Video Game Discussions

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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Kryger » Tue Jun 08, 2010 3:34 am

I really want to say this but I've been holding it back for a while but what the fuck. OMFG A BRICK ON A ROPE!
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Atemisc » Tue Jun 08, 2010 4:47 am

Yes. Brick on a rope. It's INNOVATIVE! = D

Speaking of KoToR, I'd have been interest in the new Star Wars MMO, The Old Republic. But I hate the outfit designs, the saber hilts are entirely too large and uninspired, and the character models look like they came out of that God Awful Clone Wars. It's not the story of Clone Wars I hate, though. Just the art style. The trailer makes it look like they're more realistic and then you get these cartoony looking versions of the Jedi and Sith. What we really needed was a new Knights of the Old Republic. KoToR 3. -_-
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby GoichiHollow » Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:27 am

Sainiku Wrote:
Renara Wrote:Hehe, good idea! Uhm, I'll start by posting that I played Final Fantasy XIII a little while ago, but am not a huge fan of it. Graphically it's very pretty, and the story is okay, but it's incredibly linear and when you do get to free-roam (after about 25 hours!!) there's almost nothing to do except fight more monsters. The end boss (2nd stage) is also pretty ridiculous in terms of how it looks, and the fact that it has a KO ability which there is basically no counter to except either incredible luck (unlikely as the fight is extremely long at lower levels), or spending extra time levelling up and acquiring the only items that defend against KO. So I was pretty disappointed with FFXIII overall, with FFXII probably being my favourite in terms of overall gameplay, and story though it's a bit dry at parts and some characters are either unnecessary, or poorly voice acted; Fran in particular makes a great party leader purely on the grounds of her outfit and how good she looks in it, so long as she doesn't speak :)

I played FFXIII a while ago as well. I honestly liked the battle system alot and the whole linearity never really annoyed me. I'll admit that when sidequests did open up they were kinda bland. Honestly i had no trouble for that boss at all, though i do think the whole death thing was kinda cheap. FFXII always seemed way too... meh. It felt like an average game with an average JRPG plotline with an average battle system. The only real joys i had with that game was stealing the wind dagger off of one of the rare mobs and essentially killing werewolfs/rare mobs till i was lvl 100 before grabbing my first party member. XD
FFX will always have the place of best FF game for me.

The normal FFXIII isn't that good, but there will come a second FFversusXIII, wich the creators of KH and advent children and the rest of the FF team created together O.O
Search for versus on youtube, the trailers came a while ago
And FFVII is the best FF ever!!! (with 5 games and 2 movies its almost cheating for becoming the best XD)
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby prettypinkpwny » Wed Jun 23, 2010 1:43 pm

I noticed there's been some talk about SC2 and I'd like to resurrect this discussion. StarCraft 2 is indeed going to be released in July 27 and I am stoked as hell. Watching Youtube videos of SC2 beta matches has been further stoking the fire that is my passion for SC2, along with the nearing release. I've already downloaded the SC2 soundtrack and am a bit disappointed by it. Don't get me wrong; the music is still good, but I feel like they just didn't do the game justice comparing it to the original SC soundtrack. I have a feeling that other musicians and composers took over this project because the style of the music is way different from the original.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Csbears » Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:39 am

i never got into blizzards "other" brain child (SC)...when i was growing up i played WC III till my fingers bled (not really)...but this time around ill be sure to buy SC2 knowing it ~has~ to meet the hype lol
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby kuja » Wed Jun 30, 2010 11:11 pm

Square-Enix fan. Here. The seventh is the best. The story really please me. And with so many sequels (both in games, animations, etc.), the storyline gets more n more interesting.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Xananos » Wed Jun 30, 2010 11:16 pm

Square-Enix is pretty good too. Lately they've been good with the semi-JRPGs. Which I love.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby kuja » Wed Jun 30, 2010 11:18 pm

"semi-jrpgs" whatchya mean?
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Xananos » Wed Jun 30, 2010 11:31 pm

JRPGs are the standard Final Fantasy, Last Remnant, Resonance of Fate type RPGs. Hugely fantastic in nature, with suspension of disbelief at every turn. Square-Enix has gotten on board a bit with some success.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby kuja » Wed Jun 30, 2010 11:42 pm

no, i mean: why have u used the "SEMI-..." term. Dont u cosideer the S-E's works as RPG's?
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Xananos » Wed Jun 30, 2010 11:45 pm

No no, they are RPGs, but Square-Enix is a merger between a North American and a Japanese company (I think. Correct me if I'm wrong). So it's only Semi-Japanese. :P
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby prettypinkpwny » Thu Jul 01, 2010 12:11 am

kuja Wrote:Square-Enix fan. Here. The seventh is the best. The story really please me. And with so many sequels (both in games, animations, etc.), the storyline gets more n more interesting.

I grew up with FFVIII, so naturally, that's my favorite one. I only played through like half the first disc of FFVII, so I can't really say much about it. I have played Crisis Core and watched Advent Children, which were both very entertaining.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby kuja » Sat Jul 03, 2010 9:43 pm

Hmm, i think i played all square games. Of course today Square havebetter games than the seventh(graphics, engines...etc...). But about the history(like i said). I have no doubt about it. FFVII(7) is the best. Play it if u can. Better soundtrack, better history, for sure.

And for those who like those old FF. The VI is also a good option. Goddamn clown. I love him.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby DemonFiren » Tue Jul 13, 2010 9:36 pm

...another mod question, concerning Halo: Is there even a Krystal mod for the series?
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Haldor » Tue Jul 13, 2010 10:32 pm

DemonFiren Wrote:...another mod question, concerning Halo: Is there even a Krystal mod for the series?

As in Halo: Combat Evolved? I severely doubt it :?
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Renara » Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:00 pm

Been replaying a little bit of Dragon Age: Origins, just wondering if anyone's played any of the newer DLC (anything other than warden's keep and stone prisoner), am curious to know which ones are worth getting?
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Atemisc » Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:17 pm

I wish games were more moddable on systems. My computers all hate good PC games. -_-
Never gonna' be able to play Fallout 3 or New Vegas on my PC. >>
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Csbears » Sat Jul 17, 2010 8:38 pm

The 40 doller one..Awakening? hell no its a three dollar whore with all the best qualities of DA:O absent in depth characters, deep story line, and a plethora of characters to choose from if you didn't like one or another. They freaking set up two ( of five total) of your "teammates" as enemies (Where one is affiliated to someone you should hate from DA: O & the other have been doing unjust things to traveling merchants) and if you don't take them your basically crippled the rest of the game. King Calen's add on was alright because you give Calen some closure and get some nifty stuff ( IF you decide take it...). I haven't bought the Darkspawn Campaign but it does look promising.

FALLOUT VEGAS! praise the omnipotent figure of radiated zombie jesus! I'm gonna buy that game too...I'm feeling better already =D
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Xananos » Sat Jul 17, 2010 9:13 pm

Does anybody still play Oblivion on the computer? If so, does anyone know why I can't open my console? It's quite annoying. Any help is much appreciated.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Csbears » Sun Jul 18, 2010 2:23 am

Are you talking about the cheat console? if ya are i think ya have to put something in ( like a sequence of buttons ) to get it to come down ( it might be another game I'm thinking of...idk ) if its something else you have some surs problems my friend. :shock:

That game is so damn glitchy on the damn PC that i bought another copy for the 360 hoping for greener pastures...nah it bugged out. Word from the wise S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is the same way with the engine of the game being far from perfect. So even though both are phenomenal games id advise not getting either.
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