This is an edit of Pixel fetish8 original thread with focus on making sure everything is understandable to not only a native English speaker but also foreign members who might be having trouble with normal English as is. As such we're heavily modifying the thread so it fits the high standards other will use to criticize it. This message is here because these edits are not done and in a sense this thread is a work in progress.
This project is a thematic text based adult RPG, with high doses of: sexual content, sexual fetishism, and perversion; comparable to
"Corruption of Champions"
ContentsTopContentsGame preambleGang listMagicContact us
We're a small team of adult game fans, programmers, pixel artists, & writers trying to do our best.
This game takes place in a post-apocalyptic cyberpunk world, where civilization is being built from the ruins. It is inspired by TV shows and movies like: The Biker Mice from Mars, The Warriors, Mad Max, Fist of the North Star, Blade Runner, and some video-games like Shadowrun and the Fallout series. This project will have a full pixel art interface panel, buttons, enemies, items and locations; each individually illustrated.
Even with high doses of sexual content and humor; it will include an epic story that will have the player to achieving great things and making Purgatory a better place to live or plunge it into deeper chaos.
"I've worked in a lot of projects and have made pixel art as a hobby during the years; I simply love making pixel art! This project should not be a personal project, but open to suggestions and participation from the public; every pawn counts! programmers, writers... any type of help will be welcomed to make a bigger and better game. horny minds allowed also all the material is capable of being changed or modified in case the project becomes a reality"
PS: my English level is not good, please excuse the mistakes that you can find, I still have much to improve.

Game PreambleThe First Rays of Light Before SunsetSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Eden was a wonderful place, full of charms and wonders, where all creatures could live in peace and love. There was no disease, no pain; there was just love--love and pleasure among all beings.
"In the center of that paradise was the great tree of life; the crown of the great tree reached high to the heavens, its leaves shining down like a sunlight that covered the earth and the seas. The trunk of the tree held a large heart which pumped the wisdom of life, its roots like veins, reaching around Eden and giving energy, life, and warmth. In the Winter, the big tree stored its energy, and once it had stored enough, began to rain fertility upon the creatures, leaving females all across Eden pregnant. When Summer was beginning to emerge, the tree would create colossal fruits which fell to the seas, the magic contained with them creating new earth around the seed, which in turn, formed new islands and continents. The tree, along with the great spirits of nature, was responsible for maintaining the balance of the entirety of Eden.
The Demiurge contemplated his creation, amazed at the great wonder and beauty he had created, and felt so great a felicity, that, before he went into a long, deep slumber, he gave the beings two special gifts: the gifts of freedom and decision. The creatures used these gifts, growing and evolving until they started to create a massive, sophisticated metropolis, where technology was everywhere. Alas, over the years, these creatures began to leave the natural world in ruin, and while living in their crystal cities they began corrupting themselves physically and metally, becomming a selfish and destructive society. Eden began to wilt, and with it, the tree of life started losing its leaves exponentially as the days passed by.
Then came the Great ClawSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Darkness descended to the earth, bringing war, hunger, and misery; in these last days of an era of excess and sin, some bird men obsessed with power started a war and called it, "The Great Claw," their purpose to dominate the terrestrial and aquatic beings. It was the greatest war ever seen, and was the end of civilization, as factories worked day and night to create raping and killing machines; the poison coming from their chimneys polluted everything. The great spirits of nature were captured, so their energy could be used to win the war; spirits that previously maintained the balance of the natural world soon disappeared, the heat and light of the tree was extinguished to never return, leaving only a curtain of dark night, and the earth was covered by the blood and seed of innocent souls, broken energetic plants releasing large clouds of radiation and causing strange paranormal phenomena.. Communications were lost and large supercomputers ceased to function, losing much technology knowledge, and leaving the cities and large metropolises of heaven to fall to the ground or under the sea, even the underwater towns collapsing into oblivion.
The Demiurge, great Creator of all, having been desolated, did nothing but mourn, causing great floods; there were no winners, only pain and destruction. The great tree's sap stopped pumping, the blood that fed the Eden halted in its flow, and the earth withered, leaving behind a place that was sad and gray, a land of dry, dead scarcity where in silence, the last leaf of the tree fell to the ground.
Purgatory; our New HomeSpoiler (click to show/hide):
But suddenly, a spark appeared under the rubble and ashes of civilization, as the few survivors, eyes mourned dry, saw that their world had changed; they saw that it was no longer Eden, and called the new land Purgatory, their new home, their punishment and penance for all the sins they commited.
Years have passed, and the first settlements appeared and cities reconstructed; new corporations appeared, who continued to abuse nature to enrich themselves. Indeed, these corporations have more politcal and military power than the government, which had become practically nonexistant, and fights frequently broke out between gangs and corporations. These corporations try to monopolize the essentials, like water and food, to manipulate and dominate people; even before the apocalypse, the Purgatory is still what it is, a land of sin, lust, and dangerous street gangs. The gangs take control over the districts, forces of chaos and disorder surrounding everybody; the forest is infested with mutants, the highways and roads are teeming with rapists, and the forces of law and order are nigh absent, with most cities become empty ruins, inhabited by none but mutants and monsters.
"You were born here, here and now, in what was formerly Eden; you are young and learning to survive in Purgatory, born in a gravel mining town, hidden in the depths of the subsoil of the land. The people inside this city are unhappy and are preparing a revolution, but a curfew has been imposed and they will not let people escape; however, you had a plan, and finally escape through the sewers. The light blinds your eyes as you look to the skies, seeing there the decayed branches of the big tree of life. You're on the outside now, realizing your new freedom to go where you want, do whatever you want; sin and danger await you, you must now built your story, your destiny--who will you be? Will you bring order and justice, like the Knights of the Road? Will you help Greenpaw to rebuild and ressurect Eden? Will the Sisterhood corrupt you? Will you join the Lube Warriors and become a rapist, roaming the road forever? Will you even go as far as to take over and bring terror throughout Purgatory?
...Or, maybe you will form your own band, winning the confidence and hearts of people; will you recruit more warriors to fight alongside you (Among many other exciting things ♥)?
But whatever the case, you are surely not going to survive, and Purgatory will be your grave, with noone to ever remember you."
Main gang list

