IE-tan or the IE 11 ad

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IE-tan or the IE 11 ad

Postby cookie jar » Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:15 pm

I've been reading the Nerf NOW!! webcomic for a long time now. And honestly, without it, I would have missed this advertisement for the IE 11. Probably since I'm a steadfast user of firefox and chrome.

Which would be a shame because I was literally laughing out loud when I watched it.

Nerf NOW!!-Comic for the IE 11 ad:

And though Jo has the link below the comic, here's a youtube link for the ad:
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Re: IE-tan or the IE 11 ad

Postby BlueLight » Fri Nov 08, 2013 7:07 pm

Why is the windows logo on her ass? Please don't tell me this is a subtle joke about microsoft owning her ass?
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Re: IE-tan or the IE 11 ad

Postby cookie jar » Fri Nov 08, 2013 11:16 pm

Sorry, I thought that was clear from the title and what you see in the links.

That video is an advertisement for the new internet explorer 11. So her ass is indeed owned by Microsoft, because that girl "is" the new IE 11. Just look at her hairclip to make it more obvious.

But maybe I'm with the minority that finds it incredibly funny that microsoft advertises their latest browser version like this. And that the last "boss" resembles a fox with fiery stripes...
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Re: IE-tan or the IE 11 ad

Postby BlueLight » Sat Nov 09, 2013 7:55 am

-_- Your title is strange. However the video and your first post were quite clear that this was an ad for IE11. The question why is the windows logo on her ass? The only thing i can think of is a pun about Microsoft owning her ass? I mean if we're talking about this being a fashion statement, then i'd personally go with chromes logo (Thank god it's a OS). I mean just think about the sexual jokes you could make about that logo on someones ass.

As for the last boss resembling a fox... i'm not seeing it. It looks like one of those huge robot things in the shadows.
What was posted on the screen i believe is tsuduku. Not sure about the du. I've never had a need to use the Hiragana so sadly i think i've lost how to spell it in english (which is bad since i have no lost how to pronounce it.)
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