Hi everybody,
first i excuse me for me english i´m not a native speaker also if this is the wrong forum for such a thread sorry for that mabey you could just shift it to a the right forum than, thank you.
i would like to ask if you could help me to find a certain game.
I played it for a hole while and don´t rememper the name but what i still know is that it was a partial translatet trail version but still very hot in my opinion.
What i remember:
You play a girl and start with a female fighter on your site who seems to be somthing like a mentor and friend to also you are wealthy becaus you and your mother have staff like maids.
You lose this femal mentor/freidn ather a some happenings on a ship.
One very prominent feature of the game is that you have something like a magical chastity belt which protects you from vaginal abusmend and results in a lot of anal abusemnd=D anaway the magical chastity belt can break if you are lustfully enough.
The fight system was not typical RPGmaker roundbase..you could use your skills direct an the map and i think the firtst map with enemys was full of plant monsters an the upper side and peacefull fairys on the lower side.
I only remember one real CG scene with some goblins or so in a house which you first serve than made drunken by them and get used.=)
The other sexual scences was directly shown on the map with a animated picture of you on the right lower corner and the most of this kind of scences was in a house full of bandits you had to fight alone..(much sex =D)
I hope someone regenoized this game and tell me the name maby even have a link for me.
Thank you.