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A Dusty Encyclopedia

Postby MajorMajorMajorMajor » Tue Aug 15, 2023 1:18 pm

Welcome traveler of the internet to this forgotten doorstep.

It's been a very long time, and I chose to dedicate time just towards going through all of Gorepete's games (and maybe others?).

In the process, I wrote up very comprehensive guides for each, and at the very least - I can write out a guide for House of R'Thoth, which has a good guide, but by no means is it as comprehensive as it could be.

If anything, this post will tell you something about the lagging that Ruffle (Flash emulator) is susceptible and how to continue to enjoy Gore's games!

Table of Contents:
Under my guide for House of R'Thoth, I go over which settings for Ruffle helped House of R'Thoth run smoothest!

Anyway, hopefully the search engines will continue to bring people here :)
Last edited by MajorMajorMajorMajor on Tue Aug 15, 2023 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Dusty Encyclopedia

Postby MajorMajorMajorMajor » Tue Aug 15, 2023 1:18 pm

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Re: A Dusty Encyclopedia

Postby MajorMajorMajorMajor » Tue Aug 15, 2023 1:19 pm

House of R'thoth guide by me
You can use Ruffle, make it fullscreen, and even toy with the advanced Ruffle settings (right-click)

Despite being published on LoK, this is the best guide I've found. It is nearly as comprehensive as mine. I suggest reading theirs first on comdotgame.com/forum/topic/1117.
There is a partial guide on the HoR thread halfway down the page legendofkrystal.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=6642&start=140&cache=1
Here is a legendofkrystal.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=6930 version
NG link newgrounds.com/portal/view/678960

This is the first

Know that there are two types of attacks from enemies - and I'm not aware of any enemies other than the boar that do NOT have TWO DIFFERENT attacks. In my time playing, I can conclude that there are ONLY stun attacks that do not remove armor and damage attacks which remove armor.

The singular exception has been the boar, which MAY have an attack that takes off armor when you're stunned. (I have no fucking idea how the boar's attacks work, functionally speaking.) Stuns should NEVER reduce armor: i.e., equine ground pound, or Satyr's ghost surprise.

Note that this guide is about the strategies that I found worked. There may be better ones.

Note that your jabs and slams DO NOT come out when you hit the button, but rather when you release the key. God damn it gorepete. If you are trying to pop a fast shield, while it doesn't matter if you use a light or heavy jab, you have to release the button very quickly.

Many stages into this game, I came to the conclusion that the red zones that lock you in probably were introduced in order to prevent you from skipping all the time. Each time you walk through a zone of enemies, I believe that there's simply a chance that they will lock you in every time you pass through. If you clear a zone fully, they will not respawn.

FYI: I did not start out being a believer in the weak but fast jab (Z). I didn't know what purpose it really has since the slam seems better. I think if someone knows how it should be used, they should help elaborate!
But after I said this, I tried to do my best in endless dream. I then realized that there are situations where you couldn't really do anything and a weak jab would buy you time and also, most importantly, interrupt their attacks. I think heavy slams got me through the entirety of the regular game, but on endurance mode, to do better and try to do hard stuff in Gorepete's already-difficult-games, jabs seemed to help me. For instance, when your back is already against the wall, you will get hit if you try to find the time to use a slam.
>>> Major4's challenge to all of you: Beat my record of 7 rooms without losing my armor in endless mode. >:P

After each level you seem to restore armor (I ended level 2 with no chestpiece, started level 3 with a chestpiece, but color/corruption seemed the same. I actually still don't goddamn get how corruption works. You get waped = you pass the level? idfk)
You restore FULL armor every time you hit the tentacle shrine, however.

AND YOU'RE WELCOME FOR THE BEST SHIELD STRAT EVER: Sometimes you're madly trying to backdash in order to shield yourself. It doesn't work. WELL I FIGURED OUT A GOOD WAY OF DOING IT! Just tap one of the attacks and start bashing the left and right arrow keys. Can't fail.

+ There is room to improve this guide! If you can record the best combo/approaching strategies or like hits to kill I will be happy to incorporate your info into my post & credit you. Another thing - I have no fucking idea how corruption works, other than it ends the stage and seems to progress you.

Know that by right-clicking, you can download both the shockwave flash object as well as manage AND UPLOAD your own save files! Know that some renderers in the Ruffle settings ARE HORRIBLE. I didn't know what to conclude in the end, but I suggest you try different renderers out and see what works well for you! Know that the game unquestionably built up lag the more h-scenes occurred. The game will auto-save on new stages and I would refresh the page, then the game would run fast once again.

