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The New Tokyo Pandemic (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 3:53 am
by cryosabre

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Lorielle Wrote:

Name: Sonia Langly

Age: 26

Description: 5'6" 125lbs

Biography: Sonia was a scientist for the Scientific Exploration of Xenobology, it's mission statement being the research and development of human genetic modifications but splicing together those of other animals into humans. Her specific team was cloning as to facilitate testing without raising too much of a moral issue about live human test subjects. Sonia headed cloning division as it's chief operator and researcher, though this meant she was the one subject to cloning as a result. Her time at S.E.X though would result in the global pandemic that would bring about the end of the world. Now trapped in ground zero months later she believes she can find a way to stave off humanity's extinction, but she needed to reach S.E.X's main lab at the heart of the mega-city.

Sonia was single at the time of the outbreak but did have a mother and sister across the country at the start of the outbreak but hasnt had contact with them. A young and fairly goal-oriented woman Sonia has had little time recreation though does indulge in the occasional night of blackout drinking.


5 points to spend, Skills can go to -1 to gain an extra point, skills maxed at this point

Strength: -1

Agility: 1



WillPower: 1


Whiskey, animals, getting stuff done, motorcycles.

Dislikes: Idiots, people looking down at her, cars

Turn ons: Mind-control, drugging, non-con, gangbangs, bestiality, bimbofication, gloryholes, sexual gambling.

Turn offs:
-Unusual penetration (nipple, urethral, ecc...)
-Heavy inflation
-Heavy Gore
-Permanent Enslavement
-Long term impregnation(Fast forwarded pregnancy is okay)
-Extra-extra-large insertion

Stress level:

Level Headed: Increase the amount of stress you can take before you break by 25

You have 10 dollars, please buy your starting equipment;

Handgun - 4 dollars
Handgun ammo - 8 bullets
Combat Knife (Less Damage than the crowbar but can be discarded to instantly kill a low-level zombie grappling you, will only damage higher level zombies) - 2 dollars

The Stress mechanic
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Through the game you will encounter various different things which will stress you (Bodies, things you dislike, becoming a zombie cocksocket, etc) and things which will destress you (Puppies, things you like and completinjg missions etc). During this time you will hit certain stress "thresholds" which will cause your character to either gain an affliction (Negative trait) or virtue(positive trait). Note that on a virtue roll, you can forgoe a positive trait to remove an affliction (or virute on an affliction roll). Thresholds will trigger every time you accumulate 20 stress and will happen after the encounter that caused the threshold to trigger has ended.


New Tokyo... Ground Zero.

The capital of genetic research and other...less ethical studies.

It was one of these studies that started the pandemic. It started with a single fly managing to randomly in through a miniscule hole in the containment chamber where the virus was being kept. The fly, unaware it was about to bring about the apocalypse, landed in a pietrie dish holding the virus before taking off again and going back through the whole and landing onj a scientists neck. And that was all it took. Within minutes of the first human's infection, over half of the S.E.X.s scientific team was infected, rampaging through the offices infecting human and animal test subjects alike, the tiniest bite or single drop of bodily fluid enough to transform any new host into a raving, shambling abomination in seconds.

It didn't take long for the infection to spread to the outside world and when it did, that was the end for humanity as far any anybody was concerned. The military did their best to hold the hordes back but when it's not just infected human's they had to worry about, but dogs, birds and even insects, there was nothing they could do. The virus attacked every living creature indescriminantly and within 6 months of the first infection, the last safe zone on earth fell to the unrelenting horde.

As the months passed and the last few pockets of humanity did their best to survive and avoid the horde, you found your supplies in the S.E.X. cloning facility had begun to dwindle. You had done well the past months, managing to lock yourself in the building and survive of the canned goods and clean drinking water while it had lasted, spending every waking moment trying to figure out a way to reverse the virus and save the last remaining vestages of humanity. However, the months had been well spent and you think you might have found a cure! All you needed to do was travel from the cloning facility to the main S.E.X. lab right in the middle of New Tokyo...where the infection had begun.

More worrying than the thought of having to travel into the eye of the storm however, you're sparse contact with other humans had left you with some worrying rumors...You had heard that zombies were no longer devouring humans, but rather performing unspeakable acts, especially to women! As well as this you had heard some horror stories of huge, terrifying beasts roaming the land attacking and infecting any living creature in sight before dragging them off to god knows where... The one good piece of knews you had heard form more than one source was the fact that5 the virus seemed to have stopped infecting women or, at the very least, not as quickly as it did men...

