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What are you doing for Thanksgiving?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 12:15 am
by Reaver
Just wanted to see what fellow members of LoK were doing for THanksgiving.
Im spending mine at my gf's families' house up in CT.

Re: What are you doing for Thanksgiving?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 12:20 am
by Thaedael
Lab from 8 am to 8 pm, followed by my cramming for an assignment, with a sprinkle of "I hope my grandmother doesn't die" prayers at some point through-out the day.

Re: What are you doing for Thanksgiving?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 6:16 pm
by daxtinator396
I spent it with my grandparents like j always do and we have another bigger second thanksgiving today with everyone else :3

Re: What are you doing for Thanksgiving?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:32 am
by Zeus Kabob
I spent mine at home with my family. We made mashed yams with marshmallows on top!

Re: What are you doing for Thanksgiving?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 7:32 am
by SugarCookie
Zeus Kabob Wrote:We made mashed yams with marshmallows on top!

My grandma did the same thing, cept with pineapple mixed in. I liked it, but I left the Yams to the side Dx

Re: What are you doing for Thanksgiving?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:39 pm
by BlueLight
.... pffff... My meal was so much better :P

Re: What are you doing for Thanksgiving?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:34 pm
by BABquinzel15
I had not one but two huge feasts! :P one at my grandparents and one at home