roleplayers! What is your writing process?

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roleplayers! What is your writing process?

Postby daxtinator396 » Mon Nov 26, 2012 5:20 am

I want to know how some of the people who role play on this site actually write their posts. I'm hoping people who read this will be able to adopt their own writing strategies from it and prevent a host of one liners invading agian with new people. I personally plan out the first few sentences in my head and use my momentum to keep writing until I run out of juice to write.
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Re: roleplayers! What is your writing process?

Postby Thaedael » Mon Nov 26, 2012 6:34 am

First, I put some water on to boil in an old fashioned metal kettle. In the time it takes to bring it to full boil and the whistle is blowing, I read the posts that have lead up to mine. Then I go and drop tea in an infuser and drop said infuser into the boiled water. I walk back to my computer desk, the smell and warmth of the tea spurring on my creativity as I begun to hash out a scene in my head visually. I then proceed to write it. After writing every few sentences I read from the beginning to make sure the flow, pacing, and telling of the story line up in all regards, before continuing to hash out the scene. Then I make sure that the character is indeed in character. I then proceed to highlight everything the character said in THAEDAEL MODERATING POWER GREEN for emphasis of the people that don't care what my character outside of dialogue, sometimes I italicize internal monologue or important details. Double check my spelling, since English is not my language, and then hit post.

For rp's where the players can't be bothered to write more than one line, stay in character, care for the development of other characters, or are just copy-paste variations of the same character they use in every rp so it becomes so one dimensional I am sick of trying to make fun for someone who doesn't put any effort what so ever into the rp to make it fun for both of us despite one having 500x more time to do so than the other, and jerks, I just roll with it and pound it out in a few minutes not giving a shit at that point and slowly fade out of that rp.

Re: roleplayers! What is your writing process?

Postby MiscChaos » Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:16 am

I don't have any process per se. It's more like taking the time to put myself into my character's head and then writing out what they might do, what they feel, how they react, things like that. Basically I'm taking on their personality and they use me to write out what they wanna do, after which I make sure it's coherent and crap (and sometimes filtered) before ya'll see it. The only times I really can't write are when I can't align myself with my character so I can't feel what they feel or when I'm having a complete and utter block and can't get their thoughts onto the site well enough for both their and my liking. Some characters (Kazumi for example) are more lax with their requirements, so, naturally, they're the ones who's posts get done first unless I just can't align myself with them at the moment, but some characters (like, let's say, Clife out of Unsteady Ground) want every feeling, every thought, every process written so her posts take a while.

The only exceptions to this method is when I (or the character) feel unmotivated or the RP itself isn't something I want to devote energy to. Then it'll be all me, but those tend to be general, crappy posts since it doesn't have much of the character's personality infused.
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Re: roleplayers! What is your writing process?

Postby berserkerhorn » Mon Nov 26, 2012 2:04 pm

1. i go on to youtube and find a song that i want my post to feel like
2. open microsoft word so my post doesn't get deleted due to internal network errors (<-- drives me insane when i have a really good post )
3. type it up and review so that it has feeling within the post and if it doesn't [Delete]
4. [ctrl+c] [ctrl+v]
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Re: roleplayers! What is your writing process?

Postby BlueLight » Mon Nov 26, 2012 2:07 pm

berserkerhorn Wrote:1. i go on to youtube and find a song that i want my post to feel like
2. open microsoft word so my post doesn't get deleted due to internal network errors (<-- drives me insane when i have a really good post )
3. type it up and review so that it has feeling within the post and if it doesn't [Delete]
4. [ctrl+c] [ctrl+v]

ah, the thing i should be doing. Curse you brain that already figured this out
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Re: roleplayers! What is your writing process?

