An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

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An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby Soru » Fri Jan 30, 2015 3:35 am

The sun rose from over the Johto Region as the new day started, waking the inhabitants of the region to start their day. In the Ilex Forest the sun light shone through the tree tops and onto the face of an Eevee anthro who was currently sleeping in a nest she had made for herself.
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby DemonsLust » Sat Jan 31, 2015 7:17 am

Kita sighed deeply, trying to ignore the light of the rising sun, only to fail to do so and give up on any efforts of doing so. She sat up slowly and stretched before pushing herself to stand upright, taking a moment to enjoy the crispness of the morning, though still keeping her back to the intrusive light. With one last stretch, she started off to find some breakfast.
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby Soru » Sat Jan 31, 2015 7:19 am

Kita heads to her usual berry grove for some breakfast. The place was full of berries so there was always plenty for her to eat. As she enjoys some berries she could hear voices and other noise coming from the nearby forest road. It was probably those humans with their Pokémon partners battling again.
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby DemonsLust » Sat Jan 31, 2015 1:15 pm

Kita ate a few more berries and grabbed a few, going down towards the road. She kept low so as to hopefully not get spotted. She ended up sitting in a patch of bushes to watch the commotion the humans and their Pokémon were causing, all the while munching on the berries she'd brought with her.
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby Soru » Sat Jan 31, 2015 9:44 pm

Finding a bush to hide behind near the road she was able to watch the commotion she heard. Is appeared to be a what she thought it was as she saw two humans standing away from each other giving orders to their Pokémon. There was a weak looking Rattata and a much stronger looking Buizel, the Buizel having a scar over his left eye.

"Alright Rattata, use Quick Attack!" The younger trainer shouted. The Rattata obeyed and charge at the Buizel at a fast speed. The Buizel just stood there with his arms crossed and eyes narrowed. "Jet, Ice Punch." The Buizel named Jet waited until the Rattata was right in front of him before his arm lashed out in a blink of an eye and hit the Rattata with a powerful punch. The smaller Pokémon was knocked out instantly from the single attack. After returning his Pokémon to its PokeBall the younger trainer left in defeat while the victorious trainer patted his Buizel on the head. As they began to leave, the Buizel turned towards the exact bush Kita was hiding behind. "What's wrong, Jet?" The trainer follows the Buizel's gaze towards Kita.
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby DemonsLust » Sun Feb 01, 2015 4:57 am

Kita stars back at the two, her curious nature keeping her from running away like most Pokémon would. That, and she was still a bit stunned by what she'd just seen. It had been the first time seeing a battle, or part of one, with humans and Pokémon cooperating.
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby Soru » Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:26 am

The Buizel takes a couple steps towards Kita's location and narrows his eyes. He holds out a paw and a sphere of water begins to form over his paw. "Whoever's there, you got five seconds to either come out or run before I blast you." He says sternly towards Kita's hiding place. "What are you doing, Jet? Is there something there?" The trainer looks at his Pokémon confused.
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby DemonsLust » Sun Feb 01, 2015 4:42 pm

Kita slowly poked her head out of the top of her hiding place, so only her eyes were visible. For a moment she contemplated running, but instead, slowly stood up straight, revealing herself to them, though not saying a word. In all she stood at about 5ft tall, her stance showed no bit of nervousness though her ears and tail hung straight down. She only moved enough so that she was out of the bushes and fully visible to them, still remaining quiet for the time being.
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby Soru » Sun Feb 01, 2015 9:45 pm

The trainer's eyes widen when he sees the anthro Eevee while the Buizel kept his eyes narrowed. He slowly lowers his paw as the sphere of water disappears, but he keeps his guard up. "Is that an anthro?" The trainer takes out some kind of device and starts to press things on it. "Hmm...Anthros are very rare." He grins and looks at his Buizel. "Let's try to catch it, Jet! We've never seen a wild anthro before!"
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby DemonsLust » Mon Feb 02, 2015 5:43 am

