Thank you for your cooperation.
I was roaming around Yahoo answers and came across a Cristian "questioning" Atheists on how they could claim to discredit god's existence in a fairly rude, "this is how it is and I don't care what you say" manner.
So I responded and gave my views with a follow up (admittedly aggressive) speculation on how none of his scriptures or writing he cited could be trusted as sources and to please come up with something better. After a few errors and a copy paste and attempted re-answer, I find the thing got deleted but now I have a huge TL;DR on my clip board. So I figured you guys always have interesting opinions and the anonymity to express them so I thought I'd throw it out here and let you guys speculate as well.
Personally, I don't care if you believe in god or not and hope it bring you what ever fulfillment you're looking for. From what I've read, the bible itself admits to being more of an means to an end than anything. I've read people citing verses saying God/Jesus don't care if you believe as long as you just stop being ass holes and treat others fairly and tolerate their differences. Everyone is so ready to be offended over everything and it's stupid! Stop trying to figure out how the world came into existence and start trying to make it better. I don't care if there is a god because he isn't here now and he basically "said" in his scripture he isn't going to hold our hand! Now why don't you start reading the bible as it was intended and learn from the life lessons Jesus (or who ever wrote it) embedded into them!
If you want me to really mess with your beliefs, think about the era that these stories were made in and all the similarities to the other religions of that time. Then think how easy a creative person could have crafted them all together into an ultimate religion that took all the well accepted parts of each religion before it and then did some fancy tricks thousands of pagan priests had tried before hand. What if Jesus was just a really talented illusionist with a soft spot for humanity who had realized that most religion was smoke, mirrors, and good story telling? What if he made it up and his disciples were in on it? It would have been really easy to fool a bunch of superstitious, cow sacrificing, commoners who had already been fooled by priests and were pleasantly surprised by someone who did things out of the good of his heart. Then you have the zealots through the ages ages purging "heresy", questionable translations, "proof reading", and a few centuries worth of decay and "telephone syndrome" and we're going off a lot of trust in a lot of shady circumstantial "evidence". Now that I have discredited most of your written and testimonial evidence, please direct me to definitive archeological evidence proving (or at least making plausible) your claims and I'll give them more weight.
Then again, whether it was true or not doesn't really matter does it? Either way, Christianity is just an attempt at instilling good in humanity whether it's from a god or from a talented man.
Remember... you were warned. Try to contain any rage you have and give you opinion as nicely as possible and remember, I have nothing against you personally and this was intended for a particularly condescending person of which I'm sure you're above.