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The Greenpaw are fighting for a better world, their main goal the return of Eden.
To some, they are heroes, to others, terrorists; they have made a name for themselves in trying to destroy every sap factory, powerful buildings that dry the Tree of life, that they know of.
Popular among the stories of the Greenpaw are their efforts to help create settlements, educate children, teaching proper cultivation techniques, clean energy generation, and the potions their alchemists make from unexpected herbs.
In terms of sexual relations, the gang members tend to start up large orgies in the middle of nature, without any clothing whatsoever on, causing some to consider them hippies.
Surveyors who managed to learn about the gang member's preferences came to the conclusion that they mostly enjoy psychedelic rock.

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Masters of their art, the members of the Sisterhood of Domination are expert geneticists who commonly dress in religious outfits with a gas mask.
Their goal is to create an absolute perfect creature through genetic engineering; to attain their goal, they constantly change their bodies through experiments on themselves.
As fetishistic perverts, the nuns keep femboys, but only for pleasure and punishment, not for experiments.
A woman by the title of Supreme Mother rules over the sisterhood, along with her subordinate, The Great Midwife.
Legends spoken by the common folk say that deep within the old ruins of Freehattan, under a buried cathedral, they have a giant headquarters that serves as their base of operations; The Monolith" is said to be here, the biggest genetic bank ever constructed. Within the rumored headquarters it is believed they conspire and brainstorm their masterplan: the creation of a world where only the Sisterhood will survive and spread their genetically superior seed."
No surveyors managed to learn of their preferences directly and return to report it; some have, however, concluded that, based on witness reports, they enjoy hardcore or industrial metal.

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Raveraid: Neon stripes, drugs and parties, lots of parties!
The Raveraids own the majority of the discos around Purgatory, a gang who loves a good fight while the music sounds.
No one knows exactly how they are able to have so much energy for their super mega music orgies. Going to the toilet on those parties is a certain way of losing your virginity... from all your holes.
They usually dress on a futuristic cloth style with neon glowing color stripes.
Favorite music style: Rave, Trance & Nightcore.

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Road Knights: The only ones who patrol the roads in search of evil and disorder. With their swords, heavy bikes and armor, they punish the guilty with no piety and remorse. Their „victims“ are usually attacked with sexual inquisition, equipment/machines or even getting raped by all the order. Some people disapprove their methods, but they believe that its the only way to impose order on this chaotic world. They train each day in their the arena, and the loser first to have its sword to the ground must submit to the winner. Masters and apprentices have a strong "connection" to each other.
After the death of the great elder Maximiliam Roarstrong, his dauther Jane Roarstrong assumed the leadership, triying to do her best trying to be as good as her father, she is also the first female leader on the history of the order.
Favorite music style: Heavy Metal, like Manowar.

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5 Whore Sindicate: The whores most of the times those who have born in poverty with no opportunities, selling their body for survive the next day, at the beginning being treated like trash and abused by other gangs, but their leader, Gina Pepper unifies all the whores in one clan, now are one of the most respected of all, big in number, experts in lust fight, you don't fuck with the Whore Sindicate, the Whore Sindicate fuck you!
Favorite music style: Each have its own taste some love hard punk music and are Gina’s fans (Gina is also a punk rocker and organizes concerts)

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The Shiriusa Empire: A new clan in the territory, founded by aquatic furries of the old underwater cities now in ruins.
They have a asianlike aspect and are ruled by their empress.
They always wear red ribbons on the bodies. More information is still unknown.

