Hi all, we are still alive, we are still hunting programers to continue this fetish madnesssss X3
while you wait have some lore and art XD :
this is a bigger resolution sprites of some characters, i was thinking in add colectible cards as a trophyes or something... meh i do it just for fun:

the first 3 of this characters are futa warriors superstars (the penis is hidden and can appear when they want), the other ones are the muscled lioness Jane Roarstrong who is the current leader of the gang Road knights of the south (founded by ex police people after the apocalipse (you can read more in the first page), the owl barn character is (spoiler/sectret XDDD)
the cow BBW looking one is a sexpet product called "Milkshake Moommy" developed by Neygen corporation with the colaboration of Nidal alimentation corporation group with diferent uses like nurse, food production unit or first line shock soldier, mentaly and genetically programed to protect and take care she acts like a overprotective "mother" while she can produce litters milk with diferent varieties of flavours with regenerative and curative efects, develoved at first to take care kids in kindergardens, elder people and take care to ill people in the hospitals like a nurse.
The Neygen corporation saw their potential as a military units and guive them a morphine effect in their milk to calm the soldiers damage in combat, the fatness of her body can stop high caliber bullets, in the war was common to see squadrons of this giant cow looking sexpets with heavy armors with giant riot shiels charge to the enemy knocking through the walls of the bunkers like demolition balls with their bodyes and hit enemyes with their giant force using energy clubs or high caliber shotguns handled by only one hand, considered in the army as "living tanks" theyr tits are not only for a regenerative/healing purposes, it can also shoot rays of their sweet milk from their tits with a high pressure, ennough to penetrate armors, the strikes with their boobs are ennough powerfull to decapitate anny enemy soldier or damage anny military robot part iwth one strike, altrough she is very sweet and kind (like a mother) to annyone who is not mentally programed as a enemy :3
After the comertial boom of the Angelbunny sexpet, the Milkshake Moomy is the second most succesfull genetical product due the numerous uses this product can do (and very effitiently) the only negative aspect was the high price and developent cost wich makes this a product not purchased by the common people but popular in private armies and hospitals, the alimentary industry most powerfull company , Nidal alimentation comertialised the milk this sexpets produces with a great comertial success, almost as the futa milk, both great options for lunch :3
he situation of the sexpets is a bit chaotic, after the war and the fall of the civilisation the sexpet genetical farm laboratories was abandoned, some of this creatures escapes in the wild living free, to avoid genetical piracy all the sexpets was made sterile, they can't have children but the radiation afected this creatures and some of them gained fertility, during the next years the population of the wild sexpets has grow and each year there are reports of sexpets raping travelers (they have the biological necesity to search a master to mate), some of them like the Angelbunnyes gained a huge ratio of fertility and they can be found in big colonies in a lot of places of the Purgatory, the Red Forest is the main place the sexpets hide from Neygen company, even with the lack of the power the corporations have nowadays the Neygen corporation wants to eliminate all this "defective units" and make this products only abaliable in they stores, anny ilegal copy must be erased and the ones who keep one, breed, in secret can have a corporation agents visit, afortunately the low power of the corporations they have now makes this dificult and is not uncommon see people who lives with a company of a wild sexpet but all the genetical and electronical companies wants to erase all the ilegal units, and they will not stop until the defective units are erased (robots or sexpets)
The Milkshake Moommy is by nature a peacefull sexpet, once one of this creatures feel alone searches someone to protect and take care, sometimes this protective feel is so strong that she will protect the creatures in a determinate area adopting they like her sons.
A old minicassete found in a ruined lab near a colapsed Hive city show some tests with a Milkshake Moommy inside a big enmpty white room with only a red ball, she will begin to develop her protective instint to the red ball even if the target of this protection is a inanimate object she will talk, hug, try to feed with her breast, cuddle, kiss and eventually mate with the red ball, it also shows the fatal consequences of try to steal the red ball and how efittient and usefull can be this product for a security and private army companies