Wakfu: Gate to Twelve [Ocfos]

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Re: Wakfu: Gate to Twelve [Ocfos]

Postby cliffracer » Wed Jul 08, 2020 1:25 am

Based on Luna's little 'oh!', it sounds like Nellie nailed that trick.

Rin: "Right... I'll meetcha at the stairs, don't worry. I just need a deep breath or two before I can stand again. Those Srams can really fu- er, fight." She clears her throat, blushing.

The bartender nods at Nellie as she approaches, checking out her new duds as she retrieves her stuff. One big-ass sack of coins, and her set of gun parts. It looks like the bartender is throwing in attachments for her belt that'll let it all sit secure for quick access. Barrel mods in front and to the side, next to one of the holsters. The money Nellie can probably give to Rita, there's absolutely no room anywhere in her outfit for THAT sack. The bartender leans on to the counter, seeming pretty satisfied with Calluna's work.

Bartender: "Now there's a look that'll inspire a fad with the others. You get some scantily-clad Rogues from time to time, but you'd get a Iop flustered with that. Well done." She chuckles a little. "Swing by behind the counter on your way out, alright? I've got one more thing for you. Or, you could always leave it and get intrest for the next time you visit a Hideout..." THAT sounds like a flirt. It looks like Nellie's outfit is even getting to the normally-professional bartender.

Regardless of Nellie's choice though, she can head upstairs and hear Rita and Weiss chatting in the first room. Sounds like they're mostly killing time while they wait. Rin, of course, is standing proudly by the stairs now. It's like nothing happened to her.
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Re: Wakfu: Gate to Twelve [Ocfos]

Postby Ocfos » Wed Jul 08, 2020 3:39 am

"Oh, I'm sure." She snickers a little at Rinty's embarrassment.

Arriving at the bartender, Nellie starts to equip her guns and their parts onto her belt. She looks over to Rinty, nodding towards the bag.
"Hey, let's hope it does. I'd love to see more cuties in skimpy stuff. Though, it seems like someone beat me to the punch on that task." She looks over at Rinty, having a feeling the bartender is behind it.

"I shouldn't right now, I've let the others wait on me long enough already - More fun to let it ride." She fails to stifle a knowing snicker, "Sounds like I probably will, too." She says in a lower tone, as she expects Rinty to have come over to the two by now.

Once they're about to head off to the others upstairs, Nellie blows a kiss to the bartender, "Thank you for keeping my stuff safe, hun.~"
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Re: Wakfu: Gate to Twelve [Ocfos]

Postby cliffracer » Wed Jul 08, 2020 6:28 pm

The bartender makes a little jokey halo over her head as Nellie mentions it.

Bartender: "Just making sure we don't have any lonely patrons, that's all. Whatever might've theoretically happened in her booth, I assure you, is all on her." She chuckles. "Stay safe, and may you only get caught when you intend to, Nellie."

She returns Nellie's blown kiss by kneading at her own chest for just a moment, which sounds like a pretty popular move among the Rogues. Pretty much everyone's chatting about the waves Nellie's making ever since she's shown up, and there's PLENTY of shameless talk from the ladies about what they'd like to do if they got some alone time with her. From how they're making it sound, a lot of them are packing more than heat, which probably isn't a suprise. Rinty's trying not to listen to all the lewd talk, because it seems to be getting HER in a mood too. She nods to her and hurries right on upstairs.

The room the others are staying in is probably a downgrade compared to what the hotel had, but there's a certain comfort in how homely this one feels, and how there's probably a lot less ways baked in to the room for people to spy on whoever's inside. Weiss is reading on the loveseat, while Rita chats with her from the bed. At least, until Nellie walks in.

Weiss: "Oh wow... Guess that means you made the cut."
Rita: "Hoo-wee, look at you, Nellie! Heheee, come here and let me get a closer look!"

Based on the way Rita's making gropey hands, Nellie is absolutely getting felt up if she does.
Last edited by cliffracer on Wed Jul 08, 2020 8:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wakfu: Gate to Twelve [Ocfos]

Postby Ocfos » Wed Jul 08, 2020 7:37 pm

Nellie makes her way upstairs just fine, though she quite enjoys all the talk she's hearing among the patrons. At least she's used to listening in on conversations, so the ambient chatter doesn't give her much of an issue.

