Forum Administration/Moderation

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Re: Forum Administration/Moderation

Postby Suraru » Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:03 pm

Raven, she said "some people" to avoid calling you out.

Btw Taria, congrats on becoming a forum mod, don't ban Raven XD
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Re: Forum Administration/Moderation

Postby RavenLord » Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:11 pm

Calling me out? Suraru you realise she could have said "someone-totally-not-named-Ravenlord" and it would have been the samething as only i do that thing on the forums. Neverthless, i am more suprised by her becoming mod. Neverthless, as long as she dont start abusing it, i think i am fine with her being the mod.
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Re: Forum Administration/Moderation

Postby Suraru » Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:18 pm

Ya, ill have to agree with 2nd part,
If you do want/have to ban/kick him, make sure you talk to the rest of the forum about it, someone like me who knows of the conflict and can give a neutral view.

Now raven, your insane, if she wanted to call you out she would of said your name, I didn't know you were the only one who did it until you just said you did XD
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Re: Forum Administration/Moderation

Postby RavenLord » Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:23 pm

Dude, i maybe insane :) but still it doesnt change the fact. She maybe seeing it as a violation of rules, i dont care. Everyone is okay with it so she has to just deal with it.
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Re: Forum Administration/Moderation

Postby Suraru » Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:27 pm

Meh, you have a point there, but a weak one lol.

I'm sure no one really cares, so its fine lol

Also, being normal is boring, so be insane like me me :D
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Re: Forum Administration/Moderation

Postby RavenLord » Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:37 pm

Well, cant get your logic but it sounds good wnough, write me in.
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Re: Forum Administration/Moderation

Postby BlueLight » Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:10 am

For raven
By weak he means less than 50%.
If i win 1000$ every year for the past 100 years than it's like this year i'm going to win 1000$. That is strong because i am likely to win 1000$.
I've lost 1000$ ever year for the past 100 tears than it's likely i'll win this year 1000$ it's weak because it's possible but not likely.

This is inductive logic which is normally used.

As for this whole crap of 3 thread... Raven grow up. Your not special and she didn't point the finger at you. I know at least one other person who did it after you.

For Sursa
I know your likely trying to be cute but really?
That is insulting telling a mod to talk it over before a ban.
She was given the power to Moderate the forum not because she needs to talk it over but because Ren decided she was trust worthy.
I find that insulting to her, ren, a little to thae because he set it up and a little to me but we don't care about that
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Re: Forum Administration/Moderation

Postby RavenLord » Sat Jan 21, 2012 8:39 am

BlueLight Wrote:For raven
By weak he means less than 50%.
If i win 1000$ every year for the past 100 years than it's like this year i'm going to win 1000$. That is strong because i am likely to win 1000$.
I've lost 1000$ ever year for the past 100 tears than it's likely i'll win this year 1000$ it's weak because it's possible but not likely.

This is inductive logic which is normally used.

As for this whole crap of 3 thread... Raven grow up. Your not special and she didn't point the finger at you. I know at least one other person who did it after you.

For Sursa
I know your likely trying to be cute but really?
That is insulting telling a mod to talk it over before a ban.
She was given the power to Moderate the forum not because she needs to talk it over but because Ren decided she was trust worthy.
I find that insulting to her, ren, a little to thae because he set it up and a little to me but we don't care about that

Blue, for all its worth i am speechless. I dont understand the first part but i can answer the second part..... And i am sick of this hey lets annoy the Raven. I dont know how mod thought she is trusthworthy as Taria is everything but that. Letting that aside, i am also tired of kicking Raven in the face. Stop it.
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Re: Forum Administration/Moderation

Postby Thaedael » Sat Jan 21, 2012 8:41 am

The rules as I laid out when the rp section was first set were guidelines. The main rules that must be followed are this, personal attacks on other members are not allowed, and civility in a forum setting must be maintained. A moderator's job is to err on the said of caution when it comes to enforcing rules. Enforce them too much and people are irritated, enforce them not at all people stomp all over each-other. I haven't had the chance to speak to Taria yet, and give her the talk that Renara gave me when I was made a moderator but basically I will do it here.