♦♦♦♦♦level 1♦♦♦♦♦ (I haven't decided to replay the full dream from the beginning and figure out what the fuck was going on in the story, so just know that I tried to list the monsters by encounter)
Pig and imp (hard camp them with slam when they spawn)
Spawn killing is the best strategy. Rush to where they are and try to spawn camp all enemies

Boar/Pig. THIS. THING. IS. FUCKING CONFUSING. I spent an insane amount of time observing this thing's behavior. The TL;DR is hit him from behind. otherwise, he minds his own business. If you're really interested in the details, read on. Otherwise, scroll down to the imp.

They have two states: One I call idle mode (unknown mechanisms behind their behavior), and another where they track you and face you no matter where you are without moving closer. In either mode, they rarely attempt to close the gap with you, and I'm not quite certain when they decide to close the gap. In idle mode, I've been able to walk RIGHT behind them and they won't turn around. Boars will NEVER charge for no reason. You MUST get close to them in order for them to decide to begin a charge that goes for about four times the length of the arena - generally, they roughly end up back in the same place where they started the charge, letting you camp them.
In either idle or tracking mode, what causes the charge can ONLY be your proximity to them. However, sometimes walking right on top of them won't even cause them to begin the charge. It is currently UNKNOWN how they behave and when walking right behind them will cause them to initiate the charge. This may even just be an eternal dream bug.
After a shitton of testing in the eternal dream, it turns out that the boars were the last enemies that I didn't have scenes with. I wonder why? Probably because it's not clear how they break your armor or stun you!

I (used to) try to be at max vertical AND horizontal distance in order to slam (X) the pigs because as soon as they take damage from you, they'll begin charging. However, I observed that they will ONLY charge in the direction that they are facing. They will NEVER turn around to charge.

Know that running just a tiny bit behind them CAN safely bait out a charge (your shadows nearly touch). If you're very close, it will also stun you.
In observing these boars, I learned that they generally don't do anything until provoked, and they rarely even try to approach you.
TL;DR on boars: Just hit them with a slam when they're facing away from you. They will pretty much never get aggressive otherwise.

When they initially hit you, it doesn't break armor. When they hit you while stunned, it wakes you up and breaks armor. I don't know if there are different types of 'stuns' that it does, but I guess what you could do to get your own h-scenes out of it is to scare it into a charge, and get stunned on the last leg of the charge. Wait, what the fuck? I had armor, I let myself get hit later on in its charge, and it didn't stun me. I thought it might have had to do with whether you're facing away from the boar? Nope - took off armor. I faced the boar - THE CHARGE TOOK OFF ARMOR! I DON'T GET IT HAHAHAHAHA

If anyone wants to see a real video of me running around in eternal dream, trying to reroll repeatedly for a boar, getting a boar but then someone slaps my armor, it's right here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6yKkCckmuA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhUQlFOK3Z4 My incoherent anger trying to beat Gorepete games https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_VURr6jnWQ&t=46s

The first stun from the boar might only unshield you?

I spent a lot of time observing these fucks because they show up everywhere, are weak, but add so much chaos and confusion to the board that they stun me all the time.

The imps have a thrown attack and an instant attack. The thrown attack, as you all probably know, just goes left or right. In their thrown attack, after running around like little cunts, they will WITHOUT EXCEPTION, run up to your exact Y-coordinate.

When they run to your leve, it is a THROWN ATTACK.The instant attack is meant to be placed somewhere to the left, right, above, or below you.
I know for a FACT that at least one time, while standing perfectly still, the instant attack was placed touching me, stunning me immediately. Fortunately, it rarely rarely happens. I don't know if this is a bug, but I hate these things. FUCK em.

♦♦♦♦♦Level 2♦♦♦♦♦
Demon with wings
My most hated enemy (besides horses) to deal with in groups of mixed enemies.

Foot slam = WHOLE-BOARD STUN (I think you can invuln dash to avoid it)
Meteor strike = armor break
I tried testing with this guy. Until I got VERY close to him, he would not stop throwing meteor strikes. I know you can dodge his foot slam stun, but there's been times where I was just a bit too slow to perform dash invulnerability and he stunned me - meaning you have to be fast at doing the dash.
He's an easy 3 hit (X) though. Once he casts meteor, it's easy to delete him.

