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Re: Our Hidden Sins (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 11:06 pm
by Reaperbones
Alex directed Fenrir out of the garage door that opened on their approach. It closed behind them and Lara had to shield her eyes from the bright morning sun. She didn't hear many people, but she saw a few people opening up what little shops were in this district. She also spotted people arriving and heading straight into the rest of the buildings. It seemed that all of them worked here, and Alex had said that this was the district meant for science and magical studies, so maybe they were sages. People gave them warm smiles and a lot of them greeted Alex. One woman stopped Alex and asked about how his work was going. He gave her a warm smile and explained in a friendly tone that business was good and he was still trying to figure out how to make hats automatically fly on and off peoples heads when they entered and exited buildings. After a small laugh from the woman she hands both of you a muffin, and explains that she made too many this morning. Alex waved her goodbye as he started Fenrir moving again. Alex enjoyed his muffin as they walked, and soon they were at a large gate with guards on both sides. The gate was open and Lara could see people entering. It wasn't as many as you'd expect with how big the district was which made her realize that this wasn't a residential district, and probably only shopkeepers lived there.
It was immediately obvious which district they were in as they passed the gates. Stores lined the streets, and the further in they went the more people and vehicles there were. Kids were also playing in the streets, and guards patrolled endlessly. Lara quickly noticed that the guards were wearing different colored uniforms, and none of them looked like the soldiers she had fought before. Each uniform also seemed to signal what their job and duty was. Blue guards were moving among the people and checking every vehicle as they went. Some pulled people off to the side and gave them quick look overs with some sort of glass lenses. They were probably there for theft prevention and inspections. Green guards were watching the kids closely, and it became obvious that the kids were actually playing only where a guard was. Lara wasn't sure if the kids were there because the guards were there or if the guards were there because the kids were. The guards also seemed to be on the stronger side with high magic concentrations being visible. Lara could assume that hurting a child would result in very harsh treatment by a dangerous warrior. The final guard wore the same silver uniform as the gate guards. Lara could guess that these guards just handled all crimes in general as compared to having a specific task.
After a short walk through the streets, Alex was forced to stop as traffic came to a halt. A large vehicle was stuck in the road and a couple mechanics were actively working on it. Alex let out a sigh, and patted Fenrir's head. Lara would soon feel a tiny hand tap her leg before she heard a kids voice. "Miss are you an elf?"
When and if Lara turned to face the child, she'd find several girls standing there waiting for her answer. Each had a flower crown, and one seemed to be actively working on making another.

Re: Our Hidden Sins (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 1:00 am
by Sallin_Kari
I watch cautiously as we move through the city, noting the very different standing Alex has here then I had back in my home. An ugly seed of envy takes root, painful sprouting within my heart. How I coveted such interactions with my neighbors, such a blaseness born out of an inherent sense of belonging. My thoughts are interrupted when an article is suddenly forced into my hand. In surprise, I don't reply verbally, but give a small smile and bow my head in thanks. I nibble at it. The crispy and fluffy parts is unfamiliar yet tasty, and the berries are a lovely touch, though with them being cooked, they've lost a good portion of their appeal. Regardless, I'm not comfortable really with eating this while moving, rather I prefer to hold onto the metal creature. I can always eat it when we get to a stop.

The guards system is interesting. Strictly speaking, the elves had something similar, though very different in implementation. Hunters and beast tamers, for example, all had a responsibility to protect the town and any resident from animals, as such it was common for them to wear a hawk feather on them clothes to signify their status, and could be flagged down by any citizen for help with such issues. Still, my eyes linger on the green marked guardsmen. The fact they need a dedicate class to protect their young has... unpleasant implications.

Surprised, I shift my attention to the children. Putting on what I hope is a friendly smile, I reply softly, "Yes, I am," Before asking playfully, "Was it the ears that give it away?"

Re: Our Hidden Sins (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 1:18 am
by Reaperbones
The little girls all gave her smiles and giggled before the leader spoke. "No your prettiness is what gave it away. Oh and Isabel can see your magic."
The little girl who was making the flower necklace blushed and looked up from her work. She walked over and handed flower crown. She spoke as she stepped back. "Daddy always say the elves are the pretty forest people. He says you miss the forest so I think you should have the crown."
Alex glanced back at them and gave them warm smiles before returning his focus back to the road.
One of the other girls walked up and spoke in a low voice. "Is that your husband? Is that why you guys are sharing a wolf ride?"

Re: Our Hidden Sins (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 1:37 am
by Sallin_Kari
"Thank you," I say as take the flower crown, "That is very kind of you." I pause for a moment, looking it over, my homesickness fading. I really should give them something back. Recalling my muffin, I pull off pieces and offer them to it, "Here, it's very tasty." Still I thought this, collar blocked my magic. I'm surprised that anyone can see my magic... especially since that isn't that common of an ability.

