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Citizen of Leyawiin {Hazard1325}

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 9:27 pm
by Zediah
Map of Cyrodiil
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Map of Leyawiin
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Lore: Renrijra Krin
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The Empire has fallen on hard times. After the Oblivion Crisis, the authority of the Dragon Emperor had been destroyed. Under the reign of a deeply divided Elder Council, seditious feeling has spread throughout the Empire. In Skyrim, there are the beginnings of a great power struggle. In the Sommerset Isles, a new faction opposed to the Empire is gaining power. In Morrowind, many of the Great Houses openly speak against Imperial presence.

In Leyawiin, a place that has faced societal and political tension since its charter, tensions have risen to a boiling point. The hard-handed reign of Count Marius Caro and Countess Alessia Caro has spawned against itself a great discontent in the city from a number of elements. From discontent would eventually come open revolt.

Hurried footfalls and excited voices filled the streets last night. Louder sounds would occasionally echo from far away: the sound of metal striking metal, screams. All that you know for sure is that the streets were not safe.

But now the night has been still for some time and the sun rises. You begin to hear cautious voices emerging from homes. You clothe yourself in your daily attire and open the front door. On a the street, a steady stream of people is moving to the east of town. As you look to the crier's post, you see a new flier: "Long Live Free Leyawiin," it reads in red lettering. Below it is a notice, an execution to be held before the castle wall. A few people stand in a group nearby talking with serious deliberation.

Re: Citizen of Leyawiin {Hazard1325}

PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 1:45 am
by Hazard1325
Character sheet
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Name: Lysra
Race: Imperial
Sex: Female
Appearance: Image
Profession/Class (within reason, your choice): Knight
Bio: Born and raised in Kvatch Lysra was the daughter to the captain of the guard. Ideally she would have grown up to possibly wed into a noble family, however the Deadra had other plans. Shortly after her 20th birthday Kvatch found itself under siege by the hoards of Deadra flooding forth from the oblivion gate. Abandoning her old life she was forced to take up arms and help defend the few survivors trapped within the town. Eventually the Champion of Cyrodiil came and liberated the town by sealing the portal. While she never had a chance to meet him his actions had inspired her. She gave up her old life and devoted herself to writing the wrongs in the Empire and defending those beset by the evils in this world. Her travels took her to Leyawiin eventually and she saw the populace begin to fracture. The conflict divided her, on one hand she believed in a strong Empire but at the same time she respected the rights of all the races. Unsure which direction she will go in the coming conflict Lysra will attempt to do whats right in her eyes and see that another town is not reduced to ash like her home.

STR 16
INT 10
CHA 14

Kinks: Non-Consent, Bestiality, Blackmail, Groups, Restraints, Humiliation
Turn-offs: Scat, Watersports

Lysra awoke in the middle of the night to hear the sounds of battle from far off in the distance. She glanced to her set of platemail and her sword tucked away in the corner of her small room but for whatever reason she remained there by the window looking out into the streets all night. She went back to bed and tried to rest, confident things would work itself out. She had already caused enough trouble over the last few weeks clashing with the local guard over manners of honor... they probably would just order her back to her room anyway.

In the morning she put her commoners garb on, consisting of regular linen pants and shirt and some rough leather shoes. She left her armor but took her sword as she always did out into the streets with her. She moved towards the crowd and raised a brow at the new sign. She looked around at the various people chattering and moved towards the closest in the crowd. "Excuse me? Whats all this about some sort of execution?" She hoped they hadn't caught another group of Khajiit trying to burglarize a property. She thought they had a harsh enough life as it is without being killed for simple crimes.

Re: Citizen of Leyawiin {Hazard1325}

PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 5:13 am
by Zediah
The group of three conversing by the roadside are the three Imperials. When Lysra poses her question, the three look at her gravely.

The man standing to Lysra's right speaks, his brow furrowed. "Stranger, they are executing the County."

The first man looks to the man on Lysra's left, who then speaks. "An armed faction overran the guard last night and made the castle. The Count and Countess and all their host were taken. A lot of people are dead."

The women between speaks up. "A lot of people were stabbed in the streets!" The others avert their gazes and sigh.

The first man speaks again. "They are going to execute the count and countess outside the gate of the castle. None of us know when. We assume soon."

The woman touches a hand to her own brow and looks toward the ground. "It feels like a bad dream. It's all so unreal."

Re: Citizen of Leyawiin {Hazard1325}

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 2:10 am
by Hazard1325
Lysra glances between the two of them with a frown. Someone's replaced the guard and toppled the local rulers? This was bad news. She had been hoping the local populace would eventually burn itself out and submit to proper authority but it seemed like there was just to much civil unrest. "Does this faction have a name, any leaders or representatives?" She asked considering speaking to them to appeal for the count. Surely they could see there was no reason to kill a man and his family just to prove a point. She thought rather naively.

Re: Citizen of Leyawiin {Hazard1325}

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 7:34 am
by Zediah
"Does this faction have a name, any leaders or representatives?"

The two look at each other silently. One turns his head to Lysra.


He then looks away. The two refuse to elaborate for some time, proceeding only at Lysra's insistence and with clear reluctance.

"Yes. They are called the Renrijra Krin. They have been a presence in County Leyawiin for years, almost since the annexation. Probably since before. Some are thugs, murderers on the highways. Some are idealists, shedding blood for their beliefs. Some are Khajiit freedom fighters, killing for independence. Now they all own the castle, they and the rest of those who rose last night.
"It has been a long time coming. A great many people have died in County Leyawiin, stranger. Not just last night, either, and not just today, but for a very, very long time. You should be careful with whom you broach the subject of politics. Ask someone else if you would like to know more. There are very many more eager mouths heading toward the Castle to see the execution."

The woman raises a cry once again.

"Devils! Defilers! Rebels!"

The group turns away from Lysra. It looks as if they will speak no more.

The trickle of people heading toward the Castle continues. You hear chapel bells ring.

Re: Citizen of Leyawiin {Hazard1325}

PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 1:50 am
by Hazard1325
Lysra nodded her thanks to the two commoners before following the crowds towards the castle looking to where the guards should have been expecting to instead see Khajiit. If there was no form of law inside the city things might get out of hand rather quickly... either way she approached what she assumed would be the stage set for the counts execution. She hoped the citizens would rally against such butchery but if her voice would be the only voice of reason, so be it.