Still, surely most of those rumors couldn't be true...right?

Taking a deep breathe, you finished any last business you had in the cloning facility before stepping outside to start your journey towards the S.E.X. main lab, the heavy doors of the cloning lab clicking closed behind you, making sure that if you were to need to use your last resort and transfer your conciousness into a cloned body, there wouldn't be any nasty surprised waiting for you back here...

Encounter Roll D20
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


As soon as the door clicks closed behind you, you notice 5 zombies are already surrounding you a bit further down the street. There's 2 on your left, 2 in front of you and 1 to your right. Going forward would be the most direct route but you'd have to get past those zombies...Luckily it doesn't look like they've noticed you yet.

Re: The New Tokyo Pandemic (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 5:06 am
by Lorielle
The past few months have been terrible, well not so bad, she wasnt infect(as far as she knew) and she was maybe better fed than any who was outside. Luckily she hasnt had to deal with anyone coming near the underground facility. Hiding it away in an alley and making the entrance look like a nondescript door that no one really bothered to check. But supplies dwindled as she worked away on her possible cure...vaccine..thing, she was a biologist but virology was definitely not her forte.

But she managed to make some sort of breakthrough finally, and not a moment too soon as she was down to the last bits of her supplies. Not to mention maintain the electronics within the facility have been a pain in the ass.. she was going to need to raid other facilities or look for them in stores if they havent been looted. Maybe others have survived? She survived, so tougher sorts probably have..hopefully. Though things certainly didnt look good for Sonia when she locks the door and she already spots 5 of those creatures just standing outside the door. Thats what happens when you live in a large city... Well she didnt have much ammo and not a whole lot of training with a gun.. so she was going to sneak away, right now she needed to secure just some more basic supplies, food, water, fuel.

Re: The New Tokyo Pandemic (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 9:45 am
by cryosabre
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Agi roll: 16+1 vs 11
Search roll: 18
Int roll: 5+2

Surrounded by zombies on your first outing in so long, you do well to keep your cool and nimbly stay low to the ground while dodging around cars so as to not alert the zombies close to you.

It's not long before you duck around the corner of the block and out of sight of the infected.

With supplies on your mind, you quickly set out to try and find some something you could eat or barter with and within an hour you manage to come across a small convenience store. The lights are all out and it's almost too dark to see inside, though you do note there are a few cans of something still on the shelves. However, there seems to be no broken windows and the shutter metal shutter covering the front entrance doesn't seem to be the whole way down either, meaning you could potentially try to lift it.

Alternatively you could see if there was another way in, or just leave it alone altogether.

Re: The New Tokyo Pandemic (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 12:48 pm
by Lorielle
Frustrating, a word that constantly pops into the head of the young scientist when she even encounters something remotely annoying. Getting away unseen was good but now she needed to deal with this junk.. but how. Obviously lifting was out of the question. The rattle of the bars would be too much and alert the creatures a few blocks down the road. Maybe there was roof access and she could get down into it from there? Or maybe a backdoor she could pick the lock too. If there was neither she was going to move on and maybe come back with a car jack if she can find one.

Re: The New Tokyo Pandemic (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 7:59 pm
by cryosabre
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Search roll: 4

You search around the convenience store for a way in but, unfortunatley, it seems like you were out of luck. The only possible ways in you found were another shuttered door that was padlocked shut at the rear of the building and the remains of a fire escape that led to the roof, but the ladder was nowhere to be seen, leaving it too high for you to reach. Out of options for the moment, you move on but mark the place in your memory incase you decide to come back later.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Encounter Roll: 1! Surprised! Zombie free attack!
Attack roll: 18! Grappled!

Perhaps you were annoyed at not being able to get into the convenience store, perhaps you were just too eager to get to the S.E.X. lab...Whatever the reason, your concentration and knowledge of your surroundings was momentarily forgotten about as you rounded a corner far too casually and walked straight into a gang of 4 zombies less than a meter ahead of you! You don't even have time to react as the closest one let's out a load moaning noise while it immediatley whips it arms up and wraps it's cold, gray fingers around your wrist, leaving you unable to run away as the other three begin to descend upon you while the one holding your arm tries to pull you in!