Her tail curled and she stepped towards the, fur slightly bristled as she readied herself to dodge any possible attack from the Buizel. Shed seen what it could do and was cautious of them both. Her tail swayed easily from side to side as she kept her eyes on them.
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby Soru » Mon Feb 02, 2015 5:56 am

"If I were I would surrender now." The Buizel Jet said sternly as she stepped forward. For a Buizel, Kita could tell he was very strong. "It will be easier on yourself." His trainer takes out a red and white ball which Kita recognized as the object humans used to catch Pokémon. "Alright Jet, Water Pulse!" The Buizel forms a sphere of water in his paw again before launching it at Kita.
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby DemonsLust » Tue Feb 03, 2015 1:57 am

Kita jumped to the side, barely dodging the attack. She took a split second to stable herself before running at Jet only to jump over him.
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby Soru » Tue Feb 03, 2015 2:12 am

As Kita jumped over Jet she felt one of his paws grab her ankle while she was in midair. "Too slow." He pulls her down and slams her on the ground hard.

"Good job Jet! Now use Ice Punch!" Jet reels his paw back as it begins to glow light blue. Almost like a bullet his paw launches forward at Kita.
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby DemonsLust » Tue Feb 03, 2015 5:16 am

She was barely able to twist herself out of the way of the attack, though he did manage to catch her slightly. She tried to scramble to get up, but ended up stumbling and back on her knees. She hadn't wanted to fight in the first place, but she had to do something.... Despite herself and her position, she pulled herself together and held a paw out towards him, a sphere of dark energy forming and growing before she sent the Shadow Ball flying towards them.
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby Soru » Tue Feb 03, 2015 5:26 am

The attack managed to knick her side, causing some ice to form where he managed to get her.

"Jet, counter with Water Pulse!" The trainer commanded. Jet forms a sphere of water in his paws again before launching it at the Shadow Ball. Both attacks collide and cancel each other out, forcing all three of them back a bit.
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby DemonsLust » Tue Feb 03, 2015 5:36 am

Kita was up on her feet by the time the dust and smoke settled, leaning back against a tree. She had her paw held out, another ball of dark energy forming. "Must you fight me." With her free paw she was clawing at the ice on her side. She stopped, pushing the Shadow Ball at them, immediately using iron tail on it to send it at them with more speed and force.
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby Soru » Tue Feb 03, 2015 5:42 am

"As long as my trainer tell me to, then yes." The Buizel says as he gets ready to attack again.

The trainer sees the Shadow Ball coming at them. "We can play that game as well. Jet, use Water Pulse and Aqua Tail!" Jet nods and throws a Water Sphere again before launching it forward with his twin tails cloaked in a torrent of water. The attacks collide again, making an even bigger explosion. "Now Aqua Jet!" Before the smoke could clear the Buizel covered in a torrent of water came speeding though the smoke and right at Kita.
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby DemonsLust » Tue Feb 03, 2015 5:48 am

The attack hit her hard, causing the Eevee to collapse, the wind having been knocked right out of her. She sat on her hands and knees, fur dripping wet as she tried to regain her breath. It was to much for her to try attacking again.
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby Soru » Tue Feb 03, 2015 5:53 am

"Good job, Jet! Now let's catch it!" The trainer throws a PokeBall at Kita. She gets sucked inside the PokeBall and everything seemed to go black as she passed out. The next thing she knows she's sitting on the soft ground and notices it was almost night out now. She could see the human standing near a fire smiling at her. "Welcome to the team, Eevee."
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Re: An Eevee's Travels (DemonLust)

Postby DemonsLust » Tue Feb 03, 2015 5:59 am

Kita stared up at him for a second but didn't bother to make a response of any kind. The fire was warm and a comfort to her, in her current state of confusion. She wasn't even sure that she cared where she was, only that the whole day had passed without her knowing. It made her feel insecure and she only curled her tail around herself to get some sort of comfort. It was strange to her.
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