Video Game Discussions

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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Acidrayne360 » Sun Nov 07, 2010 12:10 am

Csbears Wrote:What exactly do you mean? the scavenging thing with the dog? having to find the books to teach him? the ending? i mean if you don't choose the "right" ending you cant get the most desired achievements. That is unless you pick up all of the collectible shit ~before~ you reach the ship at the docks ( point of no return ). They said it would be geared more towards action and less rpg...and more story based and a little less free roaming. Oh and all the expressions you'll be using are more realistic and less of a joke. Instead of you being like Silent Bob from Clerks (from the videos I've watched) you actually interact with the know, with your hands, so your no longer run around like a robot trying to impress you can run around touching them as well. I didn't even touch base on the fact that you get to be the King / Queen of i mean Albion! Think of all the power you get to wield in the Golden Throne as the God Emperor (WH 40 k ref).

I played the shit out of both their games and will probably be satisfied with whatever the outcome (Lionhead does marginally good work, after all).

Lol...You said touching. You can sexually harass people in Fable 3? :P
I love this site, since I can let my dirty mind run free! xD
But anyways, I'm quite looking forward to CoD Black Ops. Since they took out quick scoping, CoD it probably will (probably) lose most of it's younger, less skilled gamers that rely on quick scoping.
And plus it's the cold war, who doesn't like some spy vs spy action?
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Mechanios » Sun Nov 07, 2010 1:36 am

trunks2585 Wrote:why beta test anymore when everything get's fixed with a patch? Seriously we are the new game testers.

True Story. The only thing that irks me is that I still doesn't understand the sunset house quest/how to get it. I've done -everything- to those ghosts. If you can imagine it, I have done it.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Eggplants » Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:21 pm

I just have to say I am absolutely LOVING Sonic Colours right now! everything about it just brings joy to my heart from the excellent level designs and replay value to the crappy story line :D
but they went back to just Sonic and Tails which is good for most fans and is great for simplifying things but I never understood why people hated so many of the new characters. I always loved seeing new characters, but that's probably just because how much a hate Sonic fan characters that look either too generic or like they're trying too hard to be cool. the only official Sonic character I hate is Silver.
oh and I got the dumb hat too :lol:

oh and I played 007 with me friend the other day too, I was so happy to finally use my links crossbow training gun thing and now I just can't help but feel that the Wii is severely underrated as a fps console because although it took a bit of getting use to I thought it controls surprisingly well.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby LiKrySo412 » Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:09 am

Sonic colo(u)rs looks awesome, the DS version too (Even if it looks like Sonic Rush 3...But it isn´t.) i finished it (DS) this afternoon, best Final boss designed by robotn... Eggman ever!

Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Eggplants » Thu Nov 18, 2010 6:20 am

yeah I've been playing my DS allot recently and now I wish I got the DS version instead. the Wii version is really cool but to be honest the best parts of the game are the 2D parts. the 3D parts LOOK cool but they're not much ells besides that because the advantage of 3D games is you can move around more freely but that's the complete opposite when it comes to Sonic colou?rs :( which is a shame because that's the ONLY problem I have with the game but it makes such a big difference to me.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Mechanios » Thu Nov 18, 2010 2:59 pm

Eggplants Wrote:oh and I played 007 with me friend the other day too, I was so happy to finally use my links crossbow training gun thing and now I just can't help but feel that the Wii is severely underrated as a fps console because although it took a bit of getting use to I thought it controls surprisingly well.

This is exactly what I wanted to hear. I'm buying the Wii 007 on Friday. :D Gonna have a 10 hour multiplayer binge.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Csbears » Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:07 pm

You quoted Acid and then posted it as your own? dont make sense

You do the sunset house quest by going there in the day to see how the statues are placed(Its annoying just trying to get into the Sunset House until i wrote it all down on a .txt document and finally popped the lock), put them in place at night, go in and sleep in the bed, quick fight with chesty, leave the bedroom and shoot the crystal ball in the first room, go down the hallway with the couches and shit and ~try~ to get behind them (it unlocks the mirror door), and FINALLY jump through the giant mirror and get the unique gun and gtfo there.

