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Postby AsianP3rsuas10n » Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:54 am

Whats up LoK people!
I got bored so i decided to make this thread. Here you can introduce yourself and say what things you like or like to do. I dont expect personal stuff just normal things. I just thought it' be a great way to know the people here and possibly make some new aquaintences.

I'll start
I like the color silver
I like exploring the interwebs and finding new and funny stuff.
I'm now in college at Rutgers, studying computer engineering. Never pay attention in class though so I dont know much not to mention I just started taking the class. I used to mainly study for accounting but then felt bored so decided I'd change it up.
I enjoy watching football (typical american) favortie team is Giants.
Love classic as well as new games. Favorites would be the Mario series. Didnt like the Mario Galaxy that much... Minecraft I do play but hardly due to the fact that I find it very borin after awhile.
I also like anime. Mainstream anime are ones i usually watch Bleach, fairy Tail, etc. I do watch others like Code Geass, Samurai 7, Another.
I used to do track back in Highschool, I still run in morning before class begins. I'm the typical nerdy kinda guy. Thats really it about me.

I also like to get recommendations for new games and animes. So feel free to give me some. I only like things with action. No lovey dovey stuff. Creeps me out more than horror. No Slenderman either that guy makes me have nightmares...just kidding but still.

Please post about yourself! I'd like to get to know a few of you more. I look forward to you responses! :D
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Re: Interests?

Postby Shadoon » Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:53 am

Well, I'm Shadoon Murakato,

My favorite color is Dark Purple,
I like to draw whatever comes to my mind (maybe i will put some photos of my drawings in the future),
I like to write stories (you can check that on my blog if you want),
what else...... yes, i like anime, cartoons, videogames, cosplay (don't do it really often),
And it actually was pretty good to find this forum, a lot of people here seems pretty nice, i don't find that very often
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Re: Interests?

Postby SugarCookie » Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:02 am

My real name is Sam (or sammy),
I'm actually still in high school, but I'm a senior, who is totally 18 ^^;
I like the color brown, and nature stuff,
I'm a very liberal conservitive,
I'm an atheist who carries around a cross or three
I'm poor as fuck! And just lost (ok I quit) my job
I'm a pegasis, and a furry
I'm mostly pacifist
Aannnnddd I like pie!
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Re: Interests?

Postby Thaedael » Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:04 am

I am a fan of Urban Planning, which is why I study it. The current project I am doing is modeling an area that is 15 blocks by 15 blocks for my class, and doing it all in 3d with replicas of the buildings. Then I get to start playing around with the areas for proposals to the government!

Re: Interests?

Postby AsianP3rsuas10n » Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:53 am

>_> interesting...Thae...Nothing else you wanna share? Its sharin time Thae no need to keep secrets of your past. We wont judge you. Hahaha

And Yes cookie! I am with you! I too feel I am an athiest. I refuse to beleive in anything that would allow me to experience death...
I dont like to fight but when I do its great because of the adrenaline that pours in.
18 huh? >>_>> hmm...*long pause of thinking*. I beleive you...
And yes pie is very good. Apple only! sometimes key lime...
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Re: Interests?

Postby Zeus Kabob » Tue Oct 02, 2012 8:39 am

Cool stuff. I've seen a few of these pass around, but I don't think I've chimed in on any of them.

I'm a Sophomore in College, majoring in Computer Science (Sadly, I haven't gotten to the level of game coding yet).
I'm 19 as of late July.
I run Linux! You should too!
I'm no good at art, but I've been sketching things every once in a while to give myself some practice.
Lastly, I'm really bad at compiling lists of interesting facts about myself.

Anyhow, it's nice to hear about you guys! (Except Thaedael, I already knew that you liked urban planning. XD)
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Re: Interests?

Postby MiscChaos » Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:19 pm

Meh, why not?

