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Is this place dead?

Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:22 pm
by charmdler
Hi, I'm kind of new here and was wondering...
Is this place dead in the gaming creation? I mean, I see that only 2 (great) games are being updated and I feel that the other (great) ones had been behind
I am a sprite artist and an artist in general, dont know much about flash but if you need any help please tell me

Re: Is this place dead?

Sun Dec 30, 2012 4:13 am
by SugarCookie
I wouldn't consider it "dead"
That section is the most active in the forum as far as I can tell, new posts every minute.
The better games being updated are fewer, but the section is very active.
Re: Is this place dead?

Sun Dec 30, 2012 4:38 am
by BlueLight
I personally consider this place thriving. A lot of the projects seem to be in RPG maker.
Re: Is this place dead?

Sun Dec 30, 2012 9:22 am
by Valithan
probably more of a seasonal hiatus if anything. Some of the heavy hitter fanfollowings are quiet, but other parts of the forums still have their projects going.
Re: Is this place dead?

Sun Dec 30, 2012 11:57 am
by zeldafreak1
Dont forget that Gore and Corta sometimes do massive ninja-updates. But its probably just the seasonal thing. Anyway, welcome to LoK Forums!
Re: Is this place dead?

Sun Dec 30, 2012 1:22 pm
by Thaedael
Gorepete is working on something under-cover. I was supposed to help him but got dragged down by school work, a funeral, as well as family matters. I can tell you it's going to be a large scale project, it's going to be something everyone wants, and it's going to be real damn good.
The place is thriving more than it ever has on the independent project/creative corner side of things, and is as dead on the actual Legend of Krystal proper side of things, something that seems to be the only constant on the forums. The place continues to grow as a place of knowledge and acceptance, and will hopefully continue to grow.
Re: Is this place dead?

Sun Dec 30, 2012 2:13 pm
by zeldafreak1
Thaedael Wrote:Gorepete is working on something under-cover. I was supposed to help him but got dragged down by school work, a funeral, as well as family matters. I can tell you it's going to be a large scale project, it's going to be something everyone wants, and it's going to be real damn good.
The place is thriving more than it ever has on the independent project/creative corner side of things, and is as dead on the actual Legend of Krystal proper side of things, something that seems to be the only constant on the forums. The place continues to grow as a place of knowledge and acceptance, and will hopefully continue to grow.
*claps* Well good job Thae! That project isn't really undercover anymore.
Re: Is this place dead?

Sun Dec 30, 2012 2:41 pm
by Thaedael
Let me rephrase it, I know what the subject of the game is, and he has announced he is working on one, but hasn't said what it is. So what I a trying to inelegantly say is that I know something you don't know etc. etc.
Re: Is this place dead?

Sun Dec 30, 2012 3:02 pm
by zeldafreak1
Thae cmon. Your a mod. of course you'll know stuff we dont.
Re: Is this place dead?

Sun Dec 30, 2012 7:39 pm
by BlueLight
What the he'll are you talking about.thae knows all this because he was invited to the second legend of Krystal site.
I just recently got to see a tech demo for gore's project. Looks promising but I can tell these are a lot of placeholders.
I so want to get my hands on the sub look team's beta ... It look so rocking awesome! I haven't got any more information than the official unofficial news update.
I know I know thae. What I just said is bull *cough*
Re: Is this place dead?

Mon Dec 31, 2012 12:35 am
by maximilianos
there's anoher lok forum?
Re: Is this place dead?

Mon Dec 31, 2012 3:48 am
by zeldafreak1
See max? its stuff like this that Ive always suspected to happen/be going on. No one on the interwebs ever gives the whole story. Ah, the anonymity of the internet, such a horrid and beautiful thing.
Re: Is this place dead?

Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:06 am
by Zeus Kabob
Haha! I'm a mod, but I hadn't heard about this project until just now.
On second thought...
<3 <3
Edit: About this place being dead; it's not. There are at least 6 games in active development (they're not professional teams, don't expect weekly updates), as well as a large number of games in hiatus/indeterminate. During breaks such as this one, progress slows down considerably, and I'm sure you all can understand why. I personally just took a trip and was out of internet for a week. If I were making a project, that would have put a serious damper on my productivity, not even considering the mindset of "I'm on a trip, no need for work"!
In any case, when things get back to normal, when the holidays are over, projects are likely to pick up again.
Welcome to the forum, and I certainly hope you enjoy your stay!
Re: Is this place dead?

Tue Jan 01, 2013 1:45 am
by napsii
far from dead, for certain. i believe it's on an upward slope. i am seeing new projects in the creative corner every day, and tons of new members showing their faces in every corner of the site. like zeus said, activity on most any site is usually beholden to the time of year so don't worry if activity seems to be on a rollercoaster. that is how it will be by nature.

Re: Is this place dead?

Tue Jan 01, 2013 2:06 am
by Thaedael
It gets old making these posts, but I guess it has to be made once more. Since I have come here, we went from a community of a few game makers and a lot of whiners saying the place was dead and condemning the projects that others bled to make; to one that has more users than every before, with several hundreds joining every few months. We have more people making games than ever before, we have more people in the community getting involved in making games. We have people learning to make art, drawing vectors, pixel art, traditional medias, and digital art. We have animators learning to animate using flash. We have more people learning to code than ever before, and its a site of free exchange of ideas, talents, and knowledge. We have also had an rp section that is soon to reach one year old, we have all sorts of good things going on. So is this place dead? No. Is it seasonal everyone doing stuff and about to go back to school time? yes
Re: Is this place dead?

Tue Jan 01, 2013 3:42 am
by BlueLight
So i think i've seen 10 active projects and some of those are complete. 3 came from the same person but still.
Re: Is this place dead?

Tue Jan 01, 2013 4:06 am
by Thaedael
Better than when I joined, with only one project being worked on and nothing but bickering.
Re: Is this place dead?

Wed Jan 02, 2013 7:25 am
by Zeus Kabob
Yeah, really. At the same time, it was one "project", and there was some other creative things happening, just not called projects.
Yes, though, I like the creative corner much better now that it's filled with amazing stuff.

Re: Is this place dead?

Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:53 am
by daxtinator396
I didn't know the roleplay section was that new I actually remember a year ago when I first started into it oh the memories

Re: Is this place dead?

Sun Jan 06, 2013 6:08 am
by Spycam
Thaedael Wrote:Better than when I joined, with only one project being worked on and nothing but bickering.
Know what you mean heh heh. I found this site around the time Area 52 was falling apart and most of the posts were venting at Ren.