I liked the Fable 2 chesty quest where you initially find out that chesty...? yeah he's a crazy asshole. I would much rather have a lot of hard fighting than F3's one third chess, one third fighting, one third dungeon master type deal.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Acidrayne360 » Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:57 am

Csbears Wrote:You quoted Acid and then posted it as your own? dont make sense

...I think I missed something here...?
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Csbears » Thu Nov 25, 2010 3:57 am

Earlier today somebody quoted you about Fable 3's sunset house post and then copy / pasted it in their comment as well...and i was like...what the hell is he doing? lol? but i decided to type out the answer about how to beat that damn house. If you cant understand what i said go on youtube and punch it in there's a video or two on there about it...which I used myself. xD
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Acidrayne360 » Thu Nov 25, 2010 4:18 am

Yeah, but I don't remember saying anything about that...
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Csbears » Thu Nov 25, 2010 6:55 pm

Well...he quoted the wrong person for some odd reason...but i seen that it had your name on it. Crazy people are in fact crazy.

IMHO once you max out your starter weapon there isn't any reason to get any of the other weapons, unless you're going after that annoying achievement. Which questions the entire sunset house mission...I think they should have made something in the game that was actually worthwhile getting. Think about how useless gold, marriages, and anything off the main storyline is...I beat the whole game with my starter sword and a Vortex combo ~and~ never died once...for the achievement. xD
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Haldor » Tue Dec 14, 2010 4:45 am

Mechanios Wrote:
trunks2585 Wrote:why beta test anymore when everything get's fixed with a patch? Seriously we are the new game testers.

True Story. The only thing that irks me is that I still doesn't understand the sunset house quest/how to get it. I've done -everything- to those ghosts. If you can imagine it, I have done it.

Well RoosterTeeth are always there to help you if you get stuck ;)
I thought that area was going to be DLC, I couldn't even find the place until I finished the game and did a thorough search!
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Renara » Tue Dec 14, 2010 4:09 pm

I'm looking forward to Elder Scrolls V! The teaser is a bit poor since it tells us nothing of the game that we didn't already know, but meh.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Acidrayne360 » Tue Dec 14, 2010 9:17 pm

HELL YES!!! Ren, I've been having a gamergasm over ES5 since I found out about it and you are probably the first person that I've found besides myself that actually gives a shit about it! Most people I've talked to about it haven't even heard of The Elder Scrolls!
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby haloman » Tue Dec 14, 2010 9:58 pm

Ive heard of it! lol. And i am so getting it!
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Haldor » Wed Dec 15, 2010 12:13 am

11/11/11 :'(

I'm looking forward to a new engine, they've been milking the oblivion engine for too darn long now! :lol:
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Csbears » Wed Dec 15, 2010 1:16 pm

Fuck your ES5! ( Oblivion glitched too much, even on the 360 :( ) GIVE ME MASS EFFECT 3! OR DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION! OR DIABLO 3! :D :D :D *nerdgasms*
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Haldor » Thu Dec 16, 2010 3:55 am

Oh I am /so/ glad that they've confirmed an absence of multiplayer for ME 3 >.<

That would just not work! :S
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Renara » Thu Dec 16, 2010 2:34 pm

Haldor Wrote:Oh I am /so/ glad that they've confirmed an absence of multiplayer for ME 3 >.<

Thank goodness, they had that "multiplayer style" DLC for mass effect one (something station) and it was pretty crap. The mass effect and presumably mass effect 3 style of play certainly would lend itself more to multiplayer, but not by much. That kind of thing is better served by a spin-off game that's designed for that kind of thing, like a shooter.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby haloman » Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:16 pm

Oh yove got a PS3 Ebonizza? me to! wanna be online friends? lol. my handle: facepalm22
anyone on this forum (who is regestered. i dont want "complete" strangers) is welcome to!!
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