I can feel the edge of my smile quiver a little bit as a grimace tries to force itself onto my face. The thought of Alex being my husband is... disquieting. I lean forward, lowering my voice as well, "No, he's my master, not my husband. He has a task for me so he's bringing me to where I'm needed."

Re: Our Hidden Sins (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 1:50 pm
by Reaperbones
The girls crowded in and took the pieces of muffin. When Lara whispered they nodded before one of them spoke. "Mommy was dad's slave before she was his wife. Maybe your master will make you his wife. It'd be so romantic!"
The girls all giggled in unison as the one who spoke did a fake swoon. The streets began to move again as the blockage was removed. Alex spoke with a smile. "Finally. Alright ladies, little miss elf here needs to head out, so say goodbye."

Re: Our Hidden Sins (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 5:38 pm
by Sallin_Kari
They seem to have a strange idea of romance, but I'm not going to dash their ideas directly, "Perhaps, but I don't see that happening any time soon."

With the blockage clear, I wave goodbye to them.

Re: Our Hidden Sins (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 12:38 am
by Reaperbones
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The coffee has a little chocolate milk and hot cocoa powder mixed in. It's really chocolate-y with a bitter after taste. Kind of like sweeter dark chocolate. The donut is a chocolate cake doughnut

The girls wave back as Alex starts the wolf moving again. He navigated them through the slower moving vehicles as he head towards a little cafe. He pulled up beside a window that was attached to the side of it. He spoke in Draconic to the young woman who came to it. She answered in Draconic before glancing at Lara. She spoke in common with a warm tone. "You're in for a surprise."
Alex handed the woman some form of currency that looked like leaves before the window closed and he laid down on Fenrir's head. He heard the window and took the food that was handed to him. He handed Lara a cup of what looked like mud, but smelt sweet. He also placed a round ring of sweet smelling brownish black dough in her hand. He spoke as he drank his cup of coffee. "Eat and drink now while you have the chance."
Alex steered wolf back into the streets while nibbling on his own donut. It didn't take him long to finish both his donut and his cup of coffee. The streets began picking up in traffic as they entered what looked like a market place with a park in the middle. Children played about on structures made of plastic and metal bars. Sand filled a giant circle where kids could be seen building sand castles and digging holes. The kids varied in appearance but all seemed to have something Draconic about them: from scales to full wings and tails. Mixed among the sidewalks are Draconic people and some other races. Several female elves are dancing with a couple Dwarven women. They each have male partners although only a couple aren't Draconic. Their dance seems like a mixture of Elvish classic dances and some odd dances Lara had never seen. Music could be heard where a band of Draconic and Beastmen are playing various instruments. A few stray children run through the dancers playing around before being gently swooped up by green guards. Lara couldn't hear the infectious laughter of the children as they were caught, but she could see the happiness in their eyes. Overall the sight had an infectious sort of happiness to it. Traffic begins to die off and the sounds get quieter as they leave the plaza and Lara realizes that she was so distracted by the center area that she hadn't even looked at the shops on the opposite side. After another few minutes of travel through busy roads, Alex turned off of the main street and into a side street. It doesn't take long for them to reach a building that has a sign of the door reading. 'Cross' Clothes Consortium.'
A woman opens the door and speaks with a smirk. "Took you long enough. So this is her?"
Alex step off the wolf and begins gathering some bags. He spoke without looking at her. "Yeah. Lara get off the wolf and properly introduce yourself."
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Re: Our Hidden Sins (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 1:26 am
by Sallin_Kari
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

So sort of like a mocha? Anyways, I figure that Elves would probably be familiar with cocoa in its raw form, but not the processed chocolate version. On a side note, I don't think Lara would know what plastic is.

I cock my head at the lady's comment. What was I suppose to make of that? What could I make of that? I simply wait until I am finally presented with my food and drink. I'm not sure what to make of this 'coffee.' It certainly doesn't look like tea, more opaque than even black teas combined with a murky element. It's warm like tea though. I take a sip an detect a strong cocoa, though it seems to be somewhat different... Do they have a special way to make it? Knowing humans, it probably includes fire. Regardless, the drink itself has a... smooth flavor to it, which blunts the bitterness. It is surprisingly good. The cook dough seems to be made using cocoa as well. It is appealingly sweet, mixed with the equally appealing complex flavor of cocoa, though lacks the bitterness.

Looking over the children play as some adults seem to be engaging in a makeshift folk dance. I recall what my House tried to instill in me. Humans worship fire above all things, and seek to spread it to all things. That is why they are a necessarily a threat to our forests. I remember asking if that is the case, why had the humans not die out a long time ago due to setting fire to their own homes as that line of thinking would necessitate... The teacher didn't take that question very well. A bitter smile works its way onto my lips as I look over this view. So how do you explain this then?
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

And here we can see a bit of why she isn't so prejudice as the other elves. She's always been incredibly good at smelling bullshit and questioning it... Though that last stage, she's manage to reel back in order to minimize the amount of blowback she gets.