She chuckles at the chatter between the two stopping, the general atmosphere of the whole place getting a very big smile on Nellie's face. "Oh I definitely did; It feels like I've finally found where I belong. Haven't felt in such a good mood for years." She chuckles, nodding to the large bag of kamas. "Oh, and I made some pocket change for us all. Didn't even involve sex this time." She jokes, walking over to sit on the bed at Rita, with a knowing expression on her face.

"Haven't had it for more than five minutes, so stay easy on it alright?" She snickers, obviously messing about with her.

"Apparently, I impressed one of the gods. Sounded like they'd kept an eye on me, ever since I found the way here." She leans back onto the bed with a wide satisfied grin on her face. "It feels so liberating to not have to hide myself away from the public anymore, unlike what my kind had to do back in my own world."

She seems quite happy about the circumstances, that's for sure.
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Re: Wakfu: Gate to Twelve [Ocfos]

Postby cliffracer » Mon Jul 27, 2020 5:57 am

Rita giggles happily and climbs on to the bed with Nellie, where she grabs her tits from beneath her hoodie- exploiting the intentional vulnerability. That doesn't stop her from conversing, she's just pressing her tits against her back while she's doing it. Weiss is, unsuprisingly, interested in checking out just what the kama total Nellie brought in is. Better than Rinty trying to do it.

Rita: "Whoa, no kidding? Based on what you told us, they probably got really curious with whoever came through from another world. That means you must've met... Sram, I think. If I'm caught up on my religious studies, Sram apparently took a disguise to steal away the Rogues from the tyrant of a boss they used to have. Kinda neat lore, but I dunno how much of it's true. I'd believe Sram using an alias though."
Rinty: "There WERE a bunch of srams around! I was just thinking they like hanging around other shady types, but they only started messing with me once everyone knew Nellie was cool. I'm really glad you're comfortable though! Maybe more of your people should come over if it's this nice?"

Rita changes one of her hands to be getting at Nellie's thigh instead. She's humming happily.

Weiss: "Well, Nellie, you've got us two thousand, somehow. Honestly... Not sure what to do with all these kamas."
Rita: "Sounds like money to burn at Blibliza, to me. Vaycay money, y'know?"
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Re: Wakfu: Gate to Twelve [Ocfos]

Postby Ocfos » Mon Jul 27, 2020 6:10 am

Nellie gladly leans against Rita when she pushes against her back, giving a playful giggle as she has her chest groped. "I'm pretty sure they're one and the same, but I've just got great respect for them keeping an eye on the doorway to this place. Honestly, I haven't felt this relaxed in what feels like forever."

She looks over at the two others, grinning widely, "I bet the entire establishment that I could get past a challenge door with ease - While naked, mind you. Vets seemed to know something was up, but I made that cash with no strings nor illegality." She chuckles, "It definitely impressed, I can tell you that much."

She tilts her head at the idea of others showing up here, "Maybe, but not all of us are as human as I am - Some are nothing more than human-shaped rocks, or oddly looking statues. Knowing that I used to be a regular person, but that my kind have been turned into stuff like this, I'm sure you understand why I've lived with a constantly clenched asshole for the last five years or-so."

"Kinda feels good to know that someone's out there, watching me with good intentions, y'know? Even better, that it's the god I end up belonging the best to."
She grins, "Definitely owe 'em one for all this."
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Re: Wakfu: Gate to Twelve [Ocfos]

Postby cliffracer » Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:03 am

Rita: "Hahaha! THAT'S a classic. I LOVE how you could tell who knew not to underestimate the new folks, but I SWEAR getting fleeced on a real obvious bet must practically be some kind of Roguish hazing. You practically just showed up and styled on those folks hard."
Weiss: "I'm aware of the irony of the turn of phrase, but who wants to bet that's why Sram seemed to like her so much? The gods can definately tell when individuals have an affinity towards them, after all. Not that I'm exactly discounting the theory that worshipping Iop long enough makes you a Iop-head..."
Rinty: "Hey!"

Weiss finishes up counting the money, and tosses the pouches in to the haven bag where the remains of their collected riches now lie. Rita, meanwhile, decides to hook her arm across Nellie's belly and have her lay back with her; this gives her the opportunity to lift Nellie's legs and grab at her butt while Nellie gets to use her hefty chest like a pillow.