Quick CS
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Sonia Langly

Age: 26

Description: 5'6" 125lbs

Strength: -1
Agility: 1
Intellect: 2
Charisma: 2
WillPower: 1
Luck: 0

Likes: Whiskey, animals, getting stuff done, motorcycles.

Dislikes: Idiots, people looking down at her, cars

Stress level: 0%

Level Headed: Increase the amount of stress you can take before you break by 25

Handgun ammo - 8 bullets
Combat Knife

Re: The New Tokyo Pandemic (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 10:37 pm
by Lorielle
"Oh course. Well at least they were smart enough to bar up the place." Sonia kicks the back door that was heavily shuttered as she makes a mental note of this place's location, she'll definitely need to come back later... Well time to move to the next place.

At least thats why she was going to do until she basically rounded a corner and got immediately tackled by one of the zombies and 3 more were tailing behind! "Fuck! get..hey! where!" Sonia kicks and shouts as she tries to reach for her gun and pop this thing in the head.

Re: The New Tokyo Pandemic (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 10:55 pm
by cryosabre
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

(Your rolls will always be on the left)
14+1 v 10 - Success!

Though the zombies might have got the drop on you, you're quick reflexes kick in a moment later and it only takes a moment for you to bring your gun up, level it at your captors head and, with a single, well placed bullet, leave a large baseball sized hole in the abomination's head. The Zombie let out some sort of high pitched squeal as it went down, it's firm grip on your wrist instantly going slack as it fell to the ground, permanently dead. Something odd you did notice was that the zombie's blood seemed to have taken on a strange blue hue to it instead of the deep red you would expect of a human.

Your moment of triumph didn't last long however as the shamblers kept on moving towards you, their arms outstretched and ready to grab the first bit of you they could get their hands on. What was more concerning to you however was the rather large bulge in thye three other zombies trousers that seemed to be growing by the second! This, coupled with the undeniable fact the zombies seemed to be entirely focused on your ample chest as they shambled towards you was quite surprising...Surely the rumors couldn't be true...could they?

Quick CS
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Sonia Langly

Age: 26

Description: 5'6" 125lbs

Strength: -1
Agility: 1
Intellect: 2
Charisma: 2
WillPower: 1
Luck: 0

Likes: Whiskey, animals, getting stuff done, motorcycles.

Dislikes: Idiots, people looking down at her, cars

Stress level: 0%

Level Headed: Increase the amount of stress you can take before you break by 25

Handgun - 7 in magazine
Combat Knife

Re: The New Tokyo Pandemic (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 11:07 pm
by Lorielle
Sonia quickly threw off the zombie she ended happy to have it no longer holding her down. Though maybe she was less than excited about the situation she's just not found herself in. The three of them were closing in on her and she was in a tight alley way, pushing through them was an obvious mistake so she needs to make a break for the other end of the alley or maybe slip into a build if they have a backdoor located in the alley her gunshots were bound to draw more of them to her.

So with a plan in mind she makes a break for the opposite end of the alley keeping any eye out for any unlocked doors. She also needed to avoid using her gun as she was rather light on ammo as well but if they managed to snag her she was going to use what ammo she had to get away.

Re: The New Tokyo Pandemic (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 11:31 pm
by cryosabre
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

gunshot sound role: 6

Unfortunatley your biggest fears had already been realized and you could already hear the low moans and groans of surrounding zombies closing in on the sound of your gunshot that ended the life of the first zombie. You couldn't tell just how many there were, but you were sure it was more than just 1 or 2!

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Escape roll: 3

You also unfortunatley seem to have run down the most cluttered alleyway in all of New Tokyo! There are no side doors or entrances you're able to duck into, however there is an abundance of bins, boxes other general refuse which blocks your way and provides the zombies with precious time to catch up despite being able to see the end of alley, and the open street beyond, past all the obstacles! As you wade through the rubbish your escape is suddenly halted however as, all of a sudden, a pile of trash suddenly burst upwards and a zombie emerges from the pile, blindsiding you going to tackle you against the wall.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Defense roll 14+1 v 18

You could almost taste the sweet freedom when you had almost manage to squeeze past before he could grab you but your foot caught a stray pipe which caused you to stumble and be guided by the force of the zombies tackle where you suddenly find yourself with your back to the alley wall and the zombies face only inches from your own. Your body was being pressed between the wall and the zombies own body, your left arm held above your head and in the zombie's vice-like grip while your other arm hung freely. The zombie however wasted no time in bringing his own free hand to start ripping at your top, exposing your bra covered breasts in a single tear of your shirt while you could feel a large, sickening hardness against your belly which the zed seemed to be thrusting against you.