As we come to a stop and another lady comes and greets us, I'm met with apprehension. I slip off the wolf and look over the woman, my eyes lingering on each and every draconian feature she has from literally head to toe as my mind recalls the stories of what an angry dragon could do to an entire division of elves. I try to perform a formal curtsy the best I can in an ill-fitting shirt and pair of pants held up exclusively by a belt, "My name is Erami'lara of house Uthilamina."

Re: Our Hidden Sins (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 1:41 am
by Reaperbones
The woman watches Lara with a nod before speaking. "I'm Kira Cross. This is my shop and this..."
She steps to the side and you spot a young child, maybe only ten, who looks like a miniature version of her mother. The only major differences is her hair is brown and her eyes are silver color that remind Lara of something, but she can't quite place it. The daughter steps forward while scratching at her scaled ears. Kira finishes with a warm smile. "This is my daughter Tali."
Alex walked over to the doorway and spoke as he walked up to the girl. "Your scales molting again? Don't scratch at them too much."
Tali gave him and warm smile and giggled before speaking. "Yes Uncle Alex."
She let Alex pass her before running up to Lara and taking her hand. Her scaled hand and fingers lacked the claws that her mother had, and her scales were still lacking the rough armor appearance. They looked more like gloves compared her mother's gauntlets. Her mother spoke as she followed after Alex. "Tali take your new friend to the sewing room."
Tali nodded to her mother and began leading Lara into the house. She stopped briefly at the doorway to clean her talon-ed feet off on a mat at the door.

Re: Our Hidden Sins (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 1:52 am
by Sallin_Kari
I look over the child, and decided it was best to keep my distance from her. It's not her I was afraid of, but rather her mother's wrath should I pose even a perceived danger to her. After all, dragons, from what I've heard, are typically apathetic creatures, happy to let the world move on without them, but if someone intrudes, even accidentally upon their nesting site, the destruction wrought is quite literally legendary.

Unfortunately for my plans, this child seems to have different ones, as she runs up and grabs one of my hands, tugging me forward. I keep up with her, hunching over slightly so she isn't so strained by reaching up. Noticing her scrapping her feet against the mat, I decide to do the same before entering.

Re: Our Hidden Sins (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:25 am
by Reaperbones
She walks Lara through the house, her talons making soft clicks as she spoke. "Mommy says you're here for a dress and work clothes. I'm glad uncle Alex got a pretty elf for a slave. Daddy used to say the elves were some of the most beautiful people when they weren't angry. He also said he saw lots of angry elves. You look angry, but you're still pretty so you can't be angry. Your face looks like one of my dolls. She's the prettiest princess in the kingdom. Her husband is a handsome knight. Did you fight in the war? Did you meet any dwarves? Dad said they are short and grumpy, is that true?"
She keeps talking even after both of you enter the sewing room, but she takes a pause to let Lara answer all her questions. She looks at Lara expectantly and without releasing her hand.

Re: Our Hidden Sins (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:35 am
by Sallin_Kari
I'm unsure of what to make of this child's rambling, jumping between topic as if she was an athletic act. I'm unsure why the humans seem to find me pretty... I certainly don't feel pretty, and I doubt I'd match up to any elven standard. Noticing her pause at her questions I answer, "Yes I did, that is why I am now a slave. And yes I did meet some dwarves at the start of the war. They do tend to be very grumpy when they don't get their way, and considering their greed, that is most of the time."

Re: Our Hidden Sins (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:42 am
by Reaperbones
Tali smiled bigger when Lara answered. She pulls Lara into the middle of the room before speaking again. "Daddy said that elves are always honest. It was one of his favorite things about them. Dwarves will lie and cheat, elves will honor their word. He'd always tell me that. OH."
She releases Lara's hand and moves to the table with some strips of clothe are. She choose a light green one and runs it over before throwing it over Lara's head. She speaks as the fabric settles. "Now you look like one of the tree priestesses dad told me about."

Re: Our Hidden Sins (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:56 am
by Sallin_Kari
I never really considered it. Elves don't really speak falsehoods, that's true, rather dressing up their language in vagaries. Keeping one's word was also paramount as it not only reflected on you, but your entire house. If someone was found out for going back on their word, it could mean irreparably damaging their house, and having them being exiled. Dwarves on the other hand, required an overseeing body in the form of the various guilds to ensure fair play, and if the rumors are true, that wasn't even necessarily true if you lined their pockets with enough gold.

"The druids. They are the guardians of the Elven Forests," I explain, with incredible conflicting feelings hidden just below the surface. A mix of home-sickness, a sense of guilt at being compared to such important figures when I'm undeserving of such honors, yet also a sense of flattery.