Weiss: "Mmm, yeah... Still, you'd be suprised at the types of people that are around. Foggernauts, as recent as they are, are quite unique people in their own right. They're soul-containing robots that're powered by Stasis, after all, and aren't quite subtle about their nature either." She's a little distracted watching Rita grope at Nellie, but continues. "I'm not calling for any kind of mass immigration, but... I'm sure you had a friend or two that might miss you, right?"
Rinty: "There's GOTTA be a better place for them to show up than Brakmar though. Once we're somewhere else, we should try and fix that door so people don't fall on other people out of nowhere when they check out weird doors."
Weiss: "...Right, there are so many problems with that idea, but who knows what Nellie could do if she's in so well with one of the Twelve? Anyways, that ash-storm should have passed, so we can leave once you're ready, Nellie."
Common Character: Hunter [x]. If we're in an RP/want to discuss an RP, I have a discord for casual contact. PM me about it.
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Re: Wakfu: Gate to Twelve [Ocfos]

Postby Ocfos » Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:25 am

Nellie stifles a chuckle, "Can't fault me for finding people of the same mind, considering they're able to be shady all the saA-" She's interrupted by Rita pulling her backwards, as she didn't fully expect that to happen. She can't help but laugh at it, and doesn't seem to mind her ass being grabbed one bit either.

"Yeah, I've got a few who may be concerned. I can always head between the two places I'd assume, but if there's really some kind of ominous thing at the doorway to this place, I think I'd prefer staying for the time being. Don't want to walk straight into the arms of the bitch I fled from some years back." She can't help but feel a bit excited from the attention Rita is giving her, though she isn't acting out on it right now, outside of turning her head over at Weiss, at the cost of one eye sinking partially into Rita's boob.

"I'm ready to continue on whenever you three are good to go, but I'll be real; I have no idea how the doorway to this place was made, since it clearly ain't by someone like me." She shrugs lightly, "Don't think time works on the same scale in all three places either, so three years in here, could be nothing but five minutes back home. Never tried to compare, since studying ain't much of my thing."
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Re: Wakfu: Gate to Twelve [Ocfos]

Postby cliffracer » Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:50 am

Weiss: "Huh... Do you think it could perhaps just be a... natural occurance? As odd as it sounds, we get plenty of naturally-occuring strangeness as well, and that's before you get in to the meddling of shushus. A door like you found could just... have gotten lucky enough to start existing?"
Rita: "Ugh, you sound like an ecaflip! I don't wanna hear about luck at all until I'm playing strip poker on that resort island, okay?"

Rita takes out her 'frustration' on Nellie by squeezing her butt and pinching a nipple, then decides she's had enough and lets go.

Rita: "Hey Nellie, I wanna wear you next. Those two had a turn, but why not try someone who actually LIKES wearing lewd stuff? Plus, we're gonna go back to our usual travel standard of taking shifts being the one walking while the other two rest inside of the bag. Kinda makes it fun to ambush people who think they're ambushing one person. Sooo, you should undress me." She snickers.
Rinty: "Rita, weren't you the one that was trying to tell me cras aren't lewd people?"
Rita: "Tch, yeah, obviously I wasn't including myself. I like to show off what I've got, what can I say?"
Weiss: "Oh, yeah, I'm definately retreating in to the bag if it's time for Rita to cause trouble with her body. Come on, Rin."
Rinty: "Aw, I wanna watch..."

Rinty gets dragged by the hair in to the haven bag, leaving Nellie alone with the tan-skinned elf. Nellie hadn't noticed before, but she IS dressed pretty lewd. She's wearing a black leotard with a keyhole and a pair of booty shorts that show off plenty of hip thanks to the leotard's cut, and her thighhigh boots let her show off plenty of leg with an enticing amount of skin between them and the shorts. Kinda makes sense if Cras are supposed to be archers, at least. Really acrobatic clothes.
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Re: Wakfu: Gate to Twelve [Ocfos]

Postby Ocfos » Thu Jul 30, 2020 3:11 am

"No idea to be honest; Could be someone who has dipped deeper into the Wyrd than me, even though that tends to make them go nuts."
She turns her head up at Rita, "What, not one to play strip poker with the rogues here?" She grins, feeling Rita get done with her fun.

Nellie makes an obviously exaggerated dissatisfied noise, "Cmooon, I just got myself dressed again." She laughs, "I'm not against it, but I'm not sure I can keep these in check." She jokes, reaching behind her head to grab at Rita's chest in an obviously joking manner.
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