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translate read me

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:20 am
by killzone1012
hey guys got a question for you is there anyway to translate a lanuage in a read me?? i hae the read me right here with my i can copy and paste what it is

Hi Leute.

Hier habt ihr die Anleitung um die nudemods für Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning mit uMod verwenden zu können.

Entpackt das Archiv uMod_v1_r40 in ein beliebiges Verzeichnis.

Jetzt startet ihr das Tool.

Als erstes stellen wir noch die Sprache auf deutsch um:

Main -> Change Language -> Deusch auswählen.

Nun wird die .exe Datei von Reckoning in dem Spiel eingetragen:

Einstellungen -> Spiel hinzufügen -> Die Reckoning.exe Datei auswählen.

Jetzt noch globale Hook funktion aktivieren:

Einstellungen -> Nutze globale Hook: Aktivieren.

Nun kann uMod mit Reckoning verwendet werden.
Dabei gilt: Zuerst uMod starten, dann erst das Spiel.
Andersrum geht es nicht.

Nun startet ihr zuerst Origin und meldet euch normal an.

Jetzt startet ihr das Spiel mit der Reckoning.exe oder einem Link zu dieser Datei.
Startet das Spiel nicht über Origin. Es kann sein, dass es dann nicht funktioniert.

Beim ersten Spielstart kann es passieren, dass ihr eine Fehlermeldung erhaltet.
Diese einfach wegklicken, und das Spiel nochmals starten, dann sollte es laufen.

Wenn das Spiel startet, dann werdet ihr beim Introvideo, wo man das Hersteller Logo sieht, nur ein verpixeltes Bild sehen,
das ist aber kein Problem. Das Spiel wird normal weiterlaufen.

Wenn ihr im Hauptmenü seid, dann werdet ihr auch etliche Verpixelungen sehen, aber die Schrift des Hauptmenüs ist noch lesbar
und auswählbar.

Wenn ihr ein neues Spiel anfangen wollt, dann solltet ihr die zuerst ohne uMod im Hintergrund tun, da es hier zu einer Endlosschleife beim laden kommen kann.
Nachdem ihr dann speichern könnt, könnt ihr das tun und das Speil dann mit uMod neuladen, also das ganze Spiel, nciht nur den Spielstand.

Wenn ihr das Spiel geladen habt, dann wechselt mit ALT + Tab zum Desktop zurück.
Nun solltet ihr in uMod im unteren Teil des Hauptfensters nun aktive Buttons sehen können.

Hier wählt ihr nun den Button Texture/Paket öffnen, und wählt einer der .tpf Dateien aus dem Spiel aus.
In der obigen Liste, wo die .tpf Datei angezeigt wird, muss ein Hacken vor der Datei gesetzt sein.
Dann betätigt ihr den Button Update (neu laden)

Wenn ihr jetzt ins Spiel zurück wechselt, und die Rüstung auszieht, ist euer Char nackt.

Viel Spass beim spielen.

Wenn ihr nochmehr über uMod wissen wollt, und wie man es benutzt, dann seht hier nach:

other then that i dont know what it says and its for the Kingdoms_of_Amalur_Reckoning nude mod and hope its ok to post the read me if not i will take it down

Re: translate read me

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:16 am
by BlueLight
Use google translator. 90% of all translator programs on the web use it as a base at least.

Re: translate read me

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:17 am
by killzone1012
even to translate read mes? if so how would i translate it because i have no clue how and i have bing translater

Re: translate read me

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:25 am
by Suraru

If you have at least half a brain, you should be able to figure it out...

Re: translate read me

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:27 am
by BlueLight
So your saying you have a file with a extension of "README" or the Name is something like "README.txt"?

Re: translate read me

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:36 am
by Suraru
Fuck it! I'll do it for him....

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Hi people.

Here you have the manual for the nudemods Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning with umod to use.

Extract the archive into a directory uMod_v1_r40.

Now you start the tool.

First we have the language to German on:

Main -> Change Language -> Select Deusch.

. Now the exe file of Reckoning will be entered in the game:

> Select the file Reckoning.exe - Settings -> Add game.

Now activate still functioning global hook:

Settings -> Use Global Hook: Activate.

Now can be used with umod Reckoning.
Where: First umod start, then only the game.
The other way is not possible.

Well first you start Origin and sign in as normal.

Now it starts the game with the Reckoning.exe or a link to this file.
Starts the game is not about Origin. It may be that it does not work.

When you first start playing, it can happen that you get an error message.
Just ignore it, and start the game again, then it should work.

When the game starts, then you will be the intro video, where you can see the manufacturer's logo to see just a pixelated image,
But this is not a problem. The game will continue normally.

If you are in the main menu, then you will also see some pixelation, but the writing is still legible in the main menu
and selectable.

