, they're not protected, you can just download them, just make sure you hide them properly from your boss/mother/father/brother/uncle etc.

Re: [ASK] can't open game in forums

Sat Jan 26, 2013 4:31 am
by lumine99
yup chrome solves the problem...
strangely enough when I downloaded the swf and try to open it with my standalone flash player it doesn't work.... guess I'll try it with chrome again..
thanks for the answer...
Re: [ASK] can't open game in forums

Sat Jan 26, 2013 9:00 pm
by AwesomeDragonDude
swf. files can often be opened in media players and in my experience, they always work there. Which ones exactly are you downloading? I'll see if they work on my computer when I've downloaded them.
Re: [ASK] can't open game in forums

Sun Jan 27, 2013 5:21 am
by lumine99
well Mario is missing PUT, the latest version, corta's splatformer, sakyubatsu no tatakai I, Mario is missing(hacked).
I opened them with chrome(on site) and it works.. yet when I downloaded it it won't work... I tried baka loader, standalone flash player, chrome, firefox....
MPC HC doesn't work.. and my WMP's security reasons prevent me from playing the file...
in MPC HC it shows that the file stops executing when it's still buffering.. idk why...
thx awesomedragondude for your effort
Re: [ASK] can't open game in forums

Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:30 pm
by AwesomeDragonDude
I'm pretty sure it's because of WMP, that program works as well as throwing a spear against a tank. Two of my personal favourites are
VLC Media player and
GOM Player.
VLC Player is well known and plays about every file, including broken ones, but it can sometimes skip large amounts of frames/not display videos properly. GOM Player does display all videos properly (and without frame-skips), but will not always display broken videos. I suggest downloading the one you need the most, looking at you own preferences. Ofcourse, you can download them both, which I also did, so you always have the one you need. Both are quite user-friendly, but if you need any explanation, you can always ask.
No problem man, everyone should have their fun on the forums, so if that requires some help, I'm glad to give it.