You had mere moments before the rest of the horde descended upon you!

Quick CS
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Sonia Langly

Age: 26

Description: 5'6" 125lbs

Strength: -1
Agility: 1
Intellect: 2
Charisma: 2
WillPower: 1
Luck: 0

Likes: Whiskey, animals, getting stuff done, motorcycles.

Dislikes: Idiots, people looking down at her, cars

Stress level: 0%

Level Headed: Increase the amount of stress you can take before you break by 25

Handgun - 7 in magazine
Combat Knife

Re: The New Tokyo Pandemic (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 12:06 am
by Lorielle
“Crapcrapcrapcrap!” Sonia was normally a really level headed individual but now the fact she wasn’t really physically prepared for this new reality was starting to dawn on her. With gun in hand she tries once again to just explode this things head so she can get away but and fast! The moans coming from behind her and the ones that were now beginning to come from in front of her were disconcerting to say the least. “Just get off of me!!” She shouts as she tries to lift her gun and pull the trigger wildly.

Re: The New Tokyo Pandemic (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 12:29 am
by cryosabre
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Gun Shots: 3,11,4 v 16
Gunshot noise: 10

As the pressure started to set in from being held against a wall, zombies closing in and your upper half being practically free for all the world to see, you pull up your gun and fire wildly at the zombie holding you in place!

The first shot goes wide, the bullet burying itself in the wall behind the zombie. The second was too low and merely punctured a hole in the side of the zombies neck and the third once again hits nothing but air as the recoil from your second shot drives your aim far from where it needed to be. As your barrage bears little fruit and to your horror you can already see the wound in the zombies neck begin to close, you look around franticall and find the slightest modicom of relief in seeing there doesn't seem to be any more zombies than their already are...The majority of the horde is behind you, the same way you came with a only a couple a little ways ahead blocking off the exit to the alley.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Struggle Roll: 3-1 v 9

As you do everything in your power to struggle and move the zombie off you, you realize the zombie has moved his knees between your own, forcing your your legs apart a moment before you feel his free hand move away move away from your exposed chest down, over your stomach and effortlessly ripping away your tights, skirt and pants from your body. If there was any doubt in your mind about exactly what the zombie was looking for, it's quickly erased as the zombie suddenly jerks it's head downwards to suck at your engorged tit through your bra at the same time his hand drops your shredded cloths and moves to roughly rub at your exposed cunt before he unceremoniously plunges his thick fingers between your pink lips, stright up to the knuckle.

Quick CS
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Sonia Langly

Age: 26

Description: 5'6" 125lbs

Strength: -1
Agility: 1
Intellect: 2
Charisma: 2
WillPower: 1
Luck: 0

Likes: Whiskey, animals, getting stuff done, motorcycles.

Dislikes: Idiots, people looking down at her, cars

Stress level: 0%

Level Headed: Increase the amount of stress you can take before you break by 25

Handgun - 4 in magazine
Combat Knife

As you were being violated by the living dead you were still dimly aware that if you didn't escape now the horde would entirely destroy any chance of escape.

Re: The New Tokyo Pandemic (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 12:42 am
by Lorielle
“F-fuuuck... Sonia’s eyes go wide as her mind goes white briefly from the sudden onset of pleasure. God how long as it been since anyone has touched her like this.. how long has it been since she’s even touched herself! But soon enough her brain was back to normal and she realized the real issue here was. It seems like those rumors were true but now she’s gotta get away for sure. Holstering her gun she tries to get her knife and cut the arm on this goddamn zombie so she can get away.