1. A meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.

A forum is an essential part of a community, it was debated over countless centuries whether or not it was a result of the farming community yielding excess crops and allowing people to switch from hunter-gatherers to farmers. It is where ideas are born, and every face to the same coins can be debated. It brings out ingenuity and it brings out the best and worst of people.

This forum originated as a forum about a project called Legend of Krystal, since then it has expanded to incorporate many game ideas, a resource for how to program from many mediums ranging from game maker to action script.

More recently the rp-section was born. I was opposed to it at first, and some days I wonder if it was the right thing to not be firmer on the stance but that is something I digress on.

The reason a moderator was chosen for the RP-Section, is that there is a plethora of notes that get flagged on a regular basis and it swamps us down in comparison to other sections of the forums. I had basically decided with KatsuO_O, the other moderator whom I work with closely (not to exclude Jay_steppes and the other moderators) that it would be best to get someone who is active in the community, has a good balance of rules to leniancy, and as well as a likeable personality. This narrowed it down to BlueLight and Taria, and in the end I brought Taria up her name to Renara on my own iniative.

Essentially she is just to keep the sub-section in line, she can make recommendations to change the rules, and moderate. The problem with any moderating job is getting in tune with the community, because you go from being someone who is just using a forum, to someone who sets the tone of a forum. I try to be civil in a forum in hopes that it brings out civility in other people, we become examples which reflects on the forums. I have been a good guy, and I have certainly had bad guy moments too, this is normal as we get in tune with what the community needs.

Just so people know her powers are in the rp section alone, and other moderators have the power to over-turn each-other. If you have a problem and don't agree with a decision you can contact other moderators. This isn't just for Taria, it goes for all the other. If you don't like my decision, appeal me directly, or renara. Renara is the big boss that runs this place.

As for rules enforcements. Always err on the side of caution. Having a one on one pm discussion is a thousand times more productive, no one is being called out, no one is having their dirty laundry aired etc. Conversely, if a moderator makes a public statement you are to treat it like the law, this however does not stop you from taking it up in pms. People are civil, approach something in a civil manner makes good results. Also always feel free to contact other moderators, make suggestions to improve the forums etc. Its always better to be a little leniant, than to be overly strict.

Raven, sorry you got called out on that, its my fault for the ambiguity of the rules I wrote a long time ago. I am not very familiar with the issue but can you go into more detail about what caused this to occur.

As for everyone else, it was my decision to make her a candidate, Renara followed through on my request. It takes time for people to adjust to being a moderator so just bare with it. Treat her well and work with her to really shape the community you want, this site has constantly re-evolved itself to adapt to changing needs so we try to be as accommodating as possible.

That was more than I had originally intended, but I guess I am in a talkative mood after crying all night and drinking 20 pints. My best friend's father was diagnosed with cancer, so if all of you could take a moment and pray for his recovery that would be appreciated.

Be pragmatic, build sense of community. Per Ardua Ad Astra.

Happy rping.

Re: Forum Administration/Moderation

Postby RavenLord » Sat Jan 21, 2012 8:53 am


Thank you for reassuring me. I dont have much problem with being called out, its just i am uneasy over much power given someone who i ussually argue on unfriendly terms. Civility is important and a thing i keep, i always stay calm, do my best to not resort anything low. If you and rest of rp forum believes Taria deserves to be moderator i am fine with it, as long as she doesnt start abusing it which in this case i think you or Renara are the ones i will PM.

This forum is a place where we create ideas and have fun, thats why i am here. Nothing else.
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Re: Forum Administration/Moderation

Postby Suraru » Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:01 am

@Blue and possibly Thaedael's long post which I didn't read,

I am not trying to be cute or anything, I'm serious. In too many places, mods and admins were finger happy on the ban hammer. Friends and I have been banned unjustly for many reasons, and all the drama could of been avoided in the admin decided to ask the rest of the forum's opinion or say on the matter. I hate it when authorities make decisions without consent from affected parties.

Bans are a capital punishment, and should be only used as a last resort when kicks don't work and the person will not change (and people do change). I almost never agree with bans because I can almost never think of a situation for banning a human. (Just to clarify, bans are perma, kicks are temporary) People change, things happen, permanent things are almost always bad (because things change).

