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Postby laa » Sun Jan 22, 2012 11:26 pm

Suraru Wrote:That would require it being brought back to life o,O

As said, it's still alive, lurking around in the very corners of the government.
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Postby BlueLight » Sun Jan 22, 2012 11:41 pm

I'm sorry i find this like talking to children. I'm done with this whole topic since it doesn't seem any really cares for a general chat and the fact that we have 3 threads on the topic just supports that.
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Postby laa » Mon Jan 23, 2012 12:21 am

... Your statement confuses me.
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Postby BlueLight » Mon Jan 23, 2012 2:42 am

WARNING! Head ache rant!

BreathofFire and ren are the only people i remember saying anything interesting and not just the same bull shit.
Sopa is alive and there is no reason to believe it's going away. The fact is Sopa isn't this demon ink put on to paper design to kill the internet. It's a law to stop piracy which is a good thing. The problem was that it had to much power and avoided the courts.

I know everyone is calling this a victory but if you think about it you have to gain something for a victory.
This was just us defending are selves.

Now i personally hate Acta, and SOPA since they consider every one a pirate. But that being said i hate them because of a problem they have not because they can't be fixed.

Now saying Sopa is dead or wont be voted on again is like saying "I took a arrow to the knee". It's stupid and well lets face it! My character has taken a arrow to the knee how many times now and he's still kicking ass with both legs.
Last edited by BlueLight on Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby suki888 » Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:51 am

im really against it :(
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Postby talin » Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:52 am

nvm i typed it in wrong but seriously i was browsing youtube and some aynoimis guy said it passed so i checked that link and it was like it didnt exist. gave me a scare for the moment.

Last edited by talin on Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby BlueLight » Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:59 am

It wasn't SOPA. It didn't get passed. After black out day everyone pulled their vote because their scared little sisies who don't want to lose votes for upcoming campaigns.
So have you tried IDK ?
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Postby talin » Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:09 am

it was suppose to block forgien sites. is basedout of america so i was expecting it to still be there lol
it doesnt matter i goofed and miss-typed
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Postby BlueLight » Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:47 am

warning! When i have a head ache i like to bitch slap. I have a headache right now.

Okay let me state it this way. No site will be taken down because of sopa. There is a logical reason for this. It's because fucking sopa didn't get passed as a law on the 18th. I was told there was a threat of Veto but that's second hand information.

The reason why Mega uploads was taken down because there are already laws in place to protect copyrights and mega uploads is accused of not following the laws. Sopa just made it easier and could fuck up a lot of legit stuff. it was also able to censorship sites which i don't agree with in the least because i just don't fucking trust these people.

Let me say that what happened to MegaUploads was a planned well in advance. it's not really shocking the date it happen and because it fits perfectly for them say it was a victory for sopa. Sopa didn't go though and well the laws are already in place so they just went ahead with the plan.
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Postby BlueBody » Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:33 am

BlueLight Wrote:warning! When i have a head ache i like to bitch slap. I have a headache right now.

Okay let me state it this way. No site will be taken down because of sopa. There is a logical reason for this. It's because fucking sopa didn't get passed as a law on the 18th. I was told there was a threat of Veto but that's second hand information.

The reason why Mega uploads was taken down because there are already laws in place to protect copyrights and mega uploads is accused of not following the laws. Sopa just made it easier and could fuck up a lot of legit stuff. it was also able to censorship sites which i don't agree with in the least because i just don't fucking trust these people.

Let me say that what happened to MegaUploads was a planned well in advance. it's not really shocking the date it happen and because it fits perfectly for them say it was a victory for sopa. Sopa didn't go though and well the laws are already in place so they just went ahead with the plan.

I feel that Megaupload getting taken down was just very poor timing on the government's part. Also, I am still pissed now that I can't find my tv shows now without ads in between (I've resorted to using Hulu -__- )
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Postby BlueLight » Fri Jan 27, 2012 3:25 am

BlueBody Wrote:I feel that Megaupload getting taken down was just very poor timing on the government's part. Also, I am still pissed now that I can't find my tv shows now without ads in between (I've resorted to using Hulu -__- )

Well um tough!... You do understand that you've basically said "I pirate and this is annoying because i have to watch ads that give the copyright owners their money?
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Postby laa » Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:41 pm

... You're lucky you've got Hulu.
We Europeans can't watch that. I don't care about ads, I'm good at ignoring them, so if they pay for my shows, I'm a happy man.
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Postby BlueLight » Sat Jan 28, 2012 3:32 am

laa Wrote:We Europeans

That i can understand.
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Postby laa » Sat Jan 28, 2012 8:25 am

I'm not sure I... Uh... What?
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Postby BlueLight » Sat Jan 28, 2012 8:02 pm

Hulu is limited to North America.
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Postby laa » Sat Jan 28, 2012 11:02 pm

Ah, yesh! Yes... Yes... :(
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Postby talin » Sun Jan 29, 2012 6:43 am

