by Suraru » Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:04 am
Finally finished season 1, then watched the first two from season 2.
The writing is better, and Princess Celestia is an uber troll. She is such a troll, her pet phoenix is a troll!
But really, she spammed Spike with letters, didn't help any of them (physically) in fighting Discord, OH! And Discord. She defeated him, then pacifically trapped him in stone, and stuck him in a park.... That my friends is UBER TROLLING!
Plus she allowed the Gala to suck for many years, she did nothing as 4 ponies fell to their death (until Dashie saved them), and she trolled the citizens of Poniville by making fun of their loyalty. Example, when they kept filling her cup, she pretended to slurp to watch them fill up a full glass. *Takes breath* /rant
Anyways, the series almost sucks until episode 20, because that's when it started to get good, the writing and the awesomeness.
"Thanks to your unfortunate life, I've found myself being more and more grateful!"
"Are you horny? Do you not want babies? Just watch porn!
They'll make you jizz in your pants, so others don't have to!"