One of my motto's I stand by, "there are always exceptions."
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Re: Forum Administration/Moderation

Postby RavenLord » Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:06 am

well, its good thing you dont hang out in 4chan then.. :)

But jokes aside you are right Suraru. Banhammer isnt something that can be used lightly.
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Re: Forum Administration/Moderation

Postby BlueLight » Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:08 am

Thaedael Wrote:has a good balance of rules to leniancy, and as well as a likeable personality. This narrowed it down to BlueLight.

I am shocked that I made it to runner up. I personally didn't think i would be considered since half the time I'm making either grammar errors or just complete spelling fails. (Oh yes i see them people and they're embarrassing. :oops: )
I love stuff like Legal Documents and anything that says "If you have check mark this then you agree that you have read bla" so in a way i'm not surprised i under stand the rules but than again i haven't read them in a while so i'm a little rust. (Should do that with LOK general rules.) however I never considered my self a likable personality.

Anyways doesn't matter... I still say Taria bribed Ren and thae while my power was out. That alright if she didn't do I would've! :twisted:

@Suraru I agree ban's shouldn't be handed out to just anyone. I however personally support "global-MCbans" for Hackers and Avton or what every their name is.
Hell if i see some one flying in the sky thats a ban!
Just my OP side speaking.
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Re: Forum Administration/Moderation

Postby Thaedael » Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:18 am

The main point raven, is that she is just starting out. My first action as a moderator involved deleting inflammatory posts that ended up getting me and the moderating team flak. Takes a little time to get used to things, and she could use a little nudge in the right direction. If you explain to me what was the whole drama triggering incident we can work as a community to overcome it and prevent it from happening again. Not asking you to be her best friend, and conversely not asking her to be your best friend either, but work together instead of having a gap.

Time wounds all heals if untreated.

Side-note, I tend to be overly conscientious of my spelling, but I am drunk. I will fix typos in the morning

Re: Forum Administration/Moderation

Postby Suraru » Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:26 am

Just read your block of text Thaedael, and here is my two cents.


(more like two words lol)

And some more just because;
Forums + Internet = Chatroom,
that's just how people work, can't really change that unless you want to be known as a huge asshat boss who no one likes.

I agree with Taria being a mod, if not then Bluelight because of his activity. Taria however seems more professional for the job, and it will be interesting because of her situation with Ravenlord.

I'm about as active as Bluelight, but that's because I have a smartphone and a manager position at my job so I have time to read or post on forums often, and posting is limited because of the phone's browser, which also means if I was a moderator I wouldn't be able to moderate really. Plus I really don't want the extra work anyways XD
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Re: Forum Administration/Moderation

Postby yea_well_FUCK_YOU » Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:31 am

Thaedael Wrote:The main point raven, is that she is just starting out. My first action as a moderator involved deleting inflammatory posts that ended up getting me and the moderating team flak. Takes a little time to get used to things, and she could use a little nudge in the right direction. If you explain to me what was the whole drama triggering incident we can work as a community to overcome it and prevent it from happening again. Not asking you to be her best friend, and conversely not asking her to be your best friend either, but work together instead of having a gap.

Time wounds all heals if untreated.

Side-note, I tend to be overly conscientious of my spelling, but I am drunk. I will fix typos in the morning

words of wisdom even in times of drunkness... *gives Thaedel 5 epic points*

and I think that whoever is the mod, shouldn't act on anything they are involved in anyways. like, mod on everything else, but if you are a part of an incident, bring in one of the other mods for a second opinion, not discuss it with the whole community.
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Re: Forum Administration/Moderation

Postby Thaedael » Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:51 am

Sometimes feedback is as important as ever. If Taria asked me and I couldn't be impartial, then it is also problematic. We aren't really always elected to this position, but we are here to serve others and maintain an order.

Re: Forum Administration/Moderation

Postby RavenLord » Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:18 am

will pm you about it if you think it can be solved.
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Re: Forum Administration/Moderation

Postby Thaedael » Sat Jan 21, 2012 12:07 pm

I can't say before I have seen what the problem is that it will be solved. Something we talked about for 7 hours today in our lab. That being said I don't give any promises I can't keep either so just give me a pm, I'll read it over once I sober up a bit, then I will go about getting what I can do to fix whatever issue it may be.

Re: Forum Administration/Moderation

Postby RavenLord » Sat Jan 21, 2012 12:42 pm

well, its long really, need to get to computer for a good PM.
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