Random Drama that I could use some help with (girl problems)

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Random Drama that I could use some help with (girl problems)

Postby Suraru » Sun Feb 19, 2012 3:49 am

Warning! Drama ahead!
If you want to have a poorer mood on this great day, then continue reading.
If you know solutions for young love, please continue reading
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As I've said before, I'm dating a girl, however she is an abusive fuck and constantly hit me for almost every joke I make. The worst part is that she is being a hypocrite because she says the same jokes, yet hurts me for making them....

Also, she tries to hard to keep me, making her life seem extreme. I noticed this because when I told her of my actual extreme life, she stepped up and began making stories. She also tends to explain some things in emphasis like I am retarded or something..... Then again, in a community full of retards I can see where she would get that habit. They say when your 18 it all changes... not really. Were both still stuck with what seems to be the same idiots, and somehow they got manager positions because they have "aggression" which is looked up in companies.

And here I am stuck fixing computers, and teaching others how to do it, and all I get some a little bit of a higher pay while douchebags run the biz... and me.

Anyways, back to me and Kelli, those are just the bad things about her, I would of already broken up with her if it weren't for these reasons.
1. She is one of the few intelligent people I've met.
2. She takes shit from no one, which made some people lay off of me

... Wow just 2? I was expecting to type more then that DX
Put them side to side with the bad things,
1. She is a violent fuck to me, and my friends
2. A bit abusive
3. Some people lay off of me, others avoid me... those others were friends
4. She tends to story tell a lot to try and prove herself to me, even after I told her to stop and called her out on it
4. She tries to hard to keep me (goes with 4)
5. Not that good looking tbh, but no one should really care about looks unless your a total fucktard who just uses women for their looks/body (not counting this one)
5. Threatens to harm me/herself if I do break up with her

.... thats 2/5
grrr!!! What should I do?
Please help me on this, I have enough stress with college and work (although work isn't that bad thanks to a deal I made).
I do realize the fact I am asking a porn-forum for help with girl problems, but my family doesn't really help, all they say is to break up with her :-/

I need some fresh input from people who would have a neutral standing on this because none of you know her, or really me for that fact.

I swear to god if someone says "I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one" one more time, I am going to flip a bitch out of a window.
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Re: Random Drama that I could use some help with (girl probl

Postby BlueLight » Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:07 am

Flip a bitch out a window and i'll flip PETA on your ass. * DRUM: du dush*

I am likely the worst person to ask but lets go over this like i know stuff.
So the sounds of it you need to talk to her about all of this. I would plan my attack going though your list but I would also set up the discussion so she is able to and encourage to relate some of the problems she has with you. (that last bit might be the worst idea i've ever had... Tell me if she stabs you.)

Avoid talks about her looks, because, lets assume your not lieing about being not being an ass.

I don't know what i would about her threatening my person.
If she threatening harm to herself I'd tell her something sorta like "Don't give up on life!" or at least the spirit which that is intended.
Last edited by BlueLight on Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Random Drama that I could use some help with (girl probl

Postby Suraru » Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:13 am

Heh, I'm worried what she will do when I tell her we need to talk. Last time I did that (it was about her ex) she told me to wait for a bit as she grabbed some forks....

You can see why I wanna break up with her, but can't DX

I kind of hope she logs on and sees this, but she is never on, and I am man enough to do it face to face, not over a phone like an asshole.
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Re: Random Drama that I could use some help with (girl probl

Postby RavenLord » Sun Feb 19, 2012 12:43 pm

wow, then i am fucktard who judges woman for looks, but jokes aside. Be selfish here. Ask yourself if you like her and value her enough. İf answer is no. Break up. If yes, then i am sure you can change that girl to a better person.
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Re: Random Drama that I could use some help with (girl probl

Postby Smackman » Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:17 pm

Basically you are the woman in your relationship. Not because shes abusing you, but because you're letting her stand up for you etc etc. That's fine. but if you want her to stop abusing you, you either have to man up and start sticking up for yourself, dump her, or confront her about all this shit. if confronting her makes her more abusive you might have to get your sister to kick her ass or something (its really a lot easier if you're a chick in this situation than a guy, if my sister was being abused i could just go beat the fuck out of the guy)

She does sound like a crazy bitch though, and if shes not good looking and all you got is that shes smart, she's not worth a whole lot.

