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Hey! Where's my Presentation Corner?!

PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 1:10 am
by Off Topic
Hi there virtual peoples!
I'm glad to see that this is not one of those silly forums where you have to " present " yourself as soon as you get registered.
But, don't take me wrong, It's kinda unpleasant.
I mean, I DO need a space to shout out that I now exist on this forum!
So, here I am.
I've been following L.O.K. for a long time, waiting for the proper moment to step out of shadows.
I just wanted to let you all know that I'm now willing to help, share, test and comment... as long as i revel in it.

I'm a rookie programmer and an almost completely trained illustrator... almost, since I left the college at 50% of my formation.
That is to say that I took from it all the basics and more, but I never ever get past the lesson of: " you're gonna do it for the money! "
" I don't want to draw something just for the sake of profit man! " " WTF you just said!?! " ... well you got the idea.
Beside the fact that I'm also good at writing, and not just drawing! ( I did a couple of screenplays but I prefer creative writing... sadly, this is not my mother tongue so I can't give you a taste of that unless you are Italians )

I'm in all kind of porn, and when I say " all " I mean ALL.
I also used to be a pro-gamer: I'm Legend in Halo Reach, used to have a 3.3 k/d ratio in GOW 3 ( by playing only on-line) and, of course, I've got a copy of Perfect Dark Zero, which I still play because that game is awesome imho.
I love horror movies, english gangster comedies, black comedies and sci fi stuffs.
I read a lot of comics, the less they are known the more I like them.
To be brief, feel free to talk with me about almost everything.
Just please don't be a bimbominkia with me!

Re: Hey! Where's my Presentation Corner?!

PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 6:53 am
by Zeus Kabob
There's a topic called "Interests?" that is a self-introduction thread, and "General" is the kind of place to put these things.

Re: Hey! Where's my Presentation Corner?!

PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 11:44 pm
by IrrelevantComment
You as stoked for Halo 4 as I am? :D

And I know that feel bro, people keep telling me I should go into accounting or something with my maths degree, but I just want to do maths for the sake of maths XD

Re: Hey! Where's my Presentation Corner?!

PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:16 am
by AsianP3rsuas10n
Zeus Kabob Wrote:There's a topic called "Interests?" that is a self-introduction thread, and "General" is the kind of place to put these things.

Ugh! If more people would post their introduction in "Interests" it would be noticeable for newbies!! lol

Re: Hey! Where's my Presentation Corner?!

PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 8:14 am
by Zeus Kabob
Eh, I've noticed a lot of newbies who haven't read through all of the threads, instead diving in.

If you named it "Introductions", it'd be more noticeable.

Re: Hey! Where's my Presentation Corner?!

PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 10:38 pm
by Off Topic
You as stoked for Halo 4 as I am?

And I know that feel bro, people keep telling me I should go into accounting or something with my maths degree, but I just want to do maths for the sake of maths XD

I couldn't agree more, especially for Halo 4!
I've managed to preorder the super limited ed. and I can't wait to have a taste of it!

If you named it "Introductions", it'd be more noticeable.

That'd have been quite helpful indeed, but I suppose it's my fault in the end: I could have noticed it if I wasn't so eager to post my greetings!
By the way, I like the timetable of this site: active but not too much.
I'm looking forward to unlock the privilege of sending p.m., it will be crucial for future cooperations ( but I won't of course spam posts in order to obtain it! ).
Nevertheless, if I may, i'd like to use the occasion to ask IrrelevantComment if he's still on his skyrim-like project: Despair of the Dragons ( I'm not asking how's it going, that would be impolite, just wanted to know if you moved on or still working on it ).
I'm asking this because I liked the idea yesterday when I first saw it.
As soon as I finish with my avoider game I think I'll put up something to show in the Creative Corner, it will be interesting to cooperate via internet!
Uhm... before I open a new topic of something that has already been said, is there a thread where someone has asked people to talk about their fetishism?
I believe I've seen something like that but I'm not sure, could have been my imagination.

Re: Hey! Where's my Presentation Corner?!

PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 11:43 pm
by Zeus Kabob
Maybe a while ago...

In general, though, we don't talk about fetishes, we talk about games or artists or other works. I'm not sure of this, but I have a feeling that talking of fetishes is kind of like talking about politics; it turns civilized forums into groups of raving lunatics. (Of course, I speak of the ridiculous thread a while ago...)

Anyhow, there are fan threads for different projects around General, and if you like something that you don't see recognition for, then go ahead and post a topic about it!

Re: Hey! Where's my Presentation Corner?!

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 11:52 pm
by IrrelevantComment
Off Topic Wrote:I couldn't agree more, especially for Halo 4!
I've managed to preorder the super limited ed. and I can't wait to have a taste of it!

Pre-ordered the limited edition AND the limited edition controller. God, I'm such a fanboy...

Re: Hey! Where's my Presentation Corner?!

PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 3:53 pm
by Off Topic
Right, the controller, I forgot about it!
Well, maybe it's not that cool; I remember those from ODST and Reach: they both looked shitty compared to the ones for Halo 3.
I mean, it's not like the designers didn't put much effort in them, but I'd expect something more than just random straight lines and useless advises from UNSC.

Re: Hey! Where's my Presentation Corner?!

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 1:31 am
by IrrelevantComment
I don't know, I quite like my Reach one. Haven't seen the ODST or H3 ones though