If you want to start a new game, then you should do the first without umod in the background, as there may invite an endless loop when.
After saving her then can you can do that and it the game it then umod reload, so the whole game, nciht just the score.

If you have downloaded the game, then switch with ALT + Tab back to desktop.
Now you should umod in the lower part of the main window can now see active buttons.

Here you choose now to open the button texture / packet, and selects one of the. Tpf files from the game.
In the above list, where the. Tpf file is displayed, a hook must be set before the file.
Then she pressed (reload) the Update button

If you now switch back into the game, and takes off his armor, your character will be naked.

Have fun playing.

If you want to know more about umod, and how to use it, then look for here:

took like 2 seconds btw, all I did was copy pasta, and set the translate to english.

Re: translate read me

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:49 pm
by killzone1012
Suraru Wrote:

If you have at least half a brain, you should be able to figure it out...

you dont have to call me names i wasnt sure or didnt know if i could translate a read me txt

Re: translate read me

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:35 pm
by Suraru
Well read me text is the same as any other text, just highlight it, and press ctrl + c
then just click ctrl + v to paste it.

And I didn't call you any names, I just said if you have half a brain you should be able to figure out where to paste the text, and how to click "Translate 'Detect Language' to 'English'"

Read me text is no different from word text, or the text I'm typing you right now. Also, just to let you know, there is no such thing as "read me text", its in a text document file (normally), and if you can post it in here, then you should be able to post it in google translate.

Re: translate read me

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:57 pm
by talin
Don't make me tell your hand to rape you again Suraru! lol
no but you did come off as a little bit of... a... (remembers bluelight's and smackman's sigs)

Hey Suraru, I've decided you're a douchebag.


Re: translate read me

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:18 pm
by fould12
talin Wrote:Hey Suraru, I've decided you're a douchebag.

I'm having a feeling everyone will have this as their signature sometime. ;)

Re: translate read me

PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:55 am
by Suraru


Sig changed to fit in, friends :'D (forever alone)

Sorry if I was rude, I am an asshole on accident when I try to be sarcastic ^^;

Re: translate read me

PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:07 pm
by talin
The cycle continues!... now I'm a target :|

Anyway, It's not to big a problem, your a likeable douchebag so we'll keep you around like the other two! :P Just try not to inadvertently insult people's intelligence even though we know you probably didn't mean it that way!

Re: translate read me

PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:26 pm
by BlueLight
Suraru Wrote:Fuck it! I'll do it for him....

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Hi people.

Here you have the manual for the nudemods Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning with umod to use.

Extract the archive into a directory uMod_v1_r40.

Now you start the tool.

First we have the language to German on:

Main -> Change Language -> Select Deusch.

. Now the exe file of Reckoning will be entered in the game:

> Select the file Reckoning.exe - Settings -> Add game.

Now activate still functioning global hook:

Settings -> Use Global Hook: Activate.

Now can be used with umod Reckoning.
Where: First umod start, then only the game.
The other way is not possible.

Well first you start Origin and sign in as normal.

Now it starts the game with the Reckoning.exe or a link to this file.
Starts the game is not about Origin. It may be that it does not work.

When you first start playing, it can happen that you get an error message.
Just ignore it, and start the game again, then it should work.

When the game starts, then you will be the intro video, where you can see the manufacturer's logo to see just a pixelated image,
But this is not a problem. The game will continue normally.

If you are in the main menu, then you will also see some pixelation, but the writing is still legible in the main menu
and selectable.

If you want to start a new game, then you should do the first without umod in the background, as there may invite an endless loop when.
After saving her then can you can do that and it the game it then umod reload, so the whole game, nciht just the score.

If you have downloaded the game, then switch with ALT + Tab back to desktop.
Now you should umod in the lower part of the main window can now see active buttons.

Here you choose now to open the button texture / packet, and selects one of the. Tpf files from the game.
In the above list, where the. Tpf file is displayed, a hook must be set before the file.
Then she pressed (reload) the Update button

If you now switch back into the game, and takes off his armor, your character will be naked.

Have fun playing.

If you want to know more about umod, and how to use it, then look for here:

took like 2 seconds btw, all I did was copy pasta, and set the translate to english.

How dare they change the IT code ethics and make you translate that!
As we all know, a IT profesional should never stray from the code. http://codeofethicsforanyprofession/IT/Server/windows2007.htm
But lets not for get about Vista repairs!http://codeofethicsforanyprofession/IT/Vista/repairforallthecrapvistagivesus.htm
This is on windows 8 http://codeofethicsforanyprofession/IT/Windows8/review3942.htm

Re: translate read me

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:39 pm
by talin
"what kind of operating system does it use?"
"Uh... Vista!"

...just got rick rolled... :lol:

Re: translate read me

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:12 pm
by BlueLight
talin Wrote:...just got rick rolled... :lol:

Windows 8 is just one big ricky roll in a box for PC users.