Warning! Drama ahead!
If you want to have a poorer mood on this great day, then continue reading.
If you know solutions for young love, please continue reading
If your a smartass who has some good jokes, please, continue reading and make me happier by sharing some cruel jokes on the matter.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
As I've said before, I'm dating a girl, however she is an abusive fuck and constantly hit me for almost every joke I make. The worst part is that she is being a hypocrite because she says the same jokes, yet hurts me for making them....
Also, she tries to hard to keep me, making her life seem extreme. I noticed this because when I told her of my actual extreme life, she stepped up and began making stories. She also tends to explain some things in emphasis like I am retarded or something..... Then again, in a community full of retards I can see where she would get that habit. They say when your 18 it all changes... not really. Were both still stuck with what seems to be the same idiots, and somehow they got manager positions because they have "aggression" which is looked up in companies.
And here I am stuck fixing computers, and teaching others how to do it, and all I get some a little bit of a higher pay while douchebags run the biz... and me.
Anyways, back to me and Kelli, those are just the bad things about her, I would of already broken up with her if it weren't for these reasons.
1. She is one of the few intelligent people I've met.
2. She takes shit from no one, which made some people lay off of me
... Wow just 2? I was expecting to type more then that DX
Put them side to side with the bad things,
1. She is a violent fuck to me, and my friends
2. A bit abusive
3. Some people lay off of me, others avoid me... those others were friends
4. She tends to story tell a lot to try and prove herself to me, even after I told her to stop and called her out on it
4. She tries to hard to keep me (goes with 4)
5. Not that good looking tbh, but no one should really care about looks unless your a total fucktard who just uses women for their looks/body (not counting this one)
5. Threatens to harm me/herself if I do break up with her
.... thats 2/5
grrr!!! What should I do?
Please help me on this, I have enough stress with college and work (although work isn't that bad thanks to a deal I made).
I do realize the fact I am asking a porn-forum for help with girl problems, but my family doesn't really help, all they say is to break up with her :-/
I need some fresh input from people who would have a neutral standing on this because none of you know her, or really me for that fact.
I swear to god if someone says "I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one" one more time, I am going to flip a bitch out of a window.
"Thanks to your unfortunate life, I've found myself being more and more grateful!"
"Are you horny? Do you not want babies? Just watch porn!
They'll make you jizz in your pants, so others don't have to!"