I'd say dump her with a list of reasons, lock your doors and windows at night and move on. She might improve for the next guy if she really is smart.

Raise your standards as high as they can go and only settle for the best. like if you rate girls on personality/looks/everything out of 10, and you're a 6 or w/e only take 7's and maybe 6's but definitely do not take 5's. you could be single for a long time if you dont meet that many people, but its better if you treat this as a really big goal

work out and learn to smile and generally be nice to everyone and you can get 10's
rather have nothing bad to say about anyone for the most part. tricky as hell really, i get around it by avoiding people I hate like the plague
Suraru Wrote:Hey smackman, I've decided your a douchebag :P

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Re: Random Drama that I could use some help with (girl probl

Postby BlueLight » Sun Feb 19, 2012 5:07 pm

Smackman Wrote:She does sound like a crazy bitch though, and if shes not good looking and all you got is that shes smart, she's not worth a whole lot.

I'd say dump her with a list of reasons, lock your doors and windows at night and move on. She might improve for the next guy if she really is smart.

Raise your standards as high as they can go and only settle for the best. like if you rate girls on personality/looks/everything out of 10, and you're a 6 or w/e only take 7's and maybe 6's but definitely do not take 5's. you could be single for a long time if you dont meet that many people, but its better if you treat this as a really big goal

work out and learn to smile and generally be nice to everyone and you can get 10's
rather have nothing bad to say about anyone for the most part. tricky as hell really, i get around it by avoiding people I hate like the plague

Call me a romantic but this seems like your giving advice on how to find the perfect girl. Perfections is over rated!... i think... guess... it just is because!
Also the only thing that makes her sound crazy is the fact she's threatening harm to him and herself if he breaks up.
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Re: Random Drama that I could use some help with (girl probl

Postby Suraru » Sun Feb 19, 2012 6:29 pm

Smackman Wrote:Basically you are the woman in your relationship.

Ya... I've been told that a lot XD

Next time I see her I'll try to break up.... hopefully this isn't my last post DX


by posting in the RP a few times so this isn't my last post :P
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Re: Random Drama that I could use some help with (girl probl

Postby Reena » Sun Feb 19, 2012 6:54 pm

Well, my suggestion is basically the suggestion I give for everything: talk! Your relationship won't get anywhere if you just sit there and take it. You need to have an honest, heart-to-heart discussion about this. If she resorts to violence, that means that she's trying to avoid talking (about what, though, I don't know). You need to make sure it stays a calm discussion, and don't let her just avoid it. It's almost always better to talk something out than to hold it in and pretend it doesn't exist. You basically need to tell her like it is, and make it clear what she's doing that bothers you and make it clear that it's making a hole in your relationship (but don't threaten to break up, that causes more problems than it solves). If you try your best and she still can't work with you on this, it is probably time to move on.

Wish you luck!
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Re: Random Drama that I could use some help with (girl probl

Postby bruiserdemon » Sun Feb 19, 2012 7:03 pm

he be ded...
on a happier note, if you live, think about all the better girls you CAN get now that your options are open :D
plus, you could get a restraining order if she does try something (i know that seems extreme but she sounds really crazy so it may be necessary)
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Re: Random Drama that I could use some help with (girl probl

Postby Suraru » Sun Feb 19, 2012 7:09 pm

I should if she does get too close,
I mean her ex (who used to be a really good friend) put one on me because I wanted to try not to enemies, but some people need drama in their lives I guess :/
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Re: Random Drama that I could use some help with (girl probl

Postby BlueLight » Sun Feb 19, 2012 7:16 pm

bruiserdemon Wrote:he be ded...
on a happier note, if you live, think about all the better girls you CAN get now that your options are open :D
plus, you could get a restraining order if she does try something (i know that seems extreme but she sounds really crazy so it may be necessary)

... Don't you watch TV anybody? Those things never ever work.

