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sexual orientation. What's yours?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 12:14 am
by Lord Panzi
hey all, i was wondering who all here is straight, bi or gay
i myself and bi

You start flamming, and i start throat ripping, understand?

p.s. YES im a virgin... i prefer women, but i really wanna experiment with a guy. Saving my straight virginity for my girlfriend... long distance

Re: sexual orientation. What's yours?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 12:18 am
by Renara
Hope you don't mind, but I turned this into a poll out of interest :)

I'm bisexual myself, more specifically pansexual (physically attracted to girls, but will sleep with guys I like), though that doesn't seem to apply when it comes to artwork where I'm happy to look at every gender interaction going.

Re: sexual orientation. What's yours?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 12:42 am
by Lord Panzi
oh good
i didnt see a poll option, so i just went with it
muchas gracias

Re: sexual orientation. What's yours?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 2:41 am
by Zanhento
I was bisexual but after a bad experience, I'm now only straight. But if a boy have great look, I look him as a candy ;)

Re: sexual orientation. What's yours?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 3:38 am
by haloman
Im bi myself. I prefer girls, but I want to enperament. And ya, im a virgin. Sue me. :roll:

Re: sexual orientation. What's yours?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 3:44 am
by trunks2585
asexual, just to fuck with the poll options.

seriously, straight.

Re: sexual orientation. What's yours?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:59 am
by Haldor
After becoming friends with a (unfortunately straight) certain guy, I realised it just doesn't matter to me either way, it's the person that counts.
Oh, then he started dating the girl I was after... MIND FUCK! :?

Re: sexual orientation. What's yours?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 7:06 am
by bosworth115
I'm not really sure what I am. I'm sexually attracted to girls, but i also think some guys are hot. Or like, I recognize that guys are hot, something like that, does anyone know if that is called anything?

Re: sexual orientation. What's yours?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 1:10 pm
by Lord Panzi
bosworth115 Wrote:I'm not really sure what I am. I'm sexually attracted to girls, but i also think some guys are hot. Or like, I recognize that guys are hot, something like that, does anyone know if that is called anything?

sounds like you just appreceate the male figure, i was like that for a while
i ended up bi :D but you are probably straight.

Re: sexual orientation. What's yours?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 5:41 pm
by DexterdMMX
Bi, sucking cock´s is nearly as good as eating pussy´s.
I had my first sex with a girl and a while later with a guy.
Both was quite interesting and I will keep it up.

But I didn´t had Anal made to me. That is somthing I will only allow to someone special.

And it depends on the person, not on the gender.

Re: sexual orientation. What's yours?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:34 am
by ronpepper
Straight, but I guess in my college days I had a brief couple of months of bi-curiosity, and I thought I had a closed mind about guys. Turns out, I just wasn't attracted to them after all. Yeah, I can appreciate a good male physique and a handsome face, but I'm not confused. When it comes to what I surf for or what gets on my wallpapers, it's girls with big titties.

I wouldn't have gone with a poll because it's unscientific, but eh, take it with a grain of salt and a hefty margin of error.

Re: sexual orientation. What's yours?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:35 am
by Lord Panzi
science? who needs science
this is a porn game forum, not a rocket science data table
SCREW SCIENCE... i have had bad science teachers

Re: sexual orientation. What's yours?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 4:11 am
by ronpepper
Lord Panzi Wrote:science? who needs science
this is a porn game forum, not a rocket science data table
SCREW SCIENCE... i have had bad science teachers

And it shows.

Re: sexual orientation. What's yours?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 4:22 am
by Lord Panzi
ronpepper Wrote:
Lord Panzi Wrote:science? who needs science
this is a porn game forum, not a rocket science data table
SCREW SCIENCE... i have had bad science teachers

And it shows.

im just kidding. I love science... i just hate science teachers... so far anyways

i forgot to mention, please state your gender

Re: sexual orientation. What's yours?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 6:43 am
by bosworth115
ima dude

Re: sexual orientation. What's yours?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:50 am
by Haldor

Re: sexual orientation. What's yours?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:32 am
by Mr.Elefant
Straight-ish, I think...I don't know. Gender is the same as my username.

Re: sexual orientation. What's yours?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 5:15 am
by haloman
Mr.Elefant Wrote:Straight-ish, I think...I don't know. Gender is the same as my username.

So your a sexualy confused male Elefant? XD

Re: sexual orientation. What's yours?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 6:18 am
by Eggplants
Just a boring straight tentacle monster ;)
I will not settle for less than three holes.

Re: sexual orientation. What's yours?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:02 pm
by ThatGuy
im Girls only but i respect all sexualitys.

I just hate how so many people i know hate it and call it wrong

P.S if not Obvious im a guy