Suraru Wrote:Hey smackman, I've decided your a douchebag
BlueLight Wrote:talin Wrote:He was making a statement declaring that he believes (opinion):
it does not matter if you believe in god or not
God may or may not exist
God may or may not care about/like us (humans)
He states that he knows (fact):
People lie
Television (is made by people and therefore) can lie to us
Monks (are people and therefore) can lie to us
The bible (is written by monks (people of religious faith) and therefore) can lie to us
Then he goes and says something I can't comprehend:
If they (TV, monks, the bible) are not the same, then they can lie to us. (I believe he means the bible because if you replace "they" with "the bibles" then he is referring to the fact that there are many variants of the bible giving different stories and contradicting each other so if one is true then another will be false so it stands to reason that not all bibles can be true because they all lie compared to one another. This threw me for a loop at first too.)
He then goes on to state that MAYBE one or possibly more are completely true in their own way but not all of the bibles and then asks how we are suppose to tell which bible(s) is/are telling the truth.
Then he assumes that most humans lie every day.
then he asks if god likes the lying humans.
Then he questions if we think that clerics (don't) lie and decide to break their own rules even though they tell others to not break them (or possibly change the rules to fit their needs?).
He then asks if the liars are the ones who translated the bible.
Then he asks who originally wrote the bible. (I guessing he assumes a human physically wrote it and might have lied about it's origin)
THen he asks if the bible is true.
then he asks what it is for if it does not "help" (does not say what it's supposedly does/does not help)
He then asks if it is simply a famous work of fiction like star wars (only taken as truth)
Then he asks what "the point" is.
He points out that there are many religions that each have different claims and asks which one is the right religion.
He claims that some clerics are more like bastards than "ordinary liars"
He then goes on to say that if you believe what they say, you are being tricked.
Then he states that the bible claims god is "true" (that he exists) but if the bible is not true then this means that what the bible say does not matter.
He acknowledges that god may exist but also that he may not.
He then claims that some clerics and monk just want our money
He says "fuck them all" and claims that god will judge him fairly on whether he was good or bad towards other rather than his beliefs but if there is no god then it won't matter anyway.
Can you make some sense of it now?
I'm shocked at your reply because 1 people lie, 2 your a person, and 3 your saying this is what the other person was saying.
Joking a side i think you miss the point of my statement. For most of his statements is seems like he's saying "Is the sky blue?" which most people would answer yes to.
Now it's such a jumbled mess that I personally see no way i can answer it and be sure what's really the question. As for your second post.... How the hell did you make it more confusing then the original?
“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?”
Epicurus – BC 341-270
Well, the bible has been reprinted in one thousand different copies. If it was the word of god, wouldn't one book had been enough?
Suraru Wrote:Hey smackman, I've decided your a douchebag
Suraru Wrote:Hey smackman, I've decided your a douchebag
Valithan Wrote:I don't see how that 'proves' anything, let alone that it disproves the abrahamic portrayal of "god" esp cuz I pointed out that it tries to place human-made limitations on a being that supposedly transcends those.
Suraru Wrote:Hey smackman, I've decided your a douchebag
BlueLight Wrote:Talin... just stop. I didn't need you to overly simplify what he said; and i still I don't need you to overly simplify what he said!
Valithan Wrote:And how does it contradict itself? The claim is that because "God" is all good, he has to stop/prevent evil; why? And again, that begs the question: are our perspectives of 'good' and 'evil' the same as something that "sees all"? Philo 101 (not looking up the name) but I remember an article that was more along the lines that 'because babies burn in buildings a benevolent God can't exist" And from logical/rhetorical perspectives, I see that same issue there as here; its begging many questions.
Even if people don't buy into the notion of 'real' Gods and prefer to think of potential miracles and other strange phenomena attributed to aliens instead, its still largely a matter of different perspective; just because children throw a fit over not liking something doesn't mean the parents of that child don't exist because something 'bad' happened to the child.
Suraru Wrote:Hey smackman, I've decided your a douchebag
Suraru Wrote:Hey smackman, I've decided your a douchebag
Smackman Wrote:what's your problem?
IrrelevantComment Wrote:Most people would probably disagree with my conclusion, but what point of the argument do you disagree with? I know 1 and 2 do not have an absolute logical foundation, but does that make them wrong?
1) Happiness is good
2) Pain/unhappiness is bad
You have two kids that are, well, brats.
Kid A, you decided give him what ever he wants for the rest of his life. It's his birth day and you get him a xbox and he toss' it out the window and demands a new one; and since you love him, you buy the brat, a new Xbox.
Kid B, you've decided to punish when ever he does something wrong and lets assume you aren't being to harsh to cause Emotional damage. Now he tosses a Xbox out a window(I'd find that strange in this case but that's not the point.) and before he says a word you give him a firm talking and ground him.
Kid A, is likely to grow up being a brat but was in theory happy during his child hood. (I could see some one questing that.)
Kid B, is likely to not grow up as a brat but it requires him to be unhappy at some point.
3) Actions that cause happiness are good, and actions that cause pain or unhappiness are bad
4) Moral "good" is therefore the action of maximising happiness and minimising pain or unhappiness.
Your family is so poor you can't put food on the table. You ask a baker for food and he turns you down. Some one steals a loaf of bread from the baker and you catch the guy.
You can return the loaf of bread making the baker happy.
or keep the loaf of bread making your family happy.
either option might also make you happy, depending on what type of person you are.
which is good and which is evil/bad?
Out of interest, if I said that:
1) Happiness is good
2) Pain/unhappiness is bad
3) Actions that cause happiness are good, and actions that cause pain or unhappiness are bad
4) Moral "good" is therefore the action of maximising happiness and minimising pain or unhappiness.
you're still using a supernatural argument. "he sees shit that we dont" doesn't justify his actions. if that is the case then it is malevolent that he would deprive us of that insight so he could watch evil happen.
Valithan Wrote:"Cliffs note" version: Irrelevant conclusion, Begging the question, Circulus Probando, Composition, and False Dilema. Oh, and to sum of the above, you're assuming I'm making a genetic fallacy, excluding 'supernatural' context, which is not the case. And thats not including what you've already been called out on, but I won't step beyond pointing those out.
P.S. I'm aware pointing out fallacies (or at least logical ones, cuz 'logical fallacies' can have their persuasive uses) doesn't actually improve anyone's argument or make progress. You want to try to call me out on something, then fine, I'll acknowledge that game and play a round.
Valithan Wrote:Because there are varying degrees of 'happiness' would that suggest that there are varying degrees of "good'? So perhaps 'morality' then is trying to not so much 'maximize' happiness, but rather improve it. For some, 'happiness' is just coping with life, getting the next hit of something or another, getting fed, sleeping and repeating the cycle. If some trip, high, etc is all it took for people to attain 'happiness,' then I think mankind would have stagnated long ago. Plus this form of appeasement happiness isn't sustainable for everyone and may have contradictory factors.
So I could make mention of models such as Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, that while flawed, at least demonstrate that people have varying degree's of 'needs', 'happiness' and 'progression'.
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