Besides it sounds like they work at the same place.
Last edited by BlueLight on Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Random Drama that I could use some help with (girl probl

Postby Spartan5015 » Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:19 pm

when it comes to relationships nothing is ever easy. It definitely sounds like you're not happy with her. If I were you I'd break up with her (i'd bring someone with me for support if you were scared of harm) but i'd put it lightly still... very lightly, say you want to act professionally during work (if you do actually work together). anyways, It won't be easy, but it is possible. If she suicides, it ISN'T you're fault, and if she hurts you, you just call the cops and it never happens again.

anyways, good luck suraru. I hope you do the thing that will make you the happiest :)
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Re: Random Drama that I could use some help with (girl probl

Postby Suraru » Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:46 pm

Meh, thanks spartan.

If she does suicides, my pacifist conscience will kill me DX
And I might be too passive to call the cop- nevermind, she gets near me I'm going to call the cops on her... kind of pissed at her.

Wednesday is the next time we meet.... well at least I've been having a long weekend for once.....
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Re: Random Drama that I could use some help with (girl probl

Postby Suraru » Wed Feb 22, 2012 1:49 pm

Oh god, I meet again her soon..... hopefully this isn't my last post DX


I must be optimistic!!! I will return! .................................... with broken bones.... FUCK!
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Re: Random Drama that I could use some help with (girl probl

Postby Suraru » Wed Feb 22, 2012 4:10 pm

I pussied out, but when I get a lunch break I have no way to avoid her... easily....

Goddammit, bad moods are bad, someone say something funny.....
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Re: Random Drama that I could use some help with (girl probl

Postby Suraru » Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:53 pm

Its done, all she did was bow her head, hugged me, then walked away.

It didnt help I was on the 4th floor of a building near a window.......

To any mods who can, please delete this, it will be hell for me to see the title,
To those who helped.... thanks I think........
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Re: Random Drama that I could use some help with (girl probl

Postby Smackman » Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:46 pm

well its more about having standards than looking for the perfect girl. i mean i threw that shit in about raising your own number (this number rating is pretty shallow even if i did say it includes personality and intelligence) because i figure its better to become a "better" person in a sense and get "better" girls. a 6 raising themself to an 8 and dating a 9 would be a lot happier than a 6 dating a 5 or 7 or w/e.

the most important thing is to know where you stand and know what kind of people you want around.

theres all kind of things you can do to test peoples character etc etc... dont do stupid tests with girls like saying you have herpes to see if she'll stay, but like if you want to find out if someone is trustworthy you tell them something minor like "i have a 3rd nipple" or some shit and see if they spread it around
Suraru Wrote:Hey smackman, I've decided your a douchebag :P

OMG IM SO HURT *Whatever*
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Re: Random Drama that I could use some help with (girl probl

Postby Suraru » Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:10 pm

meh, I don't really have standards because I am really tolerable.

But someone as violent as her.... It still pains me because she was a girl... with feelings....
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Re: Random Drama that I could use some help with (girl probl

Postby Smackman » Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:16 am

gotta get some standards... then again it all depends anyways... I figure if im going to lose interest because shes dumb and boring or something (I dont really go for ugly chicks either but a hot chick whos dumber than dog shit is just the worst) its not worth it, I could fuck and chuck chicks like that but thats not really fair, let the douchebags theyre always complaining about do that

its really sad that all theyre good for is sucking dick... but i cant just fake having an interest in shopping or something to prevent them from that lol
Suraru Wrote:Hey smackman, I've decided your a douchebag :P

OMG IM SO HURT *Whatever*
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Re: Random Drama that I could use some help with (girl probl

Postby Zeus Kabob » Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:26 am

Congrats, Suraru! I'm happy it worked out.
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