by Destrocto » Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:29 pm
I finally decided to read about it and as always google tosses me straight to wikipedia. The guy was fined 500k yen, for his adult manga, then pleaded to the supreme court, stating an OBVIOUS fact and truth about one of their laws that completely violated the japanese Constitution's protection of Freedom Of Expression, which America made them put in after defeating them in the war. The Supreme court tripled the damn fine.
This is literally outrageous.... And why hasn't anyone Protested publicly about this, oh yeah thats right cause the laws that tried to give anyone living in japan their basic rights that we have here are ignored, and bullshit leaders punish or kill anyone that does....... The sad thing is, If more than 50% of japan rose to challenge these bastards, theres nothing they could do. They'd win in all arguments and overthrow the old bastards running the place. Because they can't punish or kill more than half their population, its obvious genocide and Many countries even NATO would step in.
Why the hell doesn't everyone who draws the manga, and designs the adult video games, move to America, Publish it here, then censor and publish it in Japan. It would completely bypass the bullshit supreme court they have. They wouldn't even have to move here, just publish it first in anywhere BUT Japan.
I'm hoping for a third world war at this point, (as long as everybody obeys the MAD Theory)(Mutually Assured Destruction, if anyone here doesn't know what that is). So we reduce the huge overgrowth in Human Population, and get rid of this BS.
Sad fact though, Is I wouldn't trust any PERSON in our government right now to run this war for our agenda the american people, and not their own selfish bullshit. Obama is a maybe, But I'd rather Resurrect Franklin D. Roosevelt. Since he's literally the only president, that I believe anyway, Made a huge contribution to this country. (other than the freeing of the slaves civil rights movement etc.)
And anyone who thinks Republicans do whats best for their interest, If you're middle class and below, think again, Their agenda is for the rich, and for destroying our government so their corporations can literally run the place.
Not many Democrats are much better, But there are a good amount of decent Democrats who fight for whats right for the country and its people. And not include their religious beliefs into their decisions.