Re: The New Tokyo Pandemic (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 1:07 am
by cryosabre
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Knife attack 6-1 vs 9

Pinned against the wall, fingers pumping in and out of your helpless, wet pussy, you're dully aware of the zombie ripping your bra apart with his teeth before going back to suckling on your huge tits. You feel the pleasure building within you and you know you've only got one more decent chance of survival. Willing everything into your combat knife, you attempt to cut through the zombies are pinning your trapped one to the wall. Unfortunatley it was at that exact moment the zombie violating your body simultaniously decided to give your nipple a slight bite while ruthlessly attacking a particularly tingly spot in your tight cunt which led to you only being able yelp out in pleasure and drop the knife.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Struggle: 3 v 14 - Total submission

With your last form of defense failing and the pleasure ramping up inside you, you suddenly find yourself too weak to continue fighting as the horde closes in around you. Your body goes slack and you mentally prepare yourself to take whatever comes next for you.

As if sensing your submission, the zombie pressing you agaisnt the wall takes a half step back and you begin to call forward, only to be instantly caught by a mass of grasping hands, all vying to touch your body in any way they please. As you look around, you notice that every single one of the zombies have managed to release their thick, throbbing cocks from their trousers and in only a few moments you find yourself on your knees in the middle of the horde, tens of thick, meaty cocks pointed in your direction as you notice the zombie that had you pinned against the wall approach you first. You';re given no time to think before he simply grabs the back of your head and forces himself into your mouth, the salty taste of his pre-cum instantly coats your tounge and in an awful moment of clarity, you realize that you might actually be...enjoying this?!

Almost as soon as you had started to suck the first cock, the rest of the horde moved in and you quickly found yourself being subltey moved around, your hands being guided to other fat cocks to rub while others raised your ass in the air right before you felt the first bulbous head begin to part your wet lips, resting there for only a moment before you were speared by your first zombie cock.

Quick CS
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Sonia Langly

Age: 26

Description: 5'6" 125lbs

Strength: -1
Agility: 1
Intellect: 2
Charisma: 2
WillPower: 1
Luck: 0

Likes: Whiskey, animals, getting stuff done, motorcycles.

Dislikes: Idiots, people looking down at her, cars

Stress level: 0%

Level Headed: Increase the amount of stress you can take before you break by 25

Handgun - 4 in magazine
Combat Knife

Re: The New Tokyo Pandemic (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 1:27 am
by Lorielle
Willpower roll: 11
White sploches kept cutting up Sonia's vision as the zombie played with her like a toy, maybe that what she was at the end of the day, her body had easily succumb to it's lack of intimacy by allowing this thing to play with her as it pleased! fuck maybe there was a reason.. maybe it was pheromones or something, Yeah that! The young scientist tried to explain away why her body was eagerly accepting the pleasure this thing was inflicting on her body. Her tightly done braid falling to the way side as she falls forward onto her knees staring down the length of a massive grey dick. "mmm~ Yes please~" she says just before the thing shoves it's cock down her throat her mind instantly breaking as it gets a taste of the thing's shockingly sweet cum~ Then Sonia felt another lift her ass and all she could do was moan as she felt its mushroom head poke against her barely used folds, well no use in resisting, she though as she threw her hips back for the creature and it take her. Her hands flying off to a couple of dicks as she was eager to taste more of it's infected cock cream.

Re: The New Tokyo Pandemic (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 1:47 am
by cryosabre
As you started accepting your place as a zombies personal cocksocket, your suitors increased their tempo in earnest. What had stared out as a slow grind in and out of your mouth and pussy quickly devlolved into a frantic rutting as you were quickly claimed as the hordes personal fuckbitch. The wonderfully rhythmic slapping of balls on your chin and mons filled your ears, and a blot of pure pleasure coarsed through your body every time the zombie behind you hilted himself in your whorish pussy, quickly imprinting the shape of his heavenly cock in your body.

You continued in this position, getting taken like the bitch you are for a time until the zombie behind you suddenly stiffened and you felt a gushing of warm stickyness shoot deep into your body, filling you with a perverse sense of joy until you noitced the zombie who had just finished immediatley stand up, turn around and shuffle off. Any despair you may have felt however that this wonderous dicking was coming to an end was quickly reversed however as you soon found yourself being pulled backwards into a sitting position in a new zombies lap, his thick, throbbing cock pushing at your other, yet untouched fuckhole while another slid himself infront of you, lifted your body slightly and dropped you on top of both cocks, the thick load left from your last "lover" acting as a lubricant, allowing them both to slip in with minimal resistance as you they began to grind in and out of both holes, alternating their strokes. The utter ecstacy you were in only multipled as a third zombie shambled over to make use of your perfect dick sucking mouth.

