2247. Call me sire emptybottle.
2248. Feedback and bags of feed.
2249. Your fist pic. The one with the fighter jet and neat perspective.
Since I am starting to feel the vodka in my blooodh. I will be pretty blunt, I hope you wont mind!
(for me blunt feedback, without any cuddling words in between to soften the "punches" works best)
The picture gives the impression that the plane is doing a right turn. If that is the case then the shadow shouldnt be a "copy" of the plane itself, instead it should have shorter wings, like a plane but more sideways, I streched my thumb on my keyboard.
If one follows the shadows on the plane, one gets the impression that the sun is in the upper left corner, which means that the shadow on the ground is in the wrong place, I would meaby place it underneath the bulding, a bit more to the right also, probably around somewhere where your signature is currently
Now my thumb hurts T.T and why am i listening to music where they are chanting the words "shake your genitals"
the trees and the house are missing shadows, they are also a bit too "high". If the house and trees keep that perspective they should be farther towards the mountain.
I wont go in to the design of the jet since i dont know much about them but in my eye it looks good.
As I said previously, you managed to do fine work with the perspective, so thumbs up on that. Keep drawing!
2250. I drank more, I feel better now. Shake the genitals also changed to "fuck da police" which i will promtly change since not in mood that kind of music.
2251. Next picture with the faces.
The dog is spot on, the ears could be a tad bit more to the front but nothing else i can come up with atm.
The fingers on the woman are a tad bit too thin or a bit too long.
The face itself looks good in general but when i start to look at it more deeply i come up with a couple of improvments.
The face itself feels somehow flat, now you got all the cheekbones and stuff so there is curves in there but just not quite enough. Her right eye is a little bit too long compared to her left eye, or vice versa left eye too short compared to the right eye. You have a pretty heavy angle on the face but the lips still shouldnt hide the lower cheek like that. The face also give me a asian vibe of it, if thats how you want it then it's all dandy. If not then i suggest trying to make the nose a bit smaller and the whole face a bit shorter also.
2253. I hope i didnt turn out rude or anything. You got some serious skill
Keep going!