I can totally agree with ren here.
I am personally of the thought "Treat us like pirates and we'll pirate. Treat us like a innocent person and we'll be innocent."
I hate DRM but i totally support a companies right to use it. I'll just not buy their game since their no point in getting it. I mean really why should i buy a game that requires the company to have their servers up to make sure i'm running a correct copy for single player? Why shouldn't i just down load a crack and while i'm at it a .ISO file so i can install it in a emulation of windows? The only DRM i knowingly support is steam and that's because a lot of the bugs are ironed out.
I will not buy assassin's creed 2 because of the horrible DRM they were using and for the fact i don't care for that type of open world game.
From my understanding it's not much of a sand box.
Also wouldn't it be easier for me to pirate a game before it's officially released and get the crack and be able to play before anyone?
Again DRM doesn't protect games since most DRM is broken before the game is released.