♦♦♦♦♦Level 3♦♦♦♦♦ (again, these level markers are not that useful to you)
This is the weeping house

♦♦♦♦♦Level 4♦♦♦♦♦
Blue guy who shocks
One of the easiest ones to defeat, yet sometimes I keep hitting myself.
Melee = break armor
You self-taze = stun

They will NEVER stop while they are chasing. The only time they stop moving is when you bait out a punch from them, then they will put their shields up.

Let them run at you and wait with a hammer. Don't hit them when their shields are up. They can only punch you when they're close to you.

♦♦♦♦♦Level 5♦♦♦♦♦
Crawler thing
Scream = Stun
Antenna retalliate = Armor break

When it reaches the left or right edge of a section it 'screams' and instantly stuns you. This stun can be interrupted by hitting him.
Once it stuns you, it dashes to you at light speed to sex you.
However, you can keep it suspended indefinitely by walking to the left and right of it. It will NEVER attack until it reaches the edge, OR if you hit it. If you hit him, he retalliates by clawing in front of himself pretty fast. My suggestion is to hit him and move up or down.


I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED but apparently he has a third type of behavior during the player's stun animation.

Stomp= Stomps the ground and stuns you at any range. I'm not sure how to stop it from stomping. Maybe stay near it to stop it from getting 'angry'?
Hoof kick= A very very fast kick in front of himself

You can't run through the horse, it'll kick you every time and never miss. So that's where its huge hitbox helps it so much! :D

Ok after extensive testing I strongly believe that this enemy is OP. You can't run through him, he has a hoof stun that hits everywhere, and his melee is equivalent to instant.

After even further testing, it looks like he chases you nonstop. When he gets close to you, he'll try to neiiiiigh and kick you, pausing for just a second he makes an attack.

OH MY GOD: I chose to run circles around the horse and it kept missing me. There's a lock-on/windup to the hooves kick, letting you walk up and down IN FRONT of the horse safely (not close enough to touch it), and the horse will just miss.

♦♦♦♦♦This is the third♦♦♦♦♦
Eyeball gazer thing
Homing ball = armor break (Usually, to break the missle, if I didn't just avoid it, I would just dodge through the missile.)
Medusa-like stun = stun from any distance if you're facing them. If you face away from them, like medusa, they do not stun (makes sense, they're visual-based).

You can chase them around the board and hit them to interrupt their attacks as touching them does not stun/damage you. You can stun them to prevent them from even firing the homing missile. Their medusa stun is more difficult to interrupt. You can chase them around repeatedly and hit them during their flight because they don't stun you via contact.
They die after one orgasm.

He ALWAYS runs to your y-axis to launch a missile. Just like the imps. With the medusa attack, it can happen ANYWHERE.

Demon clad in red armor known for his all-map rampaging
Does a very fast kick, hard to dodge.
Also starts running around the map angrily. Fuck this guy. Maybe the strategy is to NOT get close to him? That seems to be what triggers this asshat.
I hate this guy so much.

Front attack (fast, he retalliates after what seems to be every hit)
He begins looking for a back attack (summons a shadow to hit from behind, stun only) when you are outside a certain distance.
When you move up and down, the back attack will never hit you.
When it calls the back attack, it seems like it's possible to be hit by the long horizontal range of the attack if you're only moving horizontally (unconfirmed to 100%)

The way to countering this enemy is to hit him with any attack after he misses an attack. Despite the short windup to its attack, afterwards, he has a very long downtime that lets you walk to him and hit him.

You cannot run through this enemy (I tried to see which enemies can just be walked through)

RUFFLE NOTES:At this point in my playthrough in Ruffle I swapped to Canvas 2D + Flashplayer V31. I found that it unquestionably lagged the fuck up over time, at least during h-scenes.

Then I tried webGPU + V31, lagged up over significantly time.

Succubus (out of order entry I think)
Hitting the wrong succubus = Stun
Being hit by the real succubus during run phase = armor hit (GODDAMN IT GORE WHY IT'S SO HARD)

I have NO idea what the best strategy is to 100% not get touched during running.

Here are the mechanics: Two clones and one real succubi will run around randomly. The one that is real damages you when it touches you, revealing its nature. If you hit the real one while it is running around, you will also discover that it takes damage. I usually use jabs to try to discover which one is real during running. When they stand still, you need to pick the real one otherwise be stunned.

