BlueLight Wrote:I'm going to have to withdraw. No point arguing if i have to explain the definition of god every post.
If you used an actually supported god that doesn't exist only in your head, defined by no one but you, then you wouldn't have to. *shrug*
Regardless, if you look at my posts, I do have one or two arguments against at such a self-defined god.
fould12 Wrote:Personally, I see more evidence pointing towards an all-powerful governing god then no governing force whatsoever. The big bang theory being correct has nothing to do with the existence of god, since he could have created it in the first place. Now, to evaluate wether god exists or not, you have to wonder where he came from, and why he is all powerful.
The beginning of the universe is in complete mystery to most people, even the big bang theory only explains the expansion of the universe, not the actual creation. Some believe it came from nothing, some believe it was created by something greater than the universe; but what caused the creator or the universe to form?
Now, let's say there was absolutely nothing(since everything must have come from somewhere, why was it there in the first place?), why would anything be created? A better question is, why wouldn't it? If there is absolutely nothing, then there are no laws of the universe, no logic, nothing holding it to any standards; this means it could continue as nothing, or become anything. Logically, nothing can come from nothing, but since there is no logic, something can come from nothing, and that something could be anything.
Now there is the question, what is that anything, since obviously something was created, or we wouldn't be here. So far, there are 2 theories:
1. Random substances were created, that eventually formed/is forming everything today.
2. A being was created, that was everything, and presumptuously could control everything, even space and time.
If we think that 1 is true, then that means everything is random; anything could happen, any substance could do anything at any given moment. The chances of the current laws of physics being formed was very small, along with the chances of enough heat being created for the formation of stars and planets, one planet that has just the right size and distance for life, along with the creation of life; not to mention their ability to evolve. If you add up the odds, the overall chance of this scenario happening is astronomically small. The chances of this happening are probably more than a house suddenly appearing in the middle of space.
If we think that 2 is true, then we have a perfect force that is all-powerful, all-knowing, and perfect with control of the universe. It would then make sense for everything to be created just right for us to live in.
Furthermore, from what I read in the bible, everything makes sense to me. There are no loop holes, gaps in logic, lack of morality, or conflict with recorded history. It all makes sense, it's logical, gives meaning to life, and describes how to be good, unlike other religions(some of which tell you to sacrifice your children).
Also, even if there was no god in the beginning, there is an infinite amount of time for almost anything to happen. Maybe sometime in the future, a being will be formed, so powerful that he could travel through time, and maybe re-make the universe to his liking. And since he is beyond time, he would have forever to learn everything, and in this time he could build himself up to be a perfect being. If anything is possible, then this could defiantly be the outcome.
Anyway, those are my thoughts on the matter.
Well, the bible has been reprinted in one thousand different copies. If it was the word of god, wouldn't one book had been enough?
Even if there is a god, there's nothing that can point towards the will of that god; One is not even able to say if he's actually involved in any of our religions.
Now, nr.1 is more likely than nr.2, for a being randomly created that is everything requires nr.1 to be true in the first place. Otherwise, he couldn't even get into existence. Now, we have to roll the dices. God or no god? Magic or no magic? Now, I will not say it's not a possibility, but I find it to be odd that nothing and randomness would randomly become order in a matter of split seconds. Would randomly create god. There, the chances of a house appearing in the middle of nothing is indeed greater than the creation of a perfect being.
The future thing seems unlikely, unless we created that being ourselves, since the original requirements for god was, that there was random and nothingness. Well, maybe our universe is destined to go back to that stage at one point. Who knows.
I won't say it couldn't happen. I'll just say it's unlikely to have happened. The creation of god. That's my thoughts on the matter.