DarkHedgehog Wrote:(A hedgehogs spikes are straight as far as I know)
More or less. Basically they tend to be, but they are flexible and the way they are embedded into the skin can be a little bended.
I worked for a large nature conservancy organisation a couple of years ago. Getting late-born (read: still too small to survive on their own) hedgehogs through winter was part of that. Also: Never try to "rescue" a young swan that couldn't make the journey to their winter habitat stuck on a semi frozen lake. At least not without protective clothing and thigh high rubber boots. IT HURTS! And not in a good way...
Anyway back to topic: Male, straight.
Groing off-topic again: What surprises me is the amount of people who feel the need to state that they acknowledge anyones sexual orientation. Given the sheer amount of fetishes you can encounter on various projects and topics of the site i mean.
So i would have guessed acceptance of other people's sexual preferences - especially when it comes to something as harmless as being bi, gay or straight - would go without saying.
To clarify: there's no insult or aggression implicated by my comment. Just stroke me as odd.

If you stumble across any typos, you may keep them and rear new ones in your basement.