Ill gladly watch some ad over pirating something, every once in a while they come up with something good and i think i might buy it or go see the movie or ect, ect. so if they want to have ads stuff in all around a show for some extra cash then fine, so long as i get service. though still, it seems that all someone has to do anymore to get money is own an idea everyone uses, an idea is an idea and you should be paid for your discovery but raking in billions over a few choice thoughts is blown way out of perportion. money is suppose to determine your CURRENT value as seen by the government so they can judge just how useful you are. if you are useful you get to live well, if you are not useful then you live in poverty. what is so useful about someone who lives off royalties and copyrights with very little effort put towards helping the nation in general, when someone buys a buisness and hires someone to run the buisness for them then the owner is not only being useless but is getting paid with a well-groomed life for being usless, maybe we should make it so that if you are not activly taking part in running a buisness or franchise, you only get a small amount of money off it like 10% or so. this would force a few millionaires to at least work for thier money and be sucking less of the money away from the consumers and employees. If someone saves up enough money to buy the land and then he works on it or at the very least, manages it then yes he should be paid, if he hires someone else to manage/work the land then he is not contrubuting to the land's progress and should be given a very small portion of the reward. The same should go for an idea, if someone come up with it and then helps it evolve and prosper directly then they should get a good portion from it, if they hire a team of people to do it for a quarter of the reward then claim millions simple because they owned the origonal idea and hired someone to enhance/market it or even more common, hired somone else to come up with the idea, then why should they be given much of anything. someone like that should be told "ya thanks for funding it here's your loan back and some extra intrest now you get nothing except maybe a little rent if we are still using your stuff to market it"

ok i just realized how long ive been ranting so... ill end it here
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Postby Suraru » Sun Jan 29, 2012 6:45 am

Please, do my eyes a favor and break your post into 3-5 line segments called paragraphs.
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Postby BlueLight » Sun Jan 29, 2012 7:35 am

I disagree with most of that statement.
I personally agree with the pirating shows. I will look for a legal stream first then go to a site.

the rest of that i find complete bullshit. just my personal reasoning. Education is one of the most expenisive worth while things in this country and only on rare acation can i think of where it will fail you. My parents were still paying of their student loans 5 years ago. I believe around 50. that mean assume they went to college at 20 they were paying bills for 30 fucking years... (just a sec i lost where i was going with this)... So if some one was to start a business are you saying that they do deserve to get more money. They most likely went to college for a degree way more advanced then yours. If they didn't at all go to college and their doing a job that normally requires a high level college degree then they should get more money.

Lets face if you do a high level job your going to get a high amount of money most of the time.

How the economics works is by "Supply and demand" The more people that want something the more a person can get for. The more people are sell it the cheaper it is for the people buying it.

Looks don't think of it a person to person basis. Think of it as a company to company basis. Now the companies pay the people that work/own said company. workers get a stable income (false but not going in to reason) the owner can have a dynamic income but owns the company. in other words he owns the possible money to be made by the company.

Also if i make a fuck epic super computer why should I not get payed more than the dumb factory works? Ya harsh but i just the best super computer ever and the factory works get payed more? Shouldn't it be the guy who makes the next best super computer that gets payed more?
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Postby Renara » Thu Feb 02, 2012 7:20 pm

Hmm, I thought I'd already posted again here, now I don't remember…

Well, I'm in the same situation; I look for legal first, and what a lot of the copyright holders don't seem to realise is that there's little real need for legislation at all. While I fully support the destruction of sites like Megaupload for flagrant profiteering off copyright materials in a thinly veiled way, piracy as a whole is more of a symptom of a wider problem, which is insufficient supply; people want to watch TV shows without constant, annoying advertising breaks, want to stream without poor quality, or want to download a copy they can watch again and again, or watch across multiple devices.

Fact is that until recently such options either didn't exist, or weren't up to the standards that media consumers wanted. Now though you can get most things reasonably, though there is still an issue with American shows sometimes taking forever to make it over to Europe even just in their English version, which is really frustrating when there is no reason for this when distributed online. Services like iTunes have a good model for me, as I can buy just an episode or two of a new show to see if I like it (as I would when watching it on TV), and then you can just complete the series to watch the rest, or drop it if you didn't like it. Since I have a computer able to store lots of video, then I can download whole episodes, which is ideal, as I like to be able to re-watch favourite series again. It's already been proven that by providing better services, piracy falls off sharply; as while it's still possible to pirate music, it's significantly less hassle to get a legal copy as the quality is usually much better, downloads faster, and is easier to get to in the first place. As this happens for movies, TV shows, and whatever else, then I believe the same trend will continue.

I do think that action should still be taken against idiots like Kim "Dotcom", as making a business out of copyright material you don't own is clearly unacceptable. But the problem with SOPA and similar acts is the blanket approach, which would have them going after everyone and everything, and making other people (ISPs and governments) do most of the actual work. The legal channels that exist are largely sufficient IMO, just need updating to better account for the unusual international setting that the internet is.
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