berserkerhorn Wrote:1. i go on to youtube and find a song that i want my post to feel like
2. open microsoft word so my post doesn't get deleted due to internal network errors (<-- drives me insane when i have a really good post )
3. type it up and review so that it has feeling within the post and if it doesn't [Delete]
4. [ctrl+c] [ctrl+v]
I don't even have to use MSWord, backspacing (otherwise going back a page) if you get an error will normally save what you typed. Assuming your computer has decent RAM and a newer browser.
Or pressing F5 (otherwise reloading/refreshing the page) will resend the info you sent (normally you get a popup, just click yes), which will either end up with a double post, or send you back to the editing page saying someone posted while you were posting, and that post ended up being yours so all you have to do is leave.
As for RPing, I just type it out as I go. I try to get at least three lines, try to be descriptive, show character thoughts/planning, and for dialogue I type what the character says once, without editing the words. That way your character can fuck up saying the wrong things at the wrong time. It's a bit out of character for your character to have all the time in the world to think of what to do, or what to say next, when in the RP they don't.
And mistakes, no one is perfect, so your character shouldn't be either. Don't correct mistakes (unless it's a spelling/grammatical one), don't try to think about perfect responses (unless your thinking of what not to do), and try to make your character more human by occasionally making errors in judgment or something.
That's what I do anyways, most of it is improv.