Re: The New Tokyo Pandemic (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 2:04 am
by Lorielle
Sonia looked pittiful without a doubt, if anyone could see her, but in her own mind was maybe having the best day of her life. Her head was swimming with pleasure as she was spit roasted by this lovely pair of cock and balls all the while she was working herself into a frenzy rhythmically bouncing between both sets of dicks. She could feel all the months of stress slowly flitter away as she gave herself to the whore, and it definitely occurred to her that she wouldnt mind being a zombie whore every once in a while.

Thankfully when one zombie finally loaded her up with cream she came, and she came hard. Her whole body shaking with delight before she was eventually pulled into a new position that let her take on an extra helping of cock. Not that she minded, her ass was never used, and right now she was glad to give it to these cocks~

Re: The New Tokyo Pandemic (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 5:21 am
by cryosabre
As you sat there, sandwiched between the two lifeless bodies sawing into both of your whorish holes with a ruthlessly aggresive rhythm, the night turned into a plethora of wet slapping sounds as your body was used and abused in any way your assailants pleased again and again. Your face had become a messy picture of spent cum and saliva as a seemingly never ending stream of zeds had encircled you, making sure there was a constant stream of cocks for you to gorge yourself on. Each time a new cock came for you to suckle, you found the zombies seemed to enjoy forcing themselves down your throat, forcing you to gag and leaving ropes of a sticky concoction of spit and cum connecting their hips to your chin, their musky smell filling your nose and driving you even more insane.

Your orgy lasted for hours. Time and again you let yourself be manhandled about, moved and positioned however the horde pleased and each time you couldn't help but feel a sense of joy when you felt their girthy, rock-hard members once again parting your dripping cockhole and ass. You lost count of how many times you had felt that wonderfully warm sensation painting your insides before each time the zombie, spent, would simply get up and shamble away only to be replaced by another.

Finally as you sat there on your hands and knees in the middle of the alley, your braid being used as leverage to pull you backwards into the zombie currently diving as deep as he could into your sodden lovebox, you mindlessly opened your mouth and held your tongue out waiting for the next cock to go in and felt a strange sense of sadness when nobody made use of it. You became dimly aware there was no more zombies vying for use of your body, each of them having already spent their load on or in you, leaving you covered in their sticky love juices. Still, this last zombie seemed to know what he was doing as each time he thrust into your slutty cunt, you couldn't help but scream in ecstacy as he dove deeper into you, his beautiful cock giving you all the pleasure you could ever need.

Unfortunatley, all good things must come to an end however and it's not too much longer before, after one final, powerful thrust from your zombie lover, you got to feel that wonderful spurting feeling deep inside you one last time. Like the rest, the zombie simply stood up and walked off after he had finished with you, leaving you there; naked, covered in jizz, exhausted and thoroughly satisfied.

Quick CS
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Sonia Langly

Age: 26

Description: 5'6" 125lbs

Strength: -1
Agility: 1
Intellect: 2
Charisma: 2
WillPower: 1
Luck: 0

Likes: Whiskey, animals, getting stuff done, motorcycles.

Dislikes: Idiots, people looking down at her, cars

Stress level: 0%

Level Headed: Increase the amount of stress you can take before you break by 25

Handgun - 4 in magazine
Combat Knife

Re: The New Tokyo Pandemic (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 9:25 am
by Lorielle
Sonia moaned loudly as the last shambler unloaded his final bit of cream deep down her cunt. Her pussy and womb thoroughly used but she didnt care.. her mind was all too happy to know that she received the best fuck of her life probably for the rest of her life! Regardless the scientist looked around, checking her gear to make sure it was okay. She thankfully found her gun under a puddle of jizz but it should be usable with some cleaning.. She still needed to find some basic supplies. That distraction was much more dangerous than she will soon realize as it took hours to satisfy all of them and the sun was now swiftly setting. One thing people dont realize is that cities.. get. dark.

Sonia definitely didnt have the know how to traverse a dark as fuck city nor did she have the supplies so she was going to need to scramble for whatever she could and get home so she can hunker down till tomorrow.