Video Game Discussions

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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Sainiku » Tue Jun 01, 2010 3:33 pm

DemonFiren Wrote:That ~ over the n is so incredibly hard to write.

Something different: I've got the Krystal mod for FallOut III and you can imagine what we all want to do with Krys. there any porn mod for the game?

(PS: you need to be logged in before going to the link or you get redirected.)

I like watching krystal/miyu and krystal/fox... ^^;
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby DemonFiren » Tue Jun 01, 2010 8:23 pm

Thanks. Thanks a fat lot...

[EDIT] Wait, I already knew that one. But I wondered how you can modify one of the whores to be Kay.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Sainiku » Wed Jun 02, 2010 5:21 am

DemonFiren Wrote:Thanks. Thanks a fat lot...

[EDIT] Wait, I already knew that one. But I wondered how you can modify one of the whores to be Kay.

Oh i just play as her.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby DemonFiren » Wed Jun 02, 2010 12:54 pm

But how is Kay/Fox possible, then?


Because you'll only find Fox, Falco and Miyu at the Common House. And the thing is that the dialogue options we need to get us to the pron are only available if you talk to a female. problem is finding Krys.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Sainiku » Thu Jun 03, 2010 12:52 pm

DemonFiren Wrote:But how is Kay/Fox possible, then?


Because you'll only find Fox, Falco and Miyu at the Common House. And the thing is that the dialogue options we need to get us to the pron are only available if you talk to a female. problem is finding Krys.

Um... not true.

The dialog options only work on certain NPCs. Not all NPCs. But it'll work on male and female NPCs.

Pretty much, the random NPCs walking around you can't have sex with.

I created a female krystal character, went up to fox, and had my way with him.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Renara » Thu Jun 03, 2010 1:35 pm

Seems like an awful lot of dependent mods for installing AP and the Star Fox characters, I really wish Bethesda would have simplified Oblivion and Fallout 3 plugin usage, or that people would just make combined one-click mods!
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby DemonFiren » Thu Jun 03, 2010 3:21 pm

Well, I found Fox in the Common House, and NO dialogue option was there.

I'm doing it the other way round now - I've found a crashed Arwing near Arefu, and guess who's lying next to it? 'She appears to be a female pilot of some kind. She seems to be dying, but you have no way of helping her' or something like that.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Sainiku » Thu Jun 03, 2010 5:59 pm

DemonFiren Wrote:Well, I found Fox in the Common House, and NO dialogue option was there.

I'm doing it the other way round now - I've found a crashed Arwing near Arefu, and guess who's lying next to it? 'She appears to be a female pilot of some kind. She seems to be dying, but you have no way of helping her' or something like that.


That's the link i should have given in the first place. it's an updated version of the prostitution mod. :X
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby DemonFiren » Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:49 pm

Hm...all I get for options when talking to McCloud (as Krystal) is: 'I have to go now.' Hmmm...well, whatever, the Krystal near Arefu is revived and heck. She's a real help. Killing those supermutant thingies, I mean :D
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby shockroach » Sun Jun 06, 2010 7:16 am

Kryger Wrote:Baldur's Gate was a great game. Loved playin it.

Yes it was. All hail Bioware!
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby DemonFiren » Sun Jun 06, 2010 12:34 pm

Hey, hey, now. Steam is evil, but Valve ain't quite that bad!
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Csbears » Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:26 am

Valve created Steam so...your shooting youself in the foot with that post lolz :P Steam is the second coming of Christ so lets all worship the messiah! *bows down*

Bioware is under EA control and they are making the new Star Wars MMO and i will most likely sell my soul to that game :twisted: the game will be the most expensive thing EA has ever put money it will either crush them or make them the next Blizzard. Think about how everything Bioware touches seemingly turns to gold and flies off shelves; this game will make them rich enough to start buying out countries and go for wurld domenashun! :twisted:
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Atemisc » Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:02 am

Beat Red Dead Redemption the other day. Hated the ending, but otherwise awesome. Now I'm waiting another week or so to buy a new 360.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby DemonFiren » Mon Jun 07, 2010 4:33 pm

I know Steam is Valve's offspring, but nonetheless the big V is quite, hmm, good.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Xananos » Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:09 pm

I love Bioware. They're the only company I've really wholly trusted to make good (Non-Japanese-super-suspension-of-disbelief-octuple-backflip) RPGs for as long as I can remember.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Renara » Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:52 pm

Xananos Wrote:I love Bioware. They're the only company I've really wholly trusted to make good (Non-Japanese-super-suspension-of-disbelief-octuple-backflip) RPGs for as long as I can remember.

Yeah I've enjoyed Bioware's RPGs a lot. I found Dragon Age: Origins a bit disappointing though, not a bad game really, but it was ridiculously over-hyped and not really that special as there doesn't really seem to be that much to do, the different starting storylines are a nice idea but are much too short.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Atemisc » Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:25 pm

I liked Dragon Age at first, but I kept getting to near the end of the game to restart because I forgot one or two things. And I did that about three times or so until I just didn't care to go through all the story again to get to the ending. And then I just never played the expansion. I hear there's another expansion now where you can play as the Darkspawn, though.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Sainiku » Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:54 pm

Atemisc Wrote:I just didn't care to go through all the story again to get to the ending

You didn't miss out on anything. >.>
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Atemisc » Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:01 am

Didn't figure I had.
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Re: Video Game Discussions

Postby Csbears » Tue Jun 08, 2010 3:16 am

The 40 dollar expansion made me incredibly sad...they took out all of the open ended-ness (Giving you like 5 party members and 2 you could call enemies) and gave you a half assed story arc. I cant really say anything without spoilers except that id wait till its like 5 - 10 dollars cause its def not worth 40.

Dragon Age: Origins was a well told & well scripted story and that's what i bought it for (knew that as soon as i seen Bioware on it). I don't buy into hype but i do buy into companies like Bioware who have churned out games i can play 2 or 3 times with about 75 - 100 hours in it each time depending on if im looking for the phat lewts or not. I played a Common dwarf the first time and a Human Warrior the second and though it was a bit of a short back story it was enough for me to get into character. It was kinda weak that i couldn't just go explore the entirety of Ferelden *shrug* its no bigger than the planets on KotoR lol.
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