by Lynxy » Thu Jul 07, 2016 10:53 pm
2187. Yeah, the damage is impressive and the finishers are awesome. My only complaint is how much I miss in 3rd person because of the tiny swing arc of fists.
2188. Other then that I just stomp around with a crossbow. Bow drops the first guy, usually the toughest one, fists to clean up.
2189. It's the first character I've made that didn't feel starved for points. I can fill out most of archery, restoration, enchantment, blacksmithing, heavy armor, put some points in sneak for those triple damage surprise bolts, and I'm still sitting on extra points I have no plan for.
2190. Sadly even with dawnguard it's not all that useful to be a warewolf. Even with the totems and hercines ring, it's often more of a risk than an advantage to run into a fight as a warewolf because you give up all your healng abilities other than eating things you've killed, and the slow transformation makes it a terrible panic button once healing stuff runs out too.