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Brain Teasers!

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:09 am
by AsianP3rsuas10n
Okay well theres not much activity going in the General part of the forum so how about a daily brain teaser?

How this will work: I will post a brain teaser up every morning.
You will guess until your hearts content but please one per person and refrain from using the internet
That way people who actually want to try wont be exposed to the answer so easily.

I want this to be something you think about for a bit and for everyone to have a bit of fun. Discuss, debate, do what you wish.

I will post the answer whenever I get home. If you get it right congrats. If you have a good brain teaser, just msg me so we dont both post one.

So first brain teaser. ( its an easy one) Yesterday, Alex left home. He made 3 lefts and came home. There were two people waiting for him at home. Who were they?

One answer per person!

Re: Brain Teasers!

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 5:20 pm
by Zeus Kabob
"He made 3 lefts and came home"

So he made 2 lefts and a U-turn.

I guess the two people waiting at home for him were his Mother, and the left-turn police. XD

Re: Brain Teasers!

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 6:46 pm
by Rooiehaan #2
he went left, then left, then another left and used the side entrance of his home. his mommy was there and his daddy, because they had been worried sick of him suddenly walking out, and his cat mr. pigglesworth

Re: Brain Teasers!

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:13 pm
by AsianP3rsuas10n
Lol only two people even bothered to answer? Lol ok well the answer was the umpire and the catcher. Think baseball. 3 lefts leads to the home plate lol. Good guess tho guys.