Postby SugarCookie » Mon Nov 26, 2012 2:49 pm

berserkerhorn Wrote:1. i go on to youtube and find a song that i want my post to feel like
2. open microsoft word so my post doesn't get deleted due to internal network errors (<-- drives me insane when i have a really good post )
3. type it up and review so that it has feeling within the post and if it doesn't [Delete]
4. [ctrl+c] [ctrl+v]

I don't even have to use MSWord, backspacing (otherwise going back a page) if you get an error will normally save what you typed. Assuming your computer has decent RAM and a newer browser.
Or pressing F5 (otherwise reloading/refreshing the page) will resend the info you sent (normally you get a popup, just click yes), which will either end up with a double post, or send you back to the editing page saying someone posted while you were posting, and that post ended up being yours so all you have to do is leave.

As for RPing, I just type it out as I go. I try to get at least three lines, try to be descriptive, show character thoughts/planning, and for dialogue I type what the character says once, without editing the words. That way your character can fuck up saying the wrong things at the wrong time. It's a bit out of character for your character to have all the time in the world to think of what to do, or what to say next, when in the RP they don't.
And mistakes, no one is perfect, so your character shouldn't be either. Don't correct mistakes (unless it's a spelling/grammatical one), don't try to think about perfect responses (unless your thinking of what not to do), and try to make your character more human by occasionally making errors in judgment or something.

That's what I do anyways, most of it is improv.
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Re: roleplayers! What is your writing process?

Postby daxtinator396 » Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:10 pm

Wow I didn't expect any answers at all but here they are! Thanks much :3 hopefully this will help everyone who reads it I know it helped me :)
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Re: roleplayers! What is your writing process?

Postby napsii » Tue Nov 27, 2012 5:08 am

1. write post
2. get post destroyed by 500 internal server error
3. write post

Re: roleplayers! What is your writing process?

Postby daxtinator396 » Tue Nov 27, 2012 1:38 pm

I saw that Napsii had posted and thought it would help us see how she writes and we got 12 words x.x
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Re: roleplayers! What is your writing process?

Postby SugarCookie » Tue Nov 27, 2012 2:15 pm

napsii Wrote:1. write post
2. get post destroyed by 500 internal server error
3. write post

1. Write post,
2. 500 internal server error
3. go back one page and resubmit


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Re: roleplayers! What is your writing process?

Postby berserkerhorn » Tue Nov 27, 2012 3:13 pm

microsoft word... copy and paste... no more hassle
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Re: roleplayers! What is your writing process?

Postby napsii » Wed Nov 28, 2012 12:23 am

i learned to use word the hard way (i'm not used to my roleplay sites fucking up *only* when i'm trying to do something)

and that doesn't always work sugar. it often deletes the whole post or you get a second error on the post submission page which wipes it

Re: roleplayers! What is your writing process?

Postby Thaedael » Wed Nov 28, 2012 12:32 am

Conversely you hit refresh until it goes through and delete the double posts, but hey what do I know. I personally use what sugar-cookie says.

Re: roleplayers! What is your writing process?

Postby SugarCookie » Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:53 am

Thaedael Wrote:Conversely you hit refresh until it goes through and delete the double posts, but hey what do I know. I personally use what sugar-cookie says.

Can I go throughout the forum and you pay me for every double post that wasn't deleted? :3
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Re: roleplayers! What is your writing process?

Postby AsianP3rsuas10n » Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:13 am

Erm well I dont know if my opinions helps since I'm a newb but I do like to do a bit of writing from time to time. When I do write though, I tend to sit down with a cup of coffee or tea or hot chocolate (I do most writing in the winter) and I try to free my mind before I dive in. So i usually watch some youtubes videos. What this does is I seem to forget about other things in life and then I pay attention to details in videos and how people act and what not in situations. Afterwards inspiration sorta flies into my head because I worry about nothing. I'm a weirdo and even though my writing is horrid I still find it that I write better if I do that... Now i dont do it anymore cuz...i ran out of tea and the asian market near my house closed down and I refuse to get tea from anywhere else...

Yea its a pretty bogus idea when you read it but a calm mind is the best kind when writing.
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