I'm 20 years old since August and am in my last semester of an AA in Computer Information Systems. I'm at a Community College, so I'm not sure how much weight that carries though... At least tuition and classes are cheap and I'm getting paid to go to school. Back on topic, I like to write a lot, which is why you usually see me on the RP side of the site rather than the Creative Corner, though I do lurk in there occasionally. I'd like to draw too, if only so I can draw each of the characters I use in RPs like I have them in my head, but thus far... yeah. Think I'mma head to the local library and find as many drawing books as possible to help me out on that.
Religiously? I guess I'd very loosely call myself a Christian in that I believe there's a higher power out there, but I don't believe He/She/It interferes with day-to-day life all that much, don't believe in some "plan" He/She/It has for us, and don't put any stock in the Bible. Actually, I think Theist would work better here than Christian, so let's go with that. I like a lot of the tenants of a lot of the religions out there (even Scientology has some good basics, though if they've inspired me to hold a grudge against them thanks to how damn pushy they are), but don't really subscribe to any one. Take it as you will.
I like to read a lot, so Visual Novels, Manga, and Anime are great pastimes for me when I'm not playing games. Seriously though, I had to recreate a damn Excel Spreadsheet to keep track of all the Anime and Manga I'm tracking right now! That amused me for all of 3 days before I realized what a pain upkeep on that thing can be...

I think that's enough of an information spiel for the moment. Had to cut myself off before diarrhea of the hands kicked in XD
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Re: Interests?

Postby Hazard1325 » Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:57 pm

I'm a DM for several virtual tabletop groups I have going at any point in time.
My books on roleplaying systems are worth more then my college books at this point.
I get on setting binges and right now mines Warhammer 40k until I've killed all my Dark Heresy Players.
I don't choose favorites with anything.
I despise factionalism.
In video games I am drawn to classics and innovation, but I skim everything else in between.
Animes are alright but I only ever watch old stuff like Trigun and Bebop.
Bokononism is probably the best religion I've seen so far.
Former Administrator for another forum.
I am currently an Accounting major, considering Management Information Systems.
I know Java, and am currently learning C.
I've dabbled with Photoshop and its free cousin Gimp.
I've worked with blender and made the saddest space marine in the world.
I have a passing interest in architecture.
I enjoy history a lot, but dates annoy me to no end.
I still have no idea what avatar I want on this site.
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Re: Interests?

Postby SugarCookie » Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:21 pm

[quote="AsianP3rsuas10n18 huh? >>_>> hmm...*long pause of thinking*. I beleive you...
And yes pie is very good. Apple only! sometimes key lime...[/quote]

^^; yeah! Totally 18!
Nope, no barely underage person here, keep moving!
And apple/peach pies are the best!

And so many other people doing stuff, I should add to mine.
I know some programming, but not much, probably right under the basics.
I'm dating my imaginary friend* (edited)
I have a high metabolism that is slowing down because I’m always on the computer (zomergerd! I’m finally getting fat!)
Thaedael got me into trying to draw, I’m starting with ponies but I plan to advance in the drawing stage (after seeing my creativity with Microsoft word’s shapes, I just can’t let that go to waste!)… it just really, really sucks right now
I might have more to fill my ego, I dunno…
Last edited by SugarCookie on Tue Oct 02, 2012 9:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Interests?

Postby BlueLight » Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:56 pm

Hazard1325 Wrote:I know Java, and am currently learning C.

... i am starting to get urges towards you.... you hate dates.... okay *Blue kidnaps Hazard1325 for no reason!*
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Re: Interests?

Postby AsianP3rsuas10n » Tue Oct 02, 2012 7:15 pm

Ah good to see people opening up.

We have many college students here huh? Good stuff good stuff indeed.

I talk to and argue with myself alot. Does that cout as an imaginary friend? I kinda feel like I have that Angel and Hell personalities on my shoulders...I ususally side with the bad one due to my lack of choice making skills.

