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Current build *NSFW & WIP*

Sat Aug 23, 2014 8:56 am
by pixelfetish8
This is our current build of Gangs and Whores. It's still very much a work in progress, but your feedback would greatly help us improve it further.
Re: Current build *NSFW & WIP*

Sat Aug 23, 2014 3:03 pm
by Earthsage
Some things I was having trouble with in the game is the fact that trying to select options to do combat is.. Tedious.
It's just click, click, click. You have to continually move the mouse, and it makes combat a drag instead of any kind of fun. Maybe try binding certain action slots to keys on a keyboard? Because otherwise it's just going to get to the point where combat is boring and to be avoided, instead of.. Fun.
Also, the escape system doesn't give me any indication if I'm actually attempting to escape, or if I'm not even making it. It just continues combat normally. The other problem is that there's no tutorial for how combat works.. It's just shoved you into the main scheme. I didn't know what Ranged T. did, Melee T. did.. It was all confusing.
And possible bug, the Fungal enemy in the sewers/underground area simply stops attacking you after.. One or two rounds of combat. It's weird. I don't think that's intentional?
I'll try to put up more things once I'm done with the tutorial.
Re: Current build *NSFW & WIP*

Sat Aug 23, 2014 10:28 pm
by Serpream
Earthsage Wrote:Some things I was having trouble with in the game is the fact that trying to select options to do combat is.. Tedious.
It's just click, click, click. You have to continually move the mouse, and it makes combat a drag instead of any kind of fun. Maybe try binding certain action slots to keys on a keyboard? Because otherwise it's just going to get to the point where combat is boring and to be avoided, instead of.. Fun.
Also, the escape system doesn't give me any indication if I'm actually attempting to escape, or if I'm not even making it. It just continues combat normally. The other problem is that there's no tutorial for how combat works.. It's just shoved you into the main scheme. I didn't know what Ranged T. did, Melee T. did.. It was all confusing.
And possible bug, the Fungal enemy in the sewers/underground area simply stops attacking you after.. One or two rounds of combat. It's weird. I don't think that's intentional?
I'll try to put up more things once I'm done with the tutorial.
Pretty much my thoughts. Currently Fungal is ruining ability to explore

Re: Current build *NSFW & WIP*

Sun Aug 24, 2014 4:37 pm
by Duplicity
Like the title says, a work in progress. A lot of the combat system is placeholder stuff. I hope the coder working on that can come back, or some one fix it up.
Binding combat buttons to the numpad or your keyboard is not very hard, but I guess there are priorities for the coders to focus on. Though currently there is a severe shortage of coders, ie, there is pretty much only one dude. BlueLight.
Well that is as far as I know. Hopefully Bit and Mihail can come back, but they have real lives and some of the other members have had real life issues to stop participation with the project.
Re: Current build *NSFW & WIP*

Sun Aug 24, 2014 10:02 pm
by awsome301
Any way to beat the bunny girl and Sasha?
Duplicate post deleted.
Re: Current build *NSFW & WIP*

Mon Aug 25, 2014 1:57 am
by FurrinGok
Awsome301, as a Newly Registered member, your posts will be delayed. They will show up once approved by a moderator, but moderators do not check for duplicates, so please just assume it went through unless it's been an hour or two.
Some of the enemies are going to be insanely difficult to defeat at the moment, simply because either experience is not yet working, or spoils aren't working. I dunno exactly. What's the story here, Blue?
Re: Current build *NSFW & WIP*

Thu Aug 28, 2014 9:14 am
by ralanost
I know hitting and missing is part of the invisible dice roll and adds randomness to otherwise pretty cut and dry combat. That said, I missed a LOT. It drags out combat even more because of that. I understand we are level one, but fighting things takes that much longer when you hit for so little and you miss about 40% of the time. As for the actual content, I am super excited. This is looking to be a great game and I eagerly await the next release. Right now I do feel combat is the one thing that needs the most work. Also, being able to navigate the maps with arrow keys would be nice instead of constantly clicking.
Re: Current build *NSFW & WIP*

Thu Aug 28, 2014 4:41 pm
by BlueLight
FurrinGok Wrote:Awsome301, as a Newly Registered member, your posts will be delayed. They will show up once approved by a moderator, but moderators do not check for duplicates, so please just assume it went through unless it's been an hour or two.
Some of the enemies are going to be insanely difficult to defeat at the moment, simply because either experience is not yet working, or spoils aren't working. I dunno exactly. What's the story here, Blue?
You get no loot, but i believe you do get XP; i just don't know if you level up.
Re: Current build *NSFW & WIP*

Sat Aug 30, 2014 3:12 pm
by Barethor
The stats don't seem to affect anything and it appears as though i do less damage as the battle goes on, but i like the written stuff and definitely want to see more of this game.
Re: Current build *NSFW & WIP*

