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Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 11:18 pm
by Earthling
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Reaperbones Wrote:Name: Alex Randall
Age: 24
People: Human
Sex: Male
Appearance: Image
Skilled Archery
Expert Swordsmanship
Trained Blacksmith
Trained Combat Magic
Novice Unarmed
Novice Healing Magic
Might- 4
Grace- 6
Mind- 8
Magic- 7
Backstory: Alex started out as most of the Dragon Guard did. He was given a chance to guard the Emperor and the Emperor alone, just as his father did. Alex was recruited a year after the Emperor was assassinated, and a year of his father cursing the member who did it. Everyday his father returned from his shifts, he spoke with Alex about why he fought and how he hoped he would have a chance to do the same. Alex made his choice before they even came for him and he spent the next four years rigorously training before he had his first encounter with danger. During a routine training session in the Grand Palace, just memorizing patrol routes and how to report events, Alex spotted a suspicious figure. He had no time to run for help as he recognized where they were headed, the Empress’ room, so he followed them. He was cautious in his movement until they reached the door at which point he challenged the figure. The fight that followed was rough to say the least.
Alex was only armed with a blunted sword for training purposes, and the figure had a regular sword for assassination purposes. At one point he got between the man and the door to the room and had planned to hold out until help arrived. His plans changed when he was literally kicked through the door. Alex was now inside the Empress’ chambers with an enemy entering as well. He realized that he was now the only wall between the assassin and his Empress. Rather than feeling fear, he felt a terrifying calm as if his mind had come to a conclusion. This fight’s end result had to include only two things: the Empress’ survival and the assassin’s death. Alex’s life meant nothing in this moment, and that gave him the calm he needed to fight and win. Alex suffered several cuts before he struck the man’s sword arm with his blade, shattering the bones inside his unprotected arm. With the man’s weapon disabled, Alex proceeded to bludgeon the man to death. Each strike was aimed at bones to shatter, and each broken bone robbed the man of his strength and balance. Alex finished the man off by calming walking up to him and snapping his neck. It was only after the fight that Alex realized he was being watched by not only his superiors, but the young Empress herself. He was chosen for the Companions on that day, and his crush on the Empress began.
Alex’s training after that took a whole new turn as they learned his potential for magic, and his dedication to the Empress. Every grueling exercise and lesson he tackled with all his might. He pushed his body to near breaking, but his will and drive never weakened. He never hid his love for the Empress and it became something he was valued and known for. By the age of sixteen he had finished his training and joined the Companions on the day of the Empress’ coronation. Since that day, he has spent his time guarding the Empress and routing out anything that threatens her. He does take some time to himself when he feels he can.

Turn Ons: Rape, public sex, domination, furry, and Case to Case
Turn Offs: Vore, Gore, Scat, Neotorare, Femdom and Necrophilia

The streets of the great city of Sharinar, the Imperial Capital, was almost quite crowded, even if it was night. Then again, this was not the most savory district of the city.
Drunks stumbled down the paved road, thugs lurked in the alleyways between houses, and stray cats and dogs chased after each other.
However, this background was not important, as two cloaked figures approached the door to an inn.
"Sure this is the right place?" The shorter of the two figures asked the taller one, with a feminine voice, as she looked at the sign advertising the establishment. "The Singing Siren, huh?" She muttered, placing a hand on the hilt of her sword concealed by her cape, the pommel sculptured in the form of the twin heads of a phoenix and a dragon, symbolizing their order and the empress they served. Then, she turned her head to look at her companion "What do you think Alex?"
The woman was Yue, a member of the illustrious Celestial Dragon Guard, the bodyguard of the Imperial Family, and agents of their will. And these two were Companions, direct followers of the Empress herself.
They were here to meet with a contact that would give them information of a possible conspiracy against the Empress, and from there they would decide what to do.
"This place doesn't seem to be very upstanding, so be prepared for a fight, alright?"

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Empress Argentia
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Empress-Mother Fuyian
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 11:33 pm
by Reaperbones
Alex looked at the area around and then at the inn. Yue spoke and Alex chuckled at her observation. He spoke as he gestured to the inn. "Come on Yue, it's gorgeous. Great place to take a girl and charm her with dinner with the roaches and then bed her on a dirty mattress. Romantically perfect."
Alex placed his own hand on his own sword and spoke. "I'm always ready. Stay behind me and if a fight breaks out cover my back. You know, the usual evening exercise."
Alex reached for the door hand with his free hand. He opened it while stepping in ahead of Yue. He tried to use his height and size to make her less noticable to anybody inside.

Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 11:45 pm
by Earthling
Yue smirked back at him, nudging him a little with her elbow at his joke. But her smile faded instantly and was replaced with a serious and neutral expression immediately as he started talking work again, and she nodded, following him closely behind as they entered the inn.
And they barely caught a glance, apparently mysterious hooded figures were a common occurrence here.
Scanning the main room, they could see three gruff figures at the bar, a few more by the tables... And in the corner a small figure, nervous, and seemingly trying to make themselves invisible. Something made significantly harder by the massive man standing beside them with a greatsword slung over his shoulder eyeing the newcomers cautiously.

Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 11:54 pm
by Reaperbones
Alex whispered to Yue after he examined the people in the room. "Ten gold says the three at the bar will try to jump is after we leave."
Alex headed for the corner with the nervous figure and large mane with a sword. He kept an eye out for movement as he passed people. While he didn't want to kill everyone in this room, he was prepared to. Once they got to the table he spoke. "You look nervous sir. I suggest if you're trying to avoid being looked at, you not look like you have a reason to hide. You who we're looking for?"

Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 12:21 am
by Earthling
The figured hesitated before looking at their bodyguard, and then back to the two, and upon closer inspection, the figure, who was themselves also hooded, seemed to be a girl as well, and a familiar one at that. "A-Are you of the Dragon Guard... Or Magistrates?" She stammered forth, shifting her position in nervousness and uncomfortability "I-I have the letters proving a conspiracy against the well being of our Empress, but before I give them to you-you need to prove you are legitimate. If you try to take them, my champion will make sure you are in the hurt!"
It was then Alex would recognize her as Princess Alanya, fifth daughter of King Crasu that had come visit in order to personally deliver his tribute to the Empress. Probably just to suck up to her and try to earn her favour

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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 1:04 am
by Reaperbones
Alex felt rage fill him at the stupidity of the princess. There were so many things wrong with her approach, but he complied with proving who they were. He showed her the sword handle that proved his position and sat down to speak. "Alright here is how this is going to go. You're going to get up as me and Yue do and follow us out. You will stay in the middle of us three for safety. Before you try to argue, I want you to consider the backlash if a princess disappears in the capital only to be found monthes laters as a raped, brutalized, and half rotted corpse. You're going to follow us to the Grand Palace where you'll be placed under Dragon Guard protection as we investigate this incident. Yue you ready for a really bad escort mission?"
Alex knew that somebody in the bar had already identified the princess as an easy target. She was too easy to spot and too nervous to hide that weakness. Her champion was a flimsy wall compared to the army of thugs that prowled the streets here.

Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 1:38 am
by Earthling
The young, and frankly terrified princess nodded and stood up, ready to follow them "I-I understand. Shall I give you the papers now?"
Yue nodded, suppressing an unprofessional sigh as she reached out her hand, and let the young lady hand over the letters, and once she had them Yue tucked them securely in under her padded jacket "Alright, let's go. Do you have a chariot or some other transport?" However, before she could answer the champion interjected "We have a couple of horses in the stables. Had to sneak out of the estate as quickly as possible when the Honored Princess wasn't being watched." his voice was gruff, hoarse from having been shouting for years, that of a military man, maybe of the legions.
Then suddenly from the stairs leading up to the bedrooms descended five more men, each one wearing padded jackets, or thick leather, and with swords at their hips. "Well well well! Seems our employer was right, and some Guards actually did show up! Surrender, hand over the letters, and come with us, and we won't have to mess up this nice little establishment!"
The three men at the bar had risen from their seats to block the exit

Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 1:44 am
by Reaperbones
Alex was getting up as Yue and the Princess had their exchange. He turned to the champion as the man spoke. At least he sounded intelligent. The noise of people arriving drew Alex's attention. He ignored the five men on the stairs as the three from the bar ran to the door. He spoke as he placed a hand on his sword. "Does them jumping us before we leave invalidate the bet?"
Alex felt the calm take over as he drew his blade in preparation for combat. He spoke as he looked at the leader. "Surrender now and we won't have to splatter you all across the room."

Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 1:27 pm
by Earthling
"Hah, nah." Yue smirked as she drew her own sword as well, facing the five that has come down the stairs. The champion however stepped in front of the guardswoman and drew his massive blade and grunted to the two Dragons "Go for the door and protect the princess, I can hold them off our back."
The princess herself cowered behind the three warriors as the ruffian leader grunted, he and his men drawing their weapons. "Not gonna happen."

Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 6:25 pm
by Reaperbones
Alex smiled when Yue confirmed the bet was still valid. He heard the Champion speak and shook his head. He spoke as gripped the back of the chair. "Better plan, split them three three two. I've got the door Yue back up the Champion and guard the Princess. We leave together. Attack!"
Alex ran at the men at the door while gripping the back of the chair. He pulled it off the ground as he ran and when he was only about five feet from the men, he threw it at the center one. He had his blade at the ready in case they came in for a counter attack.

Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 6:46 pm
by Earthling
The ruffian did not expect to be smashed over the head by a chair so suddenly and he buckled under it's weight, the other ones quickly retaliated though, lashing at him with their curved blades, though he managed to deflect them both.

Behind him the champion began swinging his greatsword in wide sweeping arcs to keep the ruffians at a distance, driving them back up against the stairs as Yue covered the princess, slowly moving towards the door

Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 6:50 pm
by Reaperbones
Alex focused on the two remaining thugs are the door and contemplated how to handle them. He knew he could defend against them easily, but he didn't want to wait for somebody else to join the fray. He made a mental decision and shifted his stance to one focused on dodging rather than blocking. He would wait for an opportunity to parry and gut one or both of them.

Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 8:16 pm
by Earthling
And that oppurtunity would come soon. The thugs were adept, but unrefined and untrained, not close to the level of a Guardsman and soon he managed to plunge his blade deep into the gut of the foe, and the other one, clearly having underestimated the effort of the job starts to try turn tail and run. Leaving the path to the door open

Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 9:34 pm
by Reaperbones
Alex watched the second one fall and chuckled. Thugs we're little more than target practice, and the third one volunteered to be ranged target practice when he turned to run. Alex quickly chanted a lightning spell and aimed for the man's head. Once he was finished with him he'd stab the one that was on the ground to ensure his death and yelled to the others. "I do hope you two are done, I'd like to leave now."

Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 11:17 pm
by Earthling
The escaping criminal collapsed onto the floor, twitching, electric sparks coursing around his body as his brain was fried.
The bandits by the stairs meanwhile had fallen to the reach of the greatsword and the single approach the stairs afforded them. "All done!" the champion nodded, as did Yue who was covering the princess's eyes as to keep her from seeing the bloody scene "We are ready to go!"

Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 11:54 pm
by Reaperbones
Alex leaned down and grabbed one of the swords off the dead body beneath him. He spoke as he tested it's weight. "So, supposing this is an organized attack we may have more waiting outside, or it could be empty. We could try to be stealthy as we exit or we could be flamboyant as fuck so everyone knows that they're picking a fight with the Guard. Your choice guys, I'm always down to fight my way out of a bad situation, but we could make it worse by not trying to hide who we are."

Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:07 am
by Earthling
"We should hurry to the stables and get the horses. Need to get to the palace as quickly as possible." Yue muttered as she guided the princess up beside Alex, the Champion joining them as well

Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:13 am
by Reaperbones
Alex nodded to Yue and spoke. "Alright me and mister champion here are going to go first. Yue you follow behind with the princess, and yell if anybody finds you. Stay within our eye-sight but try to stay out of anybody else's. Mister champion, go ahead and take the cloak off, we're going to need all eyes on us."
Alex pulled his cloak off revealing his armor which also had his emblem as a Dragon Guard. He didn't want the excess fabric to get in his way in case there were more fights. He kicked the bodies out of the way and threw open the doors. He spoke as he cautiously stepped outside. "Alright lead the way."

Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:23 am
by Earthling
The Champion nodded and unclasped the cloak, unveiling the coat of plates underneath and stepped up to the door, before bashing it open with a kick and rushing out. However, the streets outside seemed to be empty... When suddenly a cross bow bolt embedded itself in the doorway next to the large man. "This way!" he called out, raising his cloak to act as a shield against the projectiles as he ran towards the stables a block away

Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:27 am
by Reaperbones
Alex used magic to summon up a shield against the projectiles as he exited the building himself. He would need to figure out where all the marksmen were before Yue could leave the building safely. Hopefully it was just the one guy, but if there were more then he'd have to figure out a better way to kill them than magic. Alex examined the area as he left keeping the shield focused towards the direction the bolt came from.