History...oh boy do I despise history. They tell us back in grade school that violence is a bad thing yet they teach us the most violent thing of all time. War. Hahaha They must find another excuse besides "We do it to prevent it from repeating itself" because you're just inspiring students to do the things Hitler and blah blah did by showing how much success in mass horror they have created. There are some messed up kids these days, ya never know. But enough of my ranting. It took me forever to find a fitting avatar due to the fact that the ones I found were either slightly too big or in gif instead of jpg. Got pissed off many times. But found one! I always respect Lelouch (Code Geass) making everyone hate him only to be killed and make people happy again.

As for you Chaos, have you tried Great way to keep track of anime and manga. Just a click away too so its quiet convenient.

Is linux better? I've never tried it. Seems like it but we'll see. And no worries. My artistic skills range from stick figures to boxes and circles. Animation I'm quiet decent in though.
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Re: Interests?

Postby Hazard1325 » Tue Oct 02, 2012 8:03 pm

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:History...oh boy do I despise history. They tell us back in grade school that violence is a bad thing yet they teach us the most violent thing of all time. War. Hahaha They must find another excuse besides "We do it to prevent it from repeating itself" because you're just inspiring students to do the things Hitler and blah blah did by showing how much success in mass horror they have created. There are some messed up kids these days, ya never know. But enough of my ranting.

I hope your inebriated at the moment and not serious about that last paragraph.
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Re: Interests?

Postby AsianP3rsuas10n » Tue Oct 02, 2012 10:03 pm

Hahah not completely serious. It irked me alot in highschool how they would tell me that violence isnt the way to solve things and that if I get decked in the face I should hit back, I should leave and go tell a teacher. I honestly thought that was ridiculous due to the fact that I learned that Pearl Harbor was bombed and so led to America joining the war and kicking their asses. I'm actually wrong in the point that I blamed history, I should've blamed my school haha. But i do indeed hate history. I used to fall asleep all the time in history class...
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Re: Interests?

Postby berserkerhorn » Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:31 am

^^; yeah! Totally 18!
Nope, no barely underage person here, keep moving!
And apple/peach pies are the best!

gets suspicious she might be 2 months underage (i have my eyes on you...technically)
apple pies!!!

I have a high metabolism that is slowing down because I’m always on the computer (zomergerd! I’m finally getting fat!

trust me I've been sitting here with a high metabolism and i haven't gotten fat... that may be because my metabolism is too fast.
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Re: Interests?

Postby Thaedael » Wed Oct 03, 2012 3:19 am

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:>_> interesting...Thae...Nothing else you wanna share? Its sharin time Thae no need to keep secrets of your past. We wont judge you. Hahaha

Fine where to start, Jesus.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

I was born an american in a small middle of nowhere town between where ketchup and chocolate is made, not that I call it home since I only ever lived in the USA for 3 months out of my 23 years of existence, if you can call it as such. Lived in the Phillipines, Jamaica, France, and mostly Canada. I have three citizenship, American/Canadian/EU pass. I have been in many countries, in every single province and state of the USA, every country in south american, most of Europe, northern Africa, southern Africa, eastern Europe, India, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Japan. I am only missing the continent of Antarctica.

My first language was actually spanish, my heritage being a veritble mix of many culture from all parts of the world, Chinese, Peruvian, Japanese, American, German, Dutch, Irish, Scottish, and a Pinch of English. However I since then stopped speaking it and my main languages are now mostly French and English, which incedentaly are the main languages of Canada, which I identify most with. However I am fluent in German, Spanish, French, English, and can pass by in Russian when need be.

I went through 12 grades, and I am now in my 4th year of university, but with at least 2 more to go. I graduated highschool with about a 96.81 but didn't get into the program I was aiming for in a high profile university, so I went to a second rate university instead. I took forensics in highschool, and all the AP sciences. My goal was to be an artist always but my mother convinced me otherwise at a young age, and since then I always thought I would do science, since there has always been a strong science background in my family. I wanted forensics so badly, so I thought of doing an undergrad in it. In fact my program was a double major in immunology and micro-biology. IE: cell stuffs. However because I was smart they let me skip to second year, and I did that for 2 years, working in type 3/4 labs, in a high facility doing research on enzymes to restrict the breaking down of coppers in E.Coli but I digress. Working for 12 hours a day 6 days a week for 2 years I decided I didn't want to be a biochemist.