Sat Aug 30, 2014 4:14 pm
by BlueLight
The only stat that shouldn't be doing anything right now is "Will power". I changed lust to a percentage system like CoC. I forget what exactly i was doing but it was either implementing, or fixing something with the lust. The code is still there, it's just commented out since reimplementation was planned.
I'll look into the source code to make sure my above statement is correct.
Well just by creating a couple of characters, i can say that stats are affecting the game, however they're a bit messed up.
Re: Current build *NSFW & WIP*

Sun Aug 31, 2014 10:11 pm
by Smeardy Bro
is it me,or escape don't work ? trying to escape like for 30 rounds now and no success. mushrooms stop attacking after some time.
how i'm supposta save my manpride from Sasha ?
gun are usless.
hit chances is less than melee.
damage same as melee even if i put all points in guns (and miss twice more than normal attacks).
Re: Current build *NSFW & WIP*

Thu Sep 11, 2014 2:47 am
by Hypnokitten
Oh my! I have to admit, my initial react to the interface was just mild curiosity but... very well done! Kinky, very good writing, classic-gameplay.. I like it!
Re: Current build *NSFW & WIP*

Fri Sep 12, 2014 8:52 am
by Duplicity
Unfortunately, until the coders return or new coders are found the bugs are going to remain. I am fairly sure the source code was going to be released at some stage, but that depends on Pixel and others.
This also means the combat is going to remain unfinished and kind of broken until coders are regained.
Basically the first demo writings are complete but the coding is holding the demo back. There are even a fair few second demo writings complete, I have a considerable amount of words written for one NPC that is complete, just in need of editing.(^-^)
@Hypnokitten. Thanks I hope for the game to continue and for more people to enjoy the game.
@Smeardy Bro. The combat still needs to be balanced, though I am pretty sure the player has to either grind or buy drugs to beat Sasha. Yeah escape doesn't work, I do not think it has been implemented yet and there are some odd bugs floating around.
I feel bad that a fair chunk of the stuff I wrote for Sasha are unread.(^_-)-☆
Perhaps some kind of debug mode could be added in to insta-defeat enemies while the demo is still so unfinished.
Re: Current build *NSFW & WIP*

Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:57 am
by BlueLight
Duplicity Wrote:Unfortunately, until the coders return or new coders are found the bugs are going to remain. I am fairly sure the source code was going to be released at some stage, but that depends on Pixel and others.
I'm waiting on Bit to return before i release. Pixel has given me a okay.
Re: Current build *NSFW & WIP*

Fri Sep 12, 2014 1:06 pm
by rakgi
So, does this mean the project is pretty much dead?
Re: Current build *NSFW & WIP*

Fri Sep 12, 2014 6:22 pm
by FurrinGok
Nah, man, I'm still here and so are Dupe and Blue. It's sleeping, is all, awaiting the prince in fancy attire to come and give it a kiss on the netherlips.
Re: Current build *NSFW & WIP*

Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:14 pm
by foxxling
Despite reports to the contrary i am also still here
Re: Current build *NSFW & WIP*

Sun Sep 14, 2014 9:01 pm
by Hypnokitten
Just as an aside, if you would like a bigger pool of writers and coders, you could diversify where the project is discussed. If you include or want to add any transformations you can also call for people in the tfgames forum, and if you add anything like personality switching / mind control / sluttification there is the hypnotics collective. My site isn't officially 'live' but I have links to both (and to here) on it:
You could keep the main home for the project here (and should, this is the very first page I ever saw with various adult game development on it, not counting news grounds, and it has a special place in my heart) but use those two to recruit and get more feedback / viewers. And then there is of course Fenoxo's forums, he's really good about pimping out projects and helping other developers, and has a simply insanely huge following.
Just throwing that out because I want to see more of this game! (I'd offer to help but I'm determined to finish my game and engine, however long it takes me!

Re: Current build *NSFW & WIP*

Mon Sep 15, 2014 9:38 am
by Duplicity
The game has pages across a fair few forums, fen's included. It has a page at futanaripalace, hongfire and maybe line marvel forums, as well as some smaller forums I think.
The game is made so pretty much every fetish can and will be catered to. There are a few that are off limits such as underage and whatever. I think there is a page somewhere listing the very few fetishes the game will not have.
There will also be room for stories, characters and arcs that have nothing to do with the gangs n' whores universe. So even if you have a space story etc, it can be fitted in.
Provided there are coders and such to help add it in. At the moment I think dungeons, enemies, attacks and such are all in xml, so even someone as code ignorant as myself could add content. Provided I listed the correct variables to include the xml files...
Re: Current build *NSFW & WIP*

Mon Sep 15, 2014 2:41 pm
by Galaran
Kinda feeling like a dumbass here... but where do I actually buy drugs in this game? I feel like I've been to pretty much every tile but apparently not