Hi all!
this is a message to make you all know we are still alive and working hard, yes this is tanking long, really long, we know it, at the beguinning this project born being something simple but how more time past more and more bigger and better we try to do it, the additon of the world map in the game is more than a simple feature it is taking and will take some time to do but it will bring to us a new world of possivilityes in the gameplay area, is not ony a huge world to explore is also a new feature it will allow us to have more features we never had before, we already working in a lot of ideas to enrich the world and make this project something unique, something with its own taste.
so... why are we so secretive? why we dont spend more time explaining the game lore and development stuff?
well basically is because i personally want to be very cautious, lots of projects die before see light and this is a long therm project, one thing i hate is see all people hopes and ilusion hurt, i dont want to play with peoples feelings so in my personal opinion i want to wait until we have the core code works for the game, once we have it we can focus on seondary features and i think it will be ok to beguin to share with you more details, i really hope this can continue going on and make all feel happy with the result, we are all working hard on it in our free time putting all our will in it :3

this days in the writting section we are triying tho sinish to fill all the world map biomes/terrains with sexy events, our goal is put something sexy in all places: the mutant swamp, the road, the rad deset... you will see how much diferent kinds of terrains you will se in the game and how unique are all of they. once we finish with the basic world map the writting works will focus to Central City, the main place of the game, whyle the world map focus on mutants, monsters and a more postapocaliptic ambience, the Central City is a place with more cyberpunk looking, more focused on gangs, bandits and kinky peole.

about the code works, we are mainly focused in the world map, it will take some months to complete, player movement, block pass tiles... yes is not cool wait i know but our coders do all they can, complex things always needs time, code is something we still have a lot to do i really want to have a demo with the remade sewers map XP
i personally need to say special thanks to thewronghands to make this project alive again, he is our hero : )

about art, well art never was a problem i think we reached the 200 character sprites, lots of items of all kinds are also done i need to finish a couple of images for places like the mutant swamp, red forest deepwoods and the nuclear whinter zone (provisional name) but the art of the game is already mostly done, we even have the necesary visual stuff for do 26 diferent kind of terrains (floor and wall tilesets and some furniture) still not 100% finished since we are always improving them and making the color pallette better