Took 2 years away from the program to try everything, starting with arts, into interpretive dance, poli-sci, philosophy, english literature, spanish literature, creative writing, computer science, geography, anthropology, before finding out the field I always wanted was actually called Urban Planning.

I have made approx. 1000 sprite sheets over the years, I started pixel art back when I was 4, playing around in mario paint. I have made 2 1 hour animated films by hand, 3 flash animations, 25 sculptures, 600 t-shirts, 23 boards for warhammer, painted thousands of miniatures, made three games, composed 40 tracks, ripped countless thousands of sprites for the spriters ressources, played hundreds of games. I was once top ranked dawn of war II player, one of the top ranked World of Tank players.

I play bass, I make architectural models in my spare time, I sit on top of my rooftop terrace and look at my city and try and think what it all means.

I have been depressed, I have been poor, I have been ecstatic, I have been rich. I have had a plan. I have lost a plan. I have deviated from a plan. I have found myself, lost myself, and found myself again. I am an avid reader, I read about 500 pages a night in about 2 hours. I am a huge writer, I love writing, but not as much as story telling.

My biggest passion in live, is the local orphanage down the street. When I have free time I baby-sit, I take them on field trips, I cook for them, play games with them, but for me the greatest pleasure of all is story telling. I will sit down by a fire place, and talk, and tell stories, until every last eye is drooping with sleep.

I used to be insommiac, I would sleep maybe 2 hours every three days, I have had friends suicide over the years, and have always been an advocate for life. I volunteer a lot, I learn a lot. Learning is a passion and an interest, and is a continual process that will never end until I die. I love teaching, nothing is more fulfilling then sharing.

I like the small things in life, I enjoy cooking, I love spending time with my family, I love hanging out with friends, I love talking to smart professors, I love working into the wee hours of the morning where my back hurts from bending over a drafting table. I love everything and hate very few.

And most of all, I like talking. Here is where I shut up.

Re: Interests?

Postby SugarCookie » Wed Oct 03, 2012 4:37 am

Close enough to two months anywa-

Nope! Not admitting anything ^^

Also, triple post instead of edit?
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Re: Interests?

Postby napsii » Wed Oct 03, 2012 4:59 am

hnnnh im so uninteresting...

well my name is leah. im 18 and my favorite color is orange.
im NEET right now but probably going to get a job soon x.x also i want to go to culinary school because cooking is my favorite pastime
i like all types of music and all genres of metal in particular (like rammstein etc)
roleplaying is my no 1 hobby to do on the internet and ive been doing so for about 7 years (first yr having been largely done with my parents' help as i was a disaster) across a myriad of sites but sadly im not not naturally godlike so im above average at best xD
im not too huge on anime but i watched older stuff like dragon ball z, pokemon, digimon etc when i was a kid. i also watched trigun and rurouni kenshin (both the manga and anime)
i adore video games! ace combat, devil may cry, ninja gaiden and metal gear solid = my favs along with older PS2/xbox games and im doing more pc games now too
im godawful at sports because im like 4'5" and made of glass

Re: Interests?

Postby Thaedael » Wed Oct 03, 2012 5:13 am

Ace Combat Zero / Ace Combat Flames of Liberty. Love <3


Re: Interests?

Postby napsii » Wed Oct 03, 2012 5:31 am

i've beaten every AC game except air combat and ace combat 2 (but i got an emulated english fan patch for ace combat 3 so i played that, lucky me!) on ace difficulty multiple times. zero is my 2nd favorite and then fires of liberation is pretty good too. AC4 shattered skies is my fav tho... but ive played each game extensively. ive got 100% save files for every game basically

Re: Interests?

Postby Thaedael » Wed Oct 03, 2012 5:34 am

MY hero. World of Tanks is one of my favourite games, they have a beta for a flight game, maybe you should go get a beta key!


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