Re: Our Hidden Sins (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 3:48 am
by Reaperbones
Tali moves around you an takes some of the excess cloth. She drapes it over herself and speaks. "Would I make a good druid?"
She looks up at you with the cloth over her head like a hood. She has a warm smile that you only see in children. She speaks again as she looks down at the ground. "Dad always said I looked as pretty as mommy, but my scales haven't really grown in. I can't wait until the stop molting so often. Then I'll be shining and I can wear a nice dress and look like a princess."

Re: Our Hidden Sins (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 4:02 am
by Sallin_Kari
"Very few people make good druids... even those who become druids," I give a pained smile as I explain, unwilling to lie to a small child. The problem with druids is mostly to do with outside forces, to be fair, but they still fail to adequately fulfill their role. Either they are pulled around by the high council, who place their own political posturing above the druid's needs, or their cloister themselves to get away from it, and thus limiting their sway. Either way, they're mostly a fangless tiger at this point.

"I'm unfamiliar with dragons, or those descended from them so I am unable to offer any advice, but I do hope that your dream comes true soon."

Re: Our Hidden Sins (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 8:35 am
by Reaperbones
Tali stayed next to you, her smile radiating warmth. "Thank you. I hope you find redemshun soon!"
Kira's voice could be heard as she entered the room behind the two girls. "It's redemption dear. Hopefully my little girl hasn't been talking your ears off too much. She's a sweet heart, but by the ancestor dragons, she knows how to talk. She's been curious to meet an elf since her father spoke highly of them. He was stationed in the Elven forests during most of his time in the service. Alright hun, let's get miss Lara measured."
Tali almost exploded with excitement as she slipped out from under the cloth and grabbed some measuring tape. Alex sat silently in the corner while the girls went about their work. The conversations were kept between the girls and a lot of them were talks of Tali's growing up. Tali bragged about a lot of bruises she got, and Kira spoke of both her flaws and strengths. Even for you, a battle scarred warrior, she was endearing like a little sister.

Re: Our Hidden Sins (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 5:32 am
by Sallin_Kari
"Is that not a good thing?" I turn to the mother and ask, "A child that can speak her own mind will be able to learn the answers to her own questions, and not be reliant on the 'truth' preached by those around them." I'm not sure how the humans make clothes or anything so I just stay still, waiting for instruction. I'm not very comfortable considering how foreign this place is, so I'm content with letting them doing most of the talking, responding only to direct questions, and inquiring further about them to prompt them to continue to dominate the conversation.

With this my mind starts to wander a bit. Things are a bit odd... were is the father? They speak of him sometimes, yet they haven't spoken of where he is... They did say that he was stationed close to the Elven forest which would indicate that he was likely to have been stationed there during the invasion, so he likely saw combat... Do the humans not cycle soldiers after a war to allow them to rest? All of a sudden things fell into place. Tali refers to Alex as Uncle, which implies that he has an incredibly close to at least one of the parents, almost like that of siblings... Kira doesn't seem to be that close which would mean it's probably the father who is Alex's 'brother'. Alex is incredible angry at me for being unable to save humans. Irrational... but if one of those humans... was his 'brother'... then it wouldn't be surprising for him to have such an emotional reaction...

My jaw suddenly clenches as I sharply inhale, my eyes dropping to Tali and her smiling face. I'm overthinking this... right? I mean they wouldn't avoid telling her to protect her smile... right? That's not a smile of ignorance... right?

Re: Our Hidden Sins (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 7:52 pm
by Reaperbones
Alex watched you as they measured you and noticed that you took a sharp breath and looked at Tali. He gives you a wicked smile which only further makes you suspicious. Once they are finished measuring you, Kira speaks with a nod. "Alright Tali, this part is the part where your job is to keep Ms Lara busy while me and Uncle Alex work. Head on up to your room and get it tidied up, I'm gonna show Kira her dress design."
Tali gave her mom a pout before quickly smiling and running off. You can clicking of Tali's clawed feet fading in distance as the door to the workshop closes. Kira grabbed the sketches for Lara's dress, and handed them to the elf. She spoke as she stepped over to the bolts of fabric in the corner. "That's the expected end result. Although that's not why I sent Tali away and you know that. You're not very stealthy with your emotions. So did you piece it together? Can you guess where her dad is?"
Alex stood up and stared at you with a frown. He was waiting just like Kira was except it was obvious he was more agitated.

Re: Our Hidden Sins (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 8:45 pm
by Sallin_Kari
I briefly look over the designs, I mull over how to respond. Blunt honesty might very well earn their wrath, but I just can't bring myself to be evasive. Inhaling and steeling myself I reply in an almost tone, wavering slightly causing me to pause to recollect myself before continuing, "I presume... In the ground. That he was a causality of the war... Specifically the elven offensive."