DO NOT USE LIGHT ATTACKS IT TAKES WAY MORE ROTATIONS. But you can double hit the succubus with heavy attacks! DO NOT DO HEAVY - LIGHT - LIGHT COMBO EITHER. It does not work as well :(
My strategy was just to stay on the bottom or top of the arena and dodge left and right.
You can attempt to 'spawn camp' one succubi just as they begin to run around, because at least for one second, you get to camp jabs (Z) on one of them.

♦♦♦♦♦next - 'I will create fear'♦♦♦♦♦
♦♦♦♦♦next 'there is no hope here'♦♦♦♦♦
(webGL + V32. Tried V32 after finally realizing that Ruffle was saying actionscript implementation was incomplete, so maybe higher versions = better implementation? I started testing behavior after spamming corruption gain. Ran fine after I got wraped to death.
Edit: Ok no. It was just WAY more resilient to lag.

Spawns imps. Imo just ignore the imps, do not move randomly if you can avoid it because that gets you caught in the demon imp traps.

Creates a suction effect that pulls you in for instant wape. Walk away to avoid suction. The faster she strokes her demon dick, the longer it gets, indicating how close she is to pulling you in.
(After playing more, the demoness at the boss would stun me and suction me at the SAME time, but since I distinctly recall being able to run from the suction effect I'll leave this in)

I don't know if slams or jabs do more damage to her. Probably doesn't matter.

♦♦♦♦♦Next - 'how do I know you'♦♦♦♦♦
My progress in corruption carried through the stage? I'm confused.

♦♦♦♦♦Vagina level (boss level)♦♦♦♦♦
Looks like depending on who you lose to, you get that ending (an ending for each and EVERY enemy that exists in this level)

In this boss level, the fastest way to beating everything is to spawn camp it. Miss 6-tits, 2 fallen, spawn camp them. Don't do that with 4 arms though.

There are the fallen - the two people that look like you - one is fast, one is slow. Fast one does slow attacks and you can spam slow attacks on her. Slow one does fast attacks.

My standard rotation is to walk up to the right, hit a fast jab. Go left to the slower fallen and do a slam at the right range. Keep running circles around them and use fast jabs on the fastest one that chases you.

After one of them takes enough damage, she will be stunned for a number of seconds. This gives you time to beat the other one senseless. After some amount of time (no idea when), they will raise their DILDO HAMMERS and heal themselves and wake up. I'm unsure if their health actually resets.

6 tits - constant meteor stuns chase you. The location of the meteors tracks you, but have a semi-random X-Y coordinate added on, I think. So there is some slight variation in where they land
Holy fuck I spent so long trying to do this because when I hit 6-tits, she had no reaction. After reading the guide on comdotgame, turns out you have to hit her head on the 2D screen. Like you hit the PIXELS of where her head is.

Just spawn camp her. Go to the very top of the map. Slam her "X" number of times. If the meteor is too close to you and you don't have time left to slam her, I would just walk around the entire circumfrence of the map very slowly to sort of get the meteors to stack up in one area.

Demoness - Probably same as earlier explanation

One attack that instantly fires a short row of purple fire before her. This attack is pretty much instant, but has a lock-on delay.

When she raises her arms, she is preparing to dump fire all around to surround you, like the imp demon's flame trap. As long as you aren't on the edge of the map, it won't ever hit you. If you're on the edge of the map, flames will spawn stacked right on top of you because the placement of flames just seems to be via X-Y offset from your position.

I think she raises her arms when you are far enough from her, and if you're VERY far she can't rape you as you'll recover in time.

My strategy is to run in front of her within that close-range rectangle in order to get her to attack. Then she pauses for about two seconds. You can either bait it by going left and right or up and down. If you go left and right to bait her out, she obviously needs to be a bit far away, however, you can hit her and dash backward!!

So when you bait out the fire row from her, just go back in front of her and heavy swing.

If you win, you go free. I don't know if there are multiple endings.

Ruffle notes:
(Tried "WGPU via WebGL" (I didn't write anything down for observed results, but know that I tried it out))
(Tried WebGL with v20, seemed ok. Couldn't tell the version from 1-32 making a difference)

In Endless Dream if you're trying to get scenes with enemies, you can just walk into an area and leave and come back and the enemies will reroll

Bug: In endless dream, enemies can follow you up the stairs, and I was stunned on the stairs. Game didn't respond anymore.

How to play the game on the website with a larger screen? Go to inspect element, under div class="postbody" you can increase width of the swf file. And something else can be resized. Whatever.

Also Renara, fyi I tried to use some weird ascii characters in this post to mark paragraphs and it returned an SQL error. Hopefully it is not a vulnerability.
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