by zeldafreak1 » Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:07 am
DAMN! they've done some serious research. i checked out all the links bruiserdemon posted and i gotta say that they all look bad except for the youtube video. the top comments:
What's worse than having no life and having to resort to trolling? Ah yes. Being proud of it. Even worse, telling people about it. What are they actually doing? Creating and developing a game. Its called a hobby. What are you doing? messing around with them. What a waste of time. At least they're doing something constructive and/or creative with their time, unlike some people.
vidmnky 1 year ago 35
What's funny about this, is that you are an idiot. So what they think an animal looks hot if you draw tits on it. Get a real life, and maybe a girlfriend to spend your fucking time, instead of harassing people who are actually doing something constructive. For all you know, they'll be the ones creating the next war game you spend so long playing in your mother's basement. Hopefully you'll die in a fire, and this world will lose another idiot if you do.
Idontknowsodontaskme 1 year ago 34
apparently, we've got a lot of support from lots of people. im thinking about registering on the wiki and spamming the whole section. whelp nevermind. "\nThe database is currently locked to new entries and other modifications, probably for routine database maintenance, after which it will be back to normal. The administrator who locked it offered this explanation: Maintenance"