Tragic news,
Thaedael lies an emotional wreck, a shell of a man, only traces of saliva hanging off his face, intelligence sucked from his very existence. Five weeks ago he embarked on a new semester, full of high hopes, of joy, of dedication, little did he know that his four courses would involve a lab from hell. The professor, a man who can't articulate what he wants, yells for 5 hours during a lab, only says what he wants after the fact. 5 weeks, 60 hour assignments, three classes left neglected, one weekend to absorb five weeks of readings.
That being said I am going into the exam with 3+ A's and one class that has no marks. I need to catch up on readings tomorrow, write a lab for Monday, write an exam for Monday, study Tuesday, Wednesday, for two exams Thursday, while working on a lab for Friday, as well as having a reading response in there. Following this is reading week which means getting 4 papers done.
That being said I am gong to shoot a pm to katsu to do the moderating for the next week, probably to renara and jaysteppes. I your posts aren't approved, sorry in advance. I am human too, I make mistakes (like signing up for one lab that makes me neglect three classes.) I should be able to pull of three A's and a B- but no promises =P Friday of next week, I am going to play minecraft for 2 days straight and relax, and I will invite anyone to join me. Other plan is terrarria. Time will tell =P