Share your Futanari

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Share your Futanari

Postby Futanarian » Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:49 pm

Hey, i just want to create this page, so we can all share out favorite futanari images or even links to videos, whether it be ones you've found yourself, personally i will be posting my futanari art that i draw myself. Share & Enjoy !
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Re: Share your Futanari

Postby Zeus Kabob » Tue Nov 12, 2013 6:20 am

Fun! I've always loved this kind of image, where the cock sticks up along a girl's clothes.

A similar set I'd suggest is Futabu from AskRay/Bosshi.
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Re: Share your Futanari

Postby Duplicity » Wed Nov 13, 2013 8:39 am

Personally I prefer the more realistically sized futas, but pretty nice stuff.
A favourite artist was 'nobody in particular' also known as anonymous futa artist. But I am fairly sure he(?) retired.
Thankfully I got all his stuff before the site became some capping blog.
Also the various futa's from hentai and flash games are always nice.
I might have to try and draw something later. Haven't really drawn a chick or futa before and I just got some cool books on anatomy.
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Re: Share your Futanari

Postby Futanarian » Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:03 am

yeah, i do sometimes enjoy the more realistic futa's, some of my favourite are from innocent dickgirl comics, where i have pretty much ever comic they have drawn, but i do enjoy drawing my own from time to time & Duplicity, go for it! draw something and load it up!, heres an another one a drew earlier, this and the other are only quick sketches though, not done a fully detailed one yet.
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Re: Share your Futanari

Postby Duplicity » Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:03 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


So the futa standing up is drawn from imagination. While the sitting futa is copied from a doujin(i.e. I looked at the image and did my best...)
As you can see the copied one is much better. I have the guide for shading, limbs, face and whatnot.
The standing futa was about three sketches before that came along, all done in the same place. So it is messy, not to mention I re-drew every part at least twice. The head and hands(I wish I drew her hands behind her back now.) I kinda gave up on, though I like the left eye.

I quite like the sitting futa, I messed up in various place as usual but whatever. I reckon if I actually had some skill in gimp/photoshop I could clean them up to be nice. Or maybe if I took them past the sketching stage. Still I am quite surprised my first attempts to properly draw a female form turned out so well.

In case you were wondering, this is also the first time I really drew clothes. Harder than you think to make them obviously clothes but still clinging to the skin.

I also forgot to mention DTiberius is a cool futa artist, though he seems to be only doing random pages now. Unless he is secretely doing comics for paying people...
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Re: Share your Futanari

Postby Futanarian » Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:01 pm

very nice duplicity, you really do have potential, drawing from imagination are the best, thats where mine come from, i especially like my second one i drew, because of the autofellatio, which i can in fact perform myself, although i havent done it for a year or so, that last time i can remember doing it was amazing, i was to deepthroat my entire cock, to the point where my balls were pretty much resting in my eyes sockets, one of the best feelings of my life
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Re: Share your Futanari

Postby Cthulhu » Fri Nov 15, 2013 7:01 am

lol, even with photoshop, my drawings still turn out messy 8D So if you go the extra mile Duplicity, I commend you because hot damn you either have the skills to lineart nicely or the patience.

I have neither, lol.

Gonna dump this quckie I did on here
shameless plus -checkoutmythreadcthulhu'sjunk- I know I am a little shit
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Re: Share your Futanari

Postby Duplicity » Fri Nov 15, 2013 9:06 am

Cthulhu how do you do your pictures? They are pretty damn cool.
Do you sketch, scan and use photoshop over the sketch with layers and what not?
Do you use a tablet thing? I have been wanting to try a bamboo drawing tablet out. The only thing I have worries about is the relative size of the drawing area on the tablet. Look like quite a lot of the area is unavailable, which doesn't really make much sense to me.

I can't really use our scanner much, it is on a shared computer... So scanning takes place at the darkest hour and I have to make sure the scans are deleted off the computer.

Futanarian, that is pretty impressive. Do you have double joints or something? I knew a dude who could touch the back of his wrist with his fingers. But you are more impressive than that.

I'll post another attempt soon. Once again, one draw from imagination and one copied from a doujin.
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Re: Share your Futanari

Postby Cthulhu » Fri Nov 15, 2013 10:09 am

Tablet, I use tablet. No way would I scan then draw over it and colour it on photoshop, that's more work than I'm willing to go through. The relative size of drawing area on tablet is actually fine as long as the pen's sensitivity and drive is compatible with your comp. It's design that way to minimize your hand movement and you rely more on your eyes and knowledge of the program to work with what you got. I'm using a 4x6 wacom tablet, which is relatively small so believe me that the drawing area is not a problem. I do advise that when you start to use one, it will be different from using a pen and pencil. Like waaaaaaaaaaay different, the texture and hand-eye coordination really throws you in for a loop. So if you do want to work digitally, then you have to put a lot of time and effort to use the tablet as often.

I stopped using the tablet for a year and when I got back to drawing on it again, it took me a while to get used to it. By while I mean like weeks.
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Re: Share your Futanari

Postby Futanarian » Fri Nov 15, 2013 4:23 pm

very nice cthulhu, very nice indeed, have begun work on a actuall textured piece, so hopefully i will upload that soon & duplicity, believe or not, no i dont have double joints, i just take alot of practice, i find having a nice hot bath first helps, then put two pillows onthe floor at the bottom of your bed & lay on then with your head touching the bed, then whip your legs over, tuck yourfeet under the bed, & just relax, the longer your in the position, the more you bend & and the close your cock gets, its just about patient & stretching first haha
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