Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Joy's Inventory
CHA Roll: 18 + 3 = 21(Great result!)
Devin sighs at your question about trading in the next town, tilting his head down as she leans against the short wall like railing of the roof, staring down at the ground. "Well... I can never be truly sure, but I've been doing this route for a long time. Before people started getting turned into animal folks even. Since then the anthros have sort of been dispersing around bit by bit with time. Most places down here have a few at least, and the closer we get to Orlando the more they'll be.", He says. He glances your way a moment later and gives you a small smile a second later. "Unless something drastic has changed however I think out odds are good. All the new transformed people certainly have been a point of contention and have all sorts of folks on edge, but most folks can't argue with good trading. Or clean water! And luckily I have a lot of it, and still do thanks to you. I definitely think you've earned a bit of a bonus, situation not withstanding."
Well that's a good deal!
Over the next couple hours you and Devin talk, and though there is certainly some undercurrent of sexual tension given your sparsely dressed states, the cool air and civil conversation does a lot to quell your roaring libidos. You talk of a random range of subjects, such as past adventures and how you got to where you are, or simply amusing stories from your past and things you had learned. In the end you seem to forge a decent connection with Devin, and though his trading enterprise probably won't see him join you on your adventures, you'd have a decent ally, some likely work as a guard, and maybe some access at some preferential deals when trading with him. It never hurt to make some friends after all!
As the time stretches on the stray rays of light soon become a proper sunrise, and as if like clock work all the moaning and squealing you hear of the orgy below soon fade away until the environment is quiet beyond the sound of the wind and your conversation with Devin. It seems like everyone hopefully had it worked out of their system, and had finally fallen asleep. "Seems like it'll probably be a late start this morning... but oh well. Yesterday was exhausting, emotionally if not physically. I'll let them rest until the mid morning, then we'll make out hopefully by noon. In the meantime, I'm going to go check my brahmin and wares. See you soon Joy.", Devin says, then turns and heads away, soon disappearing back into the fire hall.
Now was a decent opportunity to check on anyone or anything you might like to check on. Otherwise best to check your gear and get ready to set out in a few hours.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
CHA Roll: 18 + 3 = 21(Great result!)
Devin sighs at your question about trading in the next town, tilting his head down as she leans against the short wall like railing of the roof, staring down at the ground. "Well... I can never be truly sure, but I've been doing this route for a long time. Before people started getting turned into animal folks even. Since then the anthros have sort of been dispersing around bit by bit with time. Most places down here have a few at least, and the closer we get to Orlando the more they'll be.", He says. He glances your way a moment later and gives you a small smile a second later. "Unless something drastic has changed however I think out odds are good. All the new transformed people certainly have been a point of contention and have all sorts of folks on edge, but most folks can't argue with good trading. Or clean water! And luckily I have a lot of it, and still do thanks to you. I definitely think you've earned a bit of a bonus, situation not withstanding."
Well that's a good deal!
Over the next couple hours you and Devin talk, and though there is certainly some undercurrent of sexual tension given your sparsely dressed states, the cool air and civil conversation does a lot to quell your roaring libidos. You talk of a random range of subjects, such as past adventures and how you got to where you are, or simply amusing stories from your past and things you had learned. In the end you seem to forge a decent connection with Devin, and though his trading enterprise probably won't see him join you on your adventures, you'd have a decent ally, some likely work as a guard, and maybe some access at some preferential deals when trading with him. It never hurt to make some friends after all!
As the time stretches on the stray rays of light soon become a proper sunrise, and as if like clock work all the moaning and squealing you hear of the orgy below soon fade away until the environment is quiet beyond the sound of the wind and your conversation with Devin. It seems like everyone hopefully had it worked out of their system, and had finally fallen asleep. "Seems like it'll probably be a late start this morning... but oh well. Yesterday was exhausting, emotionally if not physically. I'll let them rest until the mid morning, then we'll make out hopefully by noon. In the meantime, I'm going to go check my brahmin and wares. See you soon Joy.", Devin says, then turns and heads away, soon disappearing back into the fire hall.
Now was a decent opportunity to check on anyone or anything you might like to check on. Otherwise best to check your gear and get ready to set out in a few hours.