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Gaming Discussion and hopefully multiplayer matches?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:53 am
by BlueLight
Hey, so i'd like to ask people mostly if they have Half life 1 and would be willing to install a great mod for it called Natural Selection and maybe doing some Multiplayer matches.
It's a great gem of a mod, and while it's really bad compared to today's stands for video game, it's still a one of a kind game. It plays like Battle field 2 (you know that great game unlike Battle field 3; even Bad company 2 is better than that game but then again Bad Company 2 was a great game on it's own right.) and the setting is like Starship troops but your fighting the Zerg from StarCraft.

I right now can only remember about 3 great Half life mods and 2 of them i think are nearly forgotten (Well one of them was dead when i started)

Also i hear the assassins creed 3 came out. I find it a bit silly from what i've seen from the trailers; does anyone want to change my mind?
Anything new and interesting that's coming up.

Feeling let down by the Fraxis' Xcom:Enemy unknown. It's not a total waste of money however it's insulting with the AI design alone. I tried putting it on normal and i was able to slaughter everything after understanding the system (Which is require since the system fine points don't make a bit of sense, the over all idea does however.) which gets kinda boring.
Well i turn it to classic mode which is another word for "Hard"/ "Only Xcom players will have a challenge.", I play that from the start: I have all the crappy weapons and perks; My troops are weaker; and the enemy is buffed up; and i'm still able to kick there ass harder. In fact i'm having a easier time since the aliens are allowed to move now.

As for as strategy game go, Xcom is kinda insulting to X-com players and anyone who likes good strategy games since the aliens don't employ real strategy based on what they know.
To give you a compareson; I can still, easily get my ass kicked on beginner for the orginal (first mission, lose all my guys) in this i'm kick ass and taking names every time on Hard!
In the orginal the AI litterally remembered where it saw your guys for some many turns and then tried taking pot shots at the area when it was unable to see him. (In the orginal so long as you could aim somewhere you could shoot there.) in fraxis' game the aliens are able to read the location your guys are located at and act based on that. I find it unfair and pointless to make a strategy for a game that so blatantly cheats. (My big problem is the fact i could so easily prove it cheats.)

Don't get me on the random number generators. They suck and unlike Civ 5, you can't tell it generate a new seed every time you load a game.

Re: Gaming Discussion and hopefully multiplayer matches?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 4:03 pm
by Zodiark69
This Natural Selection mod, care to tell me more about it? I own HL 1, so I might get that mod.

Re: Gaming Discussion and hopefully multiplayer matches?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 4:18 pm
by AsianP3rsuas10n
Fudging hate half life. I played the orange box and got so far. Then my boat got stuck somewhere and I forgot to save before it so I hate it...

Halo 4 FTW.

Assassins creed looks quite dumb if you ask me. I mean how do you go from jumping around buildings lilling people to jumping around trees and killing people?

Re: Gaming Discussion and hopefully multiplayer matches?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 1:07 am
by Thaedael
Assassin's creed is a fun one, my brother has all of them and I only played the first two, but I like the premise of the plot, the game play was pretty fluid for me, and all around was fun. Granted for that genre, I am a huge fan of mirror's edge, which never did get a sequel </3

Re: Gaming Discussion and hopefully multiplayer matches?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 2:56 am
by Reaver
HALO 4! Sadly I haven't tried it out yet but.... AC does have some fun multiplayer even though the formula is kinda rigid. However it depends what type of genre you are looking for to play.

Re: Gaming Discussion and hopefully multiplayer matches?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 3:00 am
by Thaedael
My favourite game of all time is now dead, and the sequel aint nearly as fun.

Re: Gaming Discussion and hopefully multiplayer matches?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 3:13 am
by AsianP3rsuas10n
I will find whoever edited my post and I will rape apologize to you

Re: Gaming Discussion and hopefully multiplayer matches?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:09 am
by Zender_Solarheart
I could never get into Assassin's Creed, and while I am eager to try out Halo 4, I simply can't afford to buy it right now, cuz I'm flat broke...

Though, I have been playing me some rom-hacks as of late, such as Super Metroid Randomizer. For those who played the original Super Metroid, think like that, but with all the upgrades and expansions shuffled around; however, it has systems set up for the shuffling that prevents an unbeatable run, such as not letting there be a major upgrade missing, and keeping the number of Reserve Tanks the same each time (though it is entirely possible to exceed the maximum of 14 Energy Tanks).

If you want to re-live the Super Metroid experience (and you're decent enough with the sequence-breaking tricks to handle the trickier shuffles), I highly recommend it. :D

Re: Gaming Discussion and hopefully multiplayer matches?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:42 am
by AsianP3rsuas10n
HEY! Who Edit my post???? How dare you!

Re: Gaming Discussion and hopefully multiplayer matches?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 6:22 am
by Thaedael

Re: Gaming Discussion and hopefully multiplayer matches?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 7:13 am
by AsianP3rsuas10n
One of you mods changed my post >_> abusing their power to make fun of me...
I changed it back tho...

Re: Gaming Discussion and hopefully multiplayer matches?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:03 pm
by BlueLight
Zodiark69 Wrote:This Natural Selection mod, care to tell me more about it? I own HL 1, so I might get that mod.

Sorry for the late reply. I pretend college takes up my it's a multiplayer mod which has two teams. Aliens and space marine.each has very different play styles and ways to.comply the objective.

The humans play very much like battle field 2 where you play in a fps view and you have a commander who gives you orders , stops supplies, and forces you to build buildings. Your objective is to hunt down hives and to keep your commander cha Iraq working.

The aliens... are totally different thing.they basically have different types of aliens to do different jobs and don't have a set commander to order them back.they can do any thing from running on walls to cloaking.

They both are totally diffr rent play styles and you should check this mod out
Idk if anyone plays this but last I checked there were about 100 active servers a few months ago.
I think you can get the mod though steam

Re: Gaming Discussion and hopefully multiplayer matches?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 1:38 am
by maximilianos
I wish I had Halo 4, since I'm a huge fan of the game, but I don't have it :(

has anyone of you ever played timeshift? It was a really fun game because it was completly diffrent from most other fps games. In one way, you had a course to complete, but you had 3 ''powers'' granted by your suit, 1:st - slow time (letting you charge up and kill the enemies easily, 2:nd - stop time (does not last as long as slow time, but it much more powerfull in some scenarios, maby you're dodging a bomb, missile etc, OR you want to nitro speed straight into an enemy with a car, in this case he would stand still until time started, then e would fly, and fly far), 3:rd! - reverse time (plainly lets you ''unstuck'' sticky grenades or kil an enemy multiple times, or even kill him while time went backwards, which fked everything up since they wuold revive when time went forward) ANYWAY, it was an awesome game but they never made a sequel. :(