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Gangsta Stings: Founded by insect refugees of the lost hive cities, they are now a all race embrancing gang.
They love Hip Hop culture and fight like the other gangs for territory control.
They have their own orphanages to take care of the children, most of them future members of the gang.
Favorite music style: Hip hop & Rap

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Lube Warriors: The terror of the roads, the rapists, the proslavery, this nomad warrior gang is most formed by orcs who believe that the entire power of the warrios are in their seed, and those who drinks it become stronger.
They have a sperm tank connected to a sperm extractor, that is filled by their beated victims, while the ones are brutally ass raped.
Due to their genetically modified monstercocks, they must use a lot of lube only to fit their penis head, the rest of it is brutally shoved with a single strike.
They have love for heavy motorcicles.
Inside the clan, all is decided by brute force. Fights and violations are common on their daily lifes. They usually do wrestilng fight to try to improve their social status inside of the band, and of course all this wrestling fights are ended with rape.
They control some gas stations that brings fuel for all the motorcicles of the band.
They usually roam on small groups, but when the band moves, they carry black old trucks with gas surrounded by all the buggies and motorcicles.
Favorite music style: Heavy metal, like Motorhead.

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9 The Claw Followers: They follow the ideals of those who start the war, every flying being blessed with wings by the great Demiurg, the winged furries must rule with the earth and aquatic furries serving them. They have a very organised team each member is a “soldier” and a soldier must be highly disciplined, and must have the control of their emotions, they must make sacrifices for their noble superior cause. They have a huge fetishism in all military related stuff and control some old war factories: tanks, dildo bullets of all calibers, armors... they are small in number but powerful in equipment and trained soldiers.
Favorite music style: Very similar to the music of Sodom

There are other menaces like the guards of each city, the monsters, the scavengers and the old war machines still operational & searching for targets; the corporation agents, undead, mutants & a mysterious creature has been following you since you started over, moving in the shadows without you becoming aware...
MagicSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Like Shadowrun games the old and ancient magic still exist in the world of Eden, (now called Purgatory) living completely alone far of the cities, like solitary hermits, some old shamans say they can hear the voice of the soul of the great spirits if you submit to one of the spirits and give your body to they you can be blessed with his elemental power, you can use magical powers lost for millennial against your enemies, choose well, the Eden was had a lot of many great spirits, in the game there will be four:
Fire great spirit Magmarella: The molten shemale bull, with a hipper muscle body and lots of laba jewelry and piercing on all her body, always carrying a erect lava monster cock, she traveled through the land fertilizing all beings and plunged them into a feverish lust, all around this spirit beings feel an unstoppable excitement as fire within.
Water great spirit Mitral: A male spirit with humanoid torso, tail like a sea serpent and hands like giant dolphin fins, long face, his great chin hung on a golden chain with a large crystal with magical powers, he was the spirit that held the floating ocean currents and inseminated sea current to spread his seed all over the ocean, making sea creatures were born strong and healthy
Wind great spirit Proxales: It was a huge white sphinx with six wings, two heads, two dicks and two hearts. He spread his seed over the top of the tree of life to fertilize their fruits, was also the messenger of the Demiurge, the father of all creation.
Rock great spirit Gorakus: The great rock crab, known as the great colossus of rock, her back was holding Eden and the tree of life, Eden is part of the crab shell and the crab shell is part of the Eden’s land, inside her ovipositor she has one thousand tentacles
If the creatures in Eden are good, the crab walks to the right, where is the paradise, home of the Demiurge, however if the creatures are corrupted and darkness rules the Eden the crab walks to the left, approaching dangerously towards the great black vortex of oblivion.
Contact usSpoiler (click to show/hide):
[email protected]Skype: pixel fetish8
We have 3 programmers working on it! (and all of them have really nice skills) now is time to hunt for some more writers for the game, gay, straight, bisexual, if you have a horny mind and like write some sexy stuff, join us, we always spend a good time in skype using the text chat and discussing about horny ideas and sexual fantasies to put in the game :3 [/size]

===WIP content/information===
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I made this very quick menu, still has many things to improve but at least it will serve as a sample so that you get an idea of how can be:

- Code: Select All Code
Author: PixelFetish8
Art: PixelFetish8
Editors: BlueLight, Sprite, FurrinGok, Nice and Blue
Editor NotesSpoiler (click to show/hide):
FurrinGok: Updated "Contact" spoiler to include Skype contact method.