by Zinnel » Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:46 am
I'd have to say Doctor Sleepless, as it was Warren Ellis and Ivan Rodriguez that got me into mainstream comics with their mad visionary of a Mad Scientist as well as the world building of Heavenside, terrific. I should also blame a all too happy Store Owner that'd make frequent suggestions I'd love: Like Grant Morrison's The Invisibles and Alan Moore's V for Vendetta. But the pinnicle of my interest was the foul-word, Cranky and loveable misanthrope Jerusalem Spider from Ells' "Transmetropolitan." as well as the Sandman Series (Which I'm still reading, but Death is immensely likeable as opposed to the traditional dark robbed scythe bearing Reaper who's cool an all, but it's not a bubbly goth girl.) Then lastly Usagi Yojimbo awesome tale about a Samurai Yojimbo, but I'm really digging his archnemesis a Possessed Wolf carrying a glaive, I'm not sure